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Everything posted by sharky

  1. Wouldn't be surpised if Hayate uses this as an excuse to push for a threesome. "C'mon, it's for medicinal purposes, it evens me out dude!" On another note, I'm going to interpret Mikumo's Walkure gesture after she slapped Freyja as a Walkure middle finger.
  2. They were probably trying to drive him to suicide out of shear boredom so they could make their escape.
  3. Hells yeah! More than happy to support English language Macross products.
  4. The one thing I kept asking myself this episode was why do people still need to wear glasses with all the major advances in technology that has been developed over the many years? And, aren't Windmearians supposed to be super human? So, what's with Roids glasses?
  5. No one "accidently" touches tips in the locker room shower. I was thinking more of like when that US Senator solicited a cop in the mens bathroom stall by tapping his foot and sliding it over to touch the cops foot. Me thinks it was accidently on purpose.
  6. I'd have gone blind from playing with my rune way too much. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. - Dr. Eldon Tyrell
  7. Watching the scene where Freyja was reacting to the audio of Hayate and Mirage gave me flashbacks to just about every episode of Three's Company. LOL! I was expecting to see a cutaway of Mr. Furley reacting with his eyes all bugged out.
  8. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    And maybe something about it going together with the Millia stand? Maybe some kind of artwork or logo that pairs up with it?
  9. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    In another 32 years I wonder what other realizations will come to mind. For instance did they have time to modify a Metran flight suit to remove the boobs or did they simply stuff his suit with padding. LOL!
  10. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai needs to hurry up and release these stands if they are in fact going to release them. I don't recall seeing any kind of teaser yet for them other then the displays at the toy shows. As more time passes I'm starting to think they were just done for the display. I hope I'm wrong.
  11. Sounds about right. Basara is the Chuck Norris of the Macross universe.
  12. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Why do you keep calling it a window? Looks fine and anime accurate to me. Could use a little panel lining I suppose.
  13. Legend has it they still got a couple of runes dangling south of the equator.
  14. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    At first I was thinking "Oh, well it's on Order Stop at HLJ, so I'll stick to my original plan and pass." Then I see your post, and it was all too easy to order it.
  15. Even when up against natural superhuman ability in hand to hand combat they can always use ex-gear, I'm thinking. I guess we haven't really had a good circumstance were it can be used so far. The last episode they had to be incognito so they weren't able to have it on their person. It would have come in handy though.
  16. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm debating whether to pre-order the Hikaru -1J. I feel I have enough HM-R VF's, but for the price it's tempting to pick it up. For sure, I'm not going to stay up late and try to pre-order it. I'll check in the morning and if it's on Order Stop on hlj.com I'm not going to worry about it.
  17. There's another subliminal sub at the last frame of the gg fansub file. "Typical KBBQ is for poor losers who can't afford superior Japanese yakiniku (translation: Japanese grilled meat) which offers better cuts of meat. You know I'm right."
  18. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    That's my guess. I would think over a long period of time the arms would start to sag. Just the nature of the shape of the arms and cannons. Skinny arms with large bulky cannons way out in front. Probably no good way around it without doing something more expensive. At least you can keep it on display and the joints should stay tight.
  19. I know. The last parts of the episode felt very Macross-y IMHO. Not only did they meet, but Messer felt Keith's wind. Does Keith save his most lethal wind for when the Grim Reaper comes a knockin' LOL! Had to slow it down and freeze frame it to get it. I don't really pay much attention to the song lyrics in any case. At least not the first few times I watch something.
  20. They're more like the Aerial Douche Squad. None of their characters are very likable by design by the writers I'm sure.
  21. Yeah, you wouldn't want to succumb to his Roid Rage.
  22. Yup. I like the dynamic of the group as far as the story itself, but the songs with the entire group are kind of meh to me. I hope that changes in the future.I know with Frontier there was a point where I didn't think they were going to top my favorites. Then the movies came out.
  23. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    That's what I think as well. Just ideas. I hope they are not just something done for display at the toy shows. They will be instant buys if they get released.
  24. I can visualize Chie Kajiura singing the ending song to Delta, as I think the upbeat tempo and tone of the song fits in well along with the M7 ending song, Dakedo Baby. It's my speculation that, perhaps, they wanted to do an ending credits similar to M7 and they wanted a song that had a similar upbeat feel. Of course the Delta song has a more contemporary sound. That's to be expected. I guess what I'm saying is that in a way, to me, it seems like a natural progression of the M7 sound 20 years later with regard to their more J-Pop songs as opposed to the M7 J-Rock songs. At least, this particular song (the extended version on the single). Not any of the other Delta songs of course.
  25. Maybe he spent time in simulators I would speculate, but in the show it seemed it was his first time in a real Valk when he jumped in one to save Ranka. He seemed nervous at first.
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