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Everything posted by sharky

  1. Referring to Ranka "This little girl survived being kidnapped by the Vajra with no weapons and no training." "Why don't you put her in charge!?"
  2. Yeah, regardless if the bridge is in the way or not. Just go ram a bridge then save them. Maybe he could only save one of them, and he has to make a choice.
  3. So, Ranka and Brera are related, perhaps brother and sister. Or, at least they have a shared past. Isn't that a young Brera standing with his back to Ranka in the very beginning. Where Ranka is a small child and crying because she misses her mother. And, I assume that she is part of some sort of experiment/project involving the Vajra due to the compound eye reference in her dream. I think the love triangle does parallel Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay. I think that Alto will go for Sheryl, while Ranka will have to be give up and focus on her singing career much in the same way Minmay did. I also agree with some on this thread that you could make a case that Ranka=Guld, Sheryl=Isamu, and Alto=Myung in which case you could conclude again that Alto will end up with Sheryl. Does that mean that Ranka will die perhaps while trying to defend the Frontier fleet with her singing? Will she die to trying to save everyone? Can't wait to see the story unfold. I think Alto does want to choose Sheryl due to a few references in ep. 19. He seems to be genuinely interested in Sheryl more than Ranka because he is compelled to go back to his home to see her even though he swore never to go back. He seems to defend Ranka more out of a moral obligation and the fact that he gave his word to Ozma to protect her. I think he is jealous of Brera more out of his competitive nature and not so much because he loves Ranka. Again, every time Ranka and Alto are together it is more of a coincidence or some other necessary reason. Sheryl and Alto seem to get together because they like each other. Either Sheryl seeks out Alto, or Alto seeks out Sheryl at various times. I think he wanted Sheryl to see him do his aerial stunt to impress her. I think Sheryl and Alto where finally expressing their feelings for each other when Ranka walked in on them. Much in the same way as DYRL, perhaps Alto will need to convince Ranka to sing out of the greater good when the upcoming battle starts.
  4. That is a very nice shirt I must say. I like the colors. I guess the price comes from the fact that it's silk and a TB brand name. That's kind of the idea I was going for. I am hoping to come up with a shirt that is fairly fashionable to the point where even a non-Macross or anime fan would feel it is nice. Great reference shirt. Keep 'em coming.
  5. OK, this is more like what I originally had in mind as far as the pattern. Of course it would have Macross images instead, and I would change the color scheme to something nicer and more pleasing to the eye IMHO. Also, I would want to do full color images. Basically, I am trying to go for something that would stand alone even if it wasn't Macross themed, but it would be Macross themed of course. Something a bit subtle is what I was thinking. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detai...EY=NEOSL-13144#
  6. Actually, I do know several people, including my brother, who could do the artwork required. I also have many direct contacts in China who could assist me in sourcing the material and labor. My only concern with going overseas would be the quality. This is really a pet project that I am doing simply out of my interest in Macross, and I was trying to share something cool with the loyal MW fans and get their involvement. However, I would feel really bad if I got a bunch of people to put money into these shirts and the quality was poor. It sounds like there is a mild interest at least, but I think I will take this project offline and work on it on my own. That way I can take my time to do it right. I would still like input as to a shirt design idea that would appeal to a majority of the fans here on MW. I will ask my brother to assist in coming up with a few things for starters. Actually, he is a big Macross fan as well, and while he doesn't participate on this forum he is the one to originally hip me to anime and Macross in particular. I will come back to this thread at some point in the future to post the ideas and request some feedback. Hopefully, I can zero in on a design that most everyone could like. Then I will work on getting a source in China for the shirts. From what was ballparked on this thread for US material, I think doing it all in China would be affordable enough for me to simply fund the entire project myself. If the results are satisfactory I will offer them to the fans on MW for cost plus shipping. I would probably send one to Graham for a review. That way no one would have to put up any money until they knew exactly what they were getting. Please feel free to post more design ideas. I will collect them and present them all in a poll or something.
