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Everything posted by sharky

  1. http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-a7-49-...-29pj-43-9.html I was able to order it here. It has a pic of the contents although not much on the description. It seems shipping is cheaper than cdjapan. Play-asia.com is based out of Hong Kong it would appear. I got my shipping notice today. With the holiday season it will probably get here after New Years. Question: Is this an HD-DVD or just a standard region 2 DVD?
  2. Max's exhaustive search for a cool nickname was what eventually lead him to dye his hair blue. Blue Max once experimented with yellow, but people started calling him Yellow Max and that just doesn't sound tough enough for a fighter pilot. He then switched to green, but Green Max was not fitting for an experiened ace pilot. He tried leaving it black, but Black Max sounded a little to much like a bug spray. Finally, someone suggested the color blue to him to match his uncanny ability to interject a conversation at the wrong time with off-color jokes. Thus, Blue Max was born.
  3. I did a search on this forum and found a thread that explains that the black bags are for weight correction. The thread mentioned that the writing on the bag stated this.
  4. More like a marvelous head of hair. He's dreamy
  5. Wow! I've never had the pleasure of watching a Macross song being performed live like that. It was kind of strange to not see it performed as an anime, and it made me apprieciate all the hard work that must have gone into producing the song and the entire work of anime for that matter. It just goes to show that a good quality piece of work will stand the test of time. Doesn't matter what the subject matter is.
  6. Just chiming in as I opened a case of the 002 series. Only some boxes contain a fully transformable valk. Most boxes contain parts for only for one particular pose, be it gerwalk, battroid, or fighter. It sounds like some of yours may indeed be missing pieces, or they could be the variety that are not fully variable. On a similar topic, I have a question regarding K&M series 002. I opened a case of 10 boxes and 2 of the boxes had a sealed black bag with Japapense writing on them along with a figure. The bags contained what appears to be scrap parts in odd colors. Some parts look like heads and other components of a valk, while still most of the others seem to be just scrap crumbled pieces of plastic. One of the bags was included with an armored vf-1j and another was with a red vf-1j fighter. None of the other boxes had this bag of scrap parts. What is this all about?
  7. sharky

    More Cms Figures

    Since we're on the subject of CMS toys, what's the ratio of chase cockpits to the rest of the set. Do they come 1 to a case? And, how many in a case? I recently bought a large box with 10 individual boxes inside. I thought a chase cockpit would be in there, but sadly it was not.
  8. sharky

    Banpresto Valks

    Probably because people would realize how craptacular they really are. When I get a chance I will pull mine out of the closet and snap a few pics and post them here.
  9. sharky

    Banpresto Valks

    Oops, sorry I thought you were talking about these
  10. sharky

    Banpresto Valks

    A couple of bucks, sure. Though they are not that great of a toy. They are rather cheaply constructed and the joints are not very good. But for a few bucks they are worth having to just to open and transform them. And, you don't have to worry if they break or get damaged.
  11. "Yeah, just look at him. His whole head sucks! Heh, heh, heh,..." (in my best Butthead impersonation)
  12. Yeah, sorry I always forget their Macross(real) names, so I fall back on their Robocrap names. I just recently have started to become interested again after taking a break for a few years. It's gonna take me awhile to remember everything. At least now I can pull out my DVD collection and watch them all over again with a fresher perspective.
  13. Don't forget Ben's death in DYRL. Poor bastard never saw it coming, and didn't even get a shot off. Those kinds of deaths always get to me because you at least want to see them get a fighting chance.
  14. I'm curious to know who first came up with the DYRL? is a movie within a TV series idea in the first place. It seems to have spawned a lot of controversy over the years. Personally I would not have thought of that idea on my own. Rather, when I first saw DYRL? I accepted the changes as the creators' taking their creative license to make things more slick and IMHO better for the big screen. I would think that they would have wanted to take the opportunity to refine certain things to give the fans something new and better. Sort of like the way George Lucas wanted to enhance the Star Wars movies. Don't really want to start a debate. Just curious as to the orgins of the idea.
  15. Remeber the VF-1 was designed for space flight as well as atmospheric flight. There are thrusters located all over the valkyrie, as can be seen throughout the space flight scenes in DYRL. I assume most are not powerfull enough to lift the valk off the ground as they would be designed for manuevering in space, but I suppose they could have designed the thrusters underneath it to be powerfull enough to lift it off of the ground enough for the leg/main engine thrusters to fold forward in a gerwalk mode. Given the advanced technology of the time it would not be beyond the relm of impossiblity.
  16. To much crotch piloting can lead to blindness
  17. Here's mine latitude 33.155992193668 longitude -96.8532845440747
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