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Everything posted by sharky

  1. He's a Deaf Comedy Cat
  2. LOL! Robot Jox. "I'm gonna get in this thing, and I'm gonna KICK YOUR A$$!"
  3. I get the nastolgic factor, but this new Megahouse sculpt even with its flaws looks way nicer than the old Takatoku toy. I'll take a smaller much nicer looking toy over a larger chunky monkey toy.
  4. At a $60 price point I'm totally getting this. With nothing else in the forseeable future for a TV version SDF-1 I'm not passing on this.
  5. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    You're not allowed to post anymore until you've watched Blade Runner. I think it's a rule on MW.
  6. ...or un Gungan perhaps
  7. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    I'll take a large, blue, strawberry flavored Meltran, thanks.
  8. sharky

    Macross figures

    C'mon, you can't seriously say that the old Matchbox figures are better. They're even worse. Much, much, worse.
  9. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Now I'm thinking how Hasbro put out some smaller scale figures for Guardians of the Galaxy and probably other stuff. I wonder if they'll fit in the Regult? I personally don't have any of those figures.
  10. Went ahead and order it. Even though I feel I'm double dipping I know I'll regret not having it later on when it is eventually OOP.
  11. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Well, I started to order with AmiAmi, but the page kept hanging at the final step. I went ahead and orderd with HLJ without any glitch. I hit the back/return button at AmiAmi, and I have yet to see any pre-order confirmation e-mail or anything in my account listing. I really only want 1 in any case, so I'm kind of hoping the AmiAmi order didn't go through.
  12. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Isn't the Roy VF-1S some kind of shop exclusive? My point is, it will only be available to mere mortals(people outside of Japan) via websites like Nippon Yasan. Do they usually carry some stock beyond what is preordered?
  13. Don't try to bring Macross II into Macross cannon. That's impossible. Instead try to realize the truth. There is no Macross II.
  14. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Ugh! That's 2am est. I'm debating whether to stay up late or go to bed extra early and get up super early and hope I can still pre-order around 5am est. Decisions, decisions?
  15. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah, I really hesitate to make any kind of comment anymore on YouTube. I can't just make a neutral comment or maybe some silly joke or something without some jackass chiming in and replying 5 months later with some useless remark. Regarding this particular review I would never knock anyone for having an accent or not speaking clearly when it's obvious English is not their first langauge. GIve the guy some slack for crying out loud.
  16. I think you win the prize for worst analogy ever. LOL! Just some good natured teasing.
  17. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    I do, everyday. Oh, you mean the destroid.
  18. This one will stay in attack mode on my shelf forever and always.
  19. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally had a chance to open my VF-1S Hikaru. Really enjoying it. Definitely more fun with the stands I got for it and the VF-1J. I was pleased with how the super parts fit on the 1S. Nice scale, and I look forward to filling up 1 or 2 shelves in my Detolf with the rest of the HMR line.
  20. In my mind it's like getting a Han shot first blu-ray release. Totally worth it, but at the same time bittersweet since they never should have censored in the first place.
  21. Collect the HMR if it suits your budget and you want more of your favorites. However keep the 1/60 valks that you already have. An HMR can't touch a 1/60th in design. You will miss them.
  22. sharky

    Absolute Chogokin

    Finally got my private warehouse stuff shipped from HLJ. Kind of a neat little piece to put on a small shelf, or maybe use it as a Monopoly piece. Actually, I found myself more interested in the magazine over the figure.
  23. Don't laugh at me. I just now, today, got a PS3. Obviously, I'm not much into gaming anymore. But, I figured I can get a decent used PS3 now that the PS4 is out. I suppose it's too late to redeem the old DYRL side scoll game that the box set came with. I set up my Japanese account, and I entered the code, but no such luck. I'm assuming it's telling me the code is no longer valid or something, but since I can't read Japanese don't really know what it's telling. I tried redeeming under my user account settings, and I tried in the PSN store as well. I knew it was a long shot, but I had to try. Actually, I still have the physical PS1 game that I purchased years ago, but it wouldn't play on my US PS3.
  24. I also assumed it was for realism for the reason you mentioned when I first watched it way back in the 80s.
  25. Lol! Have you ever watched an entire Macros series or any movie all the way through? I think just about every Macross show or movie has fan service worse than a panty shot. And, as was pointed out, it has it's fair share of panty shots.
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