  7. Thanks for the input. From what is indicated on the prices, I seriously do not think that there would be enough interest on this forum to meet the minimum order qty on the fabric. We are talking about $8250 at a minimum just for the fabric. If we actually had around 1600 people who would really buy a shirt the fabric would only be around $5 per shirt. However, I think it would be a stretch to think we have even 100 people genuinely wanting a shirt. For arguments sake the material cost for each person, @ 100 shirts, would be $82.50 and each one of us would have a ton of material left over. Each person would have enough to make 16 shirts. This is all before we even talk about having a shirt made. I don't think there would be anyone wanting a shirt that bad as to put down that kind of money. We're talking Yamato kind of money, and with all the cool toys and such coming out, I think most everyone will be funneling the money into other Macross interests. Perhaps if I can source a fabric maker that can do it for considerably less qty and price we can try to make a go of it then. I will shelf the idea for now. Maybe we can plant the seed to a company that does anime themed shirts already to invest the money to get licensing and actually produce the shirts as a business venture. Edit: Lance, sounds like you are more optimistic than me. Do you feel there would be enough interest for 1600 shirts? I suppose some would want more than one. I could do a poll, but it would be best to have a ballpark price for a completed shirt and a design.
  8. All good suggestions. I imagine we should post picks of a few designs. Then I could do my first poll and see which one gets the most votes. At that point we would need to find out how many will actually want in on it. From there, I would have what I need, a design and a quantity, so I can hunt for a fabric maker and a shirt maker. Then I could report back with a price quote, and see again who will really buy it. One thing to keep in mind, I am guessing that a randomized pattern is probably the easier, and cheaper, thing to do. Again, I am just testing the waters at this point.
  9. That's not bad. I suppose if that was the look we are going for you might put a VF-1S in battriod mode, or the SDF-1. I guess it could be a choice of putting the Macross DYRL title on top, and the UN-SPACY logo, or the Skull Squadron logo where the large Decepticon logo is.
  10. Well, I was thinking a pattern with various graphics randomly mixed throughout. One could be the UN Spacy logo, perhaps a graphic of Minmay, maybe the SDF-1 in attack mode, a VF-1S, etc. Again, I'm not a graphic artist type of person, so I don't really know the possibilities of what might look cool. I was hoping someone with a talent for graphics could come up with a few variations, and we could vote on it first. I'm just testing the waters at this point to see if the interest is strong. I was simply going to do it all on my own, but I thought why not make a MW thing and share the fun. Edit: Can you post a pick of an example you had in mind as far as the Megatron or DBZ ones for reference.
  11. I was thinking it would be cool to have an Hawaiian shirt with a Macross theme. I was looking around on the web to see if I could find a place to make custom fabric. Then, I would need to find a place that can have the fabric made into shirts. Or, maybe there is a place that does it all from start to finish. It seems like it would be possible in theory, but I wonder what it would cost to do it. Would anyone be interested in working with me on a project to have shirts made. As in, lets get a head count on who would be interested in going in on this. It could help spread the cost out if we all went in together. Also, let's figure out what kind of design/pattern to make. I would be willing to do the leg work as far as sourcing a place to make fabric, getting pricing on making shirts, ordering, delivery, so on and so forth. I really have no graphic skills, so I would need assistance in getting artwork and coming up with a cool pattern. If we can get enough people to commit, perhaps it wouldn't cost so much. If I know how many people are serious about it I can work on getting a price per shirt. What do you think?
  12. sharky

    More Customs

    Those are very nice. I always dig the more realistic color schemes of the valks. I always thought it would be cool to do a sort of SDF-Macross remix where the colors were re-done to give it that sense of realism.
  13. Thanks a bunch for the scan. I guess your nephew lost out. Wouldn't it be ironic if he was a huge Macross fan.
  14. Wouldn't it be funny if Micheal suffered the same predicament of KlanKlan when he is macronized.
  15. juise, I'm not trying to pry into your personal life, but I am curious how your ex ended up with this in her basement for so many years. Was it originally yours when you were still together? With the exception of the crushed box, it is really in excellent condition and doesn't seem to show any signs of aging. It's stories like these that makes me want to search garage sales from time to time in the off chance of finding some gems. I imagine if you were not a Macross or anime fan you might not have wanted it, and it probably would have been sold in a garage sale at some point. Then you would probably have someone on MW boasting about what a lucky and awesome find they were able get.
