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Everything posted by sharky

  1. You said it! Comander's hat, suspenders, and nothing more!! Oh, and I wouldn't mind macro Klan either with the same outfit.
  2. It's been about a year since it was announced. Anybody hear anything new on the progress of the live action Robotech movie? Have they casted anyone or done any pre-production CGI test shots or anything? You guys on the west coast hear anything? I hope this didn't get killed before it even got started. Wouldn't be surprised if our good buddies at HG are holding things up with negotiations. http://www.engadget.com/2007/09/09/live-ac...e-in-the-works/
  3. Lost and Found does have good prices. Thanks for the tip. It seems that they don't carry too much 1/48 stuff anymore, but they seem to carry all the latest 1/60th and what's coming. I'll be keeping my eye on them for things I want in the future.
  4. I think you can throw them in a pillowcase and jumble them around for a few minutes, and it will be transformed all by itself just from the random motion.
  5. You deal drugs for a living!!?? Just kidding
  6. Is there a schedule as to when you can reveal the pics, or have they not mentioned a date that it would be OK? That's cool that they would give you a sneak peak, but I am curious why they would let you see them, but not let you post them for anyone else to see? Is it so you can write a review, etc? I am eagerly awaiting this release as it's one of my top favorites. I missed the boat on the first one, but I'm sort of glad I did after reading of the quality issues. Keep us posted. Thanks.
  7. When did you last order from HLJ? The reason I ask is that it used to be faster for me to get stuff SAL. I live in Atlanta, and it would usually take 2 weeks to get anything shipping SAL from HLJ. Lately, it's been taking a solid 4 weeks to get to my door. Just wondering if you or anyone else has been experiencing the same thing. EMS is always very fast, but outrageously expensive. Often, EMS is the same cost or more of the item I am buying.
  8. Yeah, I always suspected Nora of being loose as well. I'm not sure if heat has anything to do with it either. Maybe she's just easy. Sorry I couldn't resist.
  9. Whoohoo! My order from HMV came in just now. Can't wait to get home to look them and put them in the binder. I noticed that HMV only charges actual shipping costs as I examined the postal documents and my invoice. There didn't seem to be any extra packing or handling fees added on to the bill. So, getting the items at cover price and paying only true shipping cost is the best I'm gonna do as far as getting these in my neck of the woods. My next wave won't be for a couple of months now. Actually, that's a good thing as it will give me a chance to put a little money aside for it.
  10. Super Dimensional Soylent Green is made out of Zentran!!!! It's Zennnntrannnn!!!!! Damn you UN Spacy! Damn you all to hell!!
  11. Just as coache says, "only through hard work and guts" can you achieve your goals.
  12. After seeing ep.20 I have to go with Guld's death by a mile. Knowing full well you are going to die and going for it without hesitation would by my definition of more manly. Guld totally went for the gusto.
  13. Why I oughta....! I hadn't seen ep 20 yet. Not that I didn't have my suspicions that he would die. I like to wait until I can get a subbed version. Spoiler alert please.
  14. Thanks. Can I assume that extra binders will be produced throughout the release of issues in the coming months? I don't want to get into a situation where binders will be sold out before the last 10 issues are released.
  15. Will they put out new binders with different art when issue 11, 21, 31, and 41, are released? Or, do we need to stock up on binders now?
  16. The instructions has some small pics on them.
  17. Today I get an e-mail from HMV saying that my order is partially complete. They have the binder and issue 2 ready to go, but they do not have issue 3 yet which should have come out today. They are simply saying they have not received it yet from the manufacturer. I suppose there is some delay in shipping for some reason. They still asked me what I wanted to do. Ship the partial order and wait for the remaining items Ship the partial order and cancel the remaining items Continue to wait until all items are available Cancel the entire order. I simply re-confirmed that I want them to wait for the entire order to ship complete. They estimate the delivery date to be Aug. 31st. I feel HMV is great on customer service and keeping me posted. Actually, I had completely put it out of my mind that they should be shipping today, so waiting another week and half is no big deal for me. I'll bet that I could probably find it at DragonCon next weekend; however, but I didn't want to take any chances with missing any issues or the binder.
  18. To whom do we send payment? Paypal, check, money order?
  19. That's cool, I'll be going to AWA as well. Maybe I will see you there Sunday afternoon. What art will you be exhibiting?
  20. I thought sources of energy wasn't really an issue in the Macross universe with fusion reactors and such. I could understand not wanting to eat food that has been altered, but if people are fine with micronizing and macronizing themselves why would they have an issue with eating such animals. I mean micronized and macronized people have kids for crying out loud. So, one could conclude that the science is pretty well understood and routine. I just think it's a concept that the writers chose not to address.
  21. sharky: "Hi, I'm sharky, and I'm a Galaxy addict." everyone: "Hi, sharky" sharky: "I'm having a hard time getting through step 1: admitting I am powerless over galaxies - that my life has become unmanageable"
  22. Why don't they raise their animals in micronized form which would use up less food, water, air. Then when it is time to slaughter, they macronize them creating an abundance of food. Ditto for the crops.
  23. That is pretty cool. I am always impressed with how good a paper model can actually look. Does anyone have any tips on making it look so nice? Is there special paper that one should use or a special glue? Also, is there a recommended way to cut them out? I was simply going to use a metal ruler and an x-acto knife. Edit: Never mind, I found a web page with some good tips and techniques. Post more pages if you find them. http://www.starshipmodeler.com/tech/dh_paper.htm
  24. You are so right. They only help you if you do not receive the item. Technically, they are supposed to step in if the item is grossly not as described. Their example is "you bought a book and they sent you a brick" if I recall correctly. My best advice is to pay with Paypal, but do not link to your bank account. Instead, use a regular credit card to fund the purchase to Paypal. 2 reasons to use a regular credit card with Paypal. 1) You can always dispute through your credit card under your credit card terms regardless of what Paypal will or will not do. 2) The time to dispute with your credit card is much longer than Paypal. There have been two occasions where I did this. The first time, a seller kept stalling and stalling until the time limit to dispute with Paypal expired. So, I disputed with my credit card, and within a week I got my item. The second time, a seller sold me bootleg DVDs when he said they were legit. Paypal wouldn't help because I did receive DVDs, but my credit card saw things my way. The credit card companies are way bigger than Paypal and can put their influence on them.
  25. That's some crazy cosplaying! That guy in the gerwalk valk looked like he was very uncomfortable. I thought it was clever to have the guys head popping out of the cockpit as if he is the pilot. Funny looking but clever.
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