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Everything posted by sharky

  1. Yeah, I see what you mean. But, I suppose if it were a decent paying gig she would. I think it's always a struggle between being famous for her role as Minmay and being appreciated for her music talent. It seems she does want to promote that she is a talented singer, composer, songwriter above anything else which is understandable. It's not like she earns extra money for singing any Macross songs or for signing Macross related autographs. I am one to admit that I don't really follow her music other than her Macross stuff, and I guess that's sort of the problem as she might see it.
  2. That's cool, but I was hoping it was something that has mecha lineart, etc.
  3. Didn't Mari Iijima do the voice in the ADV remastered and dubbed release of Macross? I remember watching the interview on YouTube. It seems at one time she did hate being type-cast into Minmay, but has since come to accept it. I'll bet she would do it if they asked her. I mean, look at how Frontier is doing and how popular the songs are becoming. I think it would really boost her career to a new level. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgO3I7uVn4I I tell you what, she still looks cute after so many years!
  4. HMV has this book listed: Macross Frontier 2059: Memories http://www.hmv.co.jp/product/detail/2768499 They do not have any images posted. Does anyone have any insight as to the contents?
  5. Oh, OK. Now it all makes sense. Warning: this message contained an overdose of sarcasm. Those with weak or sensitive constitutions should not have read it.
  6. Sorry about the file size. I extracted the audio from the video source without trying to compress it or anything. I probably had the bit rate maxed from a previous project. The source was so bad I didn't want it to get any worse. I was really just trying to put something out as clean as I can get it. I suppose you still need to do a bit of work to compress it further and possibly clip it to a length more appropriate for a ringtone. Thanks for taking it a step further.
  7. Here are some mp3 files you can use for ringtones. I apologize for the quality, but the source was already pretty bad. I did my best to clean them up, but I am really a novice at it. Also, I don't have super advanced audio software either. Nyan Nyan CM Song - Bobby Version Nyan_Nyan_CM_Song___Bobby.mp3 Ninji-n Love You Yeah! - Bobby Version Ninji_n_Loves_You_yeah____Bobby.mp3 Watashi no Kare wa Pilot - Bobby Version My_Boyfriend_is_a_Pilot___Bobby.mp3
  8. Yeah, we know, size does matter.
  9. Wiki has this title as debuting in episode 22, "Yōsei" (妖精, "Fairy"?). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macross_Frontier Is this correct guys? I don't seem to see this title on any of the currently released CDs. Perhaps it will be on the next OST release.
  10. They could still use him as a Macross weapon. Instead of giving Zentrans nose bleeds it makes their ears bleed.
  11. I thought this was pretty cool. It's Mari Iijima singing Eternal Love from Galaxy Angel, but with Flashback 2012 and DYRL video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGIxlBcfE1g
  12. Someone with some skills should create a squadron logo of a tough looking penguin.
  13. It may be worth the time if you can figure out how to clean it up a bit. I would personally wait to see if a later OST will have it as a bonus track or something. By the way, I use the Fast Video Download plug-in for Firefox to grab the video from YouTube. Then I extract the audio as an MP3 via VLC media player. I am curious to learn other methods. What do you do to extract video and audio from YouTube or similar sites?
  14. Not to get off topic, but there is one example where I was very disappointed in an OVA and the lack of action scenes. The last battle in Gunbuster really disappointed me when they inserted storyboard sketches set to music. I was all set for a very climatic, intense, and exciting scene, only to be let down. It took me a long time to come to grips with it, but I finally let that issue go because I loved the rest of it so much. I always wondered if it was simply because they ran out of time and/or money and couldn't finish animating it, or they were truly trying to be artistic. Back to your point, I would agree that OVA releases do tend to have better animation quality. Frontier is taking things to a new level IMO for a series. It is really a treat because I feel the animation quality is very good and rivals many OVA's that are out there right now.
  15. If you going to put Sheryl Nome you might as well throw in Sara Nome. Remember she piloted the Birdman and fought effectively. No moves though, just good targeting skills and brute force weapons. Or, maybe it wasn't her but the Birdman targeting. I just remember Sara pointing to everything and saying "Kadun".
  16. Yeah, in the music thread we were discussing if anyone can put out a good quality MP3 of the Bobby renditions of Nyan Nyan, Ninji-n Loves You Yeah!, and Watshi no Karo wa Pilot. It is my understanding that these were only available for download to cell phones. I assume to be used as a ringtone and only in Japan of course. So, can anyone of you die hard Macross fans in Japan download them to your cell phone and upload them to your computer? It would be much appreciated.
  17. She had the ultimate fighting machine, the Birdman. I wonder if she will make an appearance in M:F. I am curious if she traveled to the planet that Ranka and Brera are visiting. I mean, I theorize that she has changed into a sort of spirit form by now, and in this way she can appear in Frontier.
  18. If you think about it, the words are still appropriate for Bobby. Think about that being a pet name for um, you know, "it".
  19. That's cool. We each have our own reasons for liking or not liking something. To your point about the fast pace, I personally feel the DYRL dogfights were a bit quick IHMO. I mentioned the DYRL scene of Max and Millia which I thought was great, but the opening scene was a bit fast I thought. I can remember first watching it and not really knowing what the heck was going on. I had to pause and advance frame by frame in order to absorb and understand what exactly happened. The moves in particular that lead up to Max pulling a Zentran out of his Regult and blowing him away with the gunpod