  16. Hey juise, can you do a nice scan of the sticker sheet and instructions. It would be cool to be able to make new sticker sheets for it, or at least get the pattern to cut out new striping, etc.
  17. Anyone going to Dragon Con over the Labor Day weekend? They are supposed to have beefed up the anime track this year. I am totally looking forward to it. Ditto for Anime Weekend Atlanta.
  18. I am excited about the 1/60 v.2 Yamatos, and I am pitching a tent. But, they are two unrelated events.
  19. I doubt you will find a better price than HLJ unless someone has it on sale for some reason. It is my go to place for my Yamato toys. They are the most reasonable I have found in price and in shipping. Also, they are good because you know the stock status at all times. I believe they keep the most stock compared to most any other website. I have heard that some hobby sites actually use HLJ as their distributor. HLJ is very reliable and has excellent customer service. Just my two cents. Edit: Yeah! I'm no longer cannon fodder.
  20. You can get a Zentradi warrior here if you are interested. http://www.figurerealm.com/BrowseFigures.php (do a search for robotech) I found a figure loose on ebay a few months ago. You do need the micronized one as the regular size warrior is too big to fit. Although, the full size Zentradi warrior is a much cooler looking figure. Actually, you would need a micronized officer in battle armor, but I don't believe it exists. Technically, you do have a sealed box, but it is not a MISB. It is so badly damaged I would seriously consider opening it to make sure the battle pod itself is not broken. I think your biggest value would be to ensure the item inside is in mint condition. You would also need to make sure you have a mint sticker sheet and instructions with no tears, folds or creases. As an added bonus you would be able to offer the original box which is always a plus to any collector. I suppose it doesn't really matter in the end since you plan to keep it. IMHO the sculpt is grossly out of proportion. Think of the original Kenner toys from Star Wars. Sadly, this is really the only large toy of the officer battle pod. I own a loose Exo Squad release. I was also able to get a partially complete one at a GI-Joe convention of all places. I had to rummage through a vendors loose toys bin, find all the parts, and piece it together. The good news is he sold it to me for $1 since it was missing the top cannon and it had scuffs and marks on it. If only Yamato, or anyone for that matter, would put out a new large scale toy. Heck I wouldn't mind a Revoltech one.
  21. I would love to see another series put out, or even a new movie. If it's a movie it should be a completely new story and not a DYRL style of storytelling. Don't get me wrong I love DYRL, and I'm glad they gave the original storyline an updated and improved look. I was thinking it would be cool to do a sort of Star Trek Voyager style of series or perhaps a non-colonization style of fleet. It could be pure military vessels with a mix of UN Spacy, Zentradi, and Meltrandi ships and mecha. One thing I would like to see is a more in depth look into the workings of a Zentradi or Metrandi fleet. They could travel around as an early scouting group going to different planets and folding from this place to that place getting into adventures and trouble. Again, more like a Star Trek type of series, but with the Macross theme. Or, even a movie that takes the Flashback 2012 ideas and presents it in an actual movie or series. Sort of like the Clone Wars, which starts this Friday by the way. They could go from place to place taking on and converting the remaining Zentran and Metran fleets, and they can show the rebuilding of earth and the UN Spacy fleet.
  22. You want to know how Macross makes me feel? That's me in the background getting the massive nosebleed.
  23. By the way, I don't see the 1st issue listed anymore on HMV. I suppose it's sold out now. Only took a couple of weeks to do so it seems. Get it where you can, while you still can. They still have the binder and issue 2 in stock, and of course you can pre-order up to issue 8.
  24. If I am forced to choose only 1 then it must be the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru special with Strike Fast Pack. What can I say, I gotta get the classic hero vehicle before anything else.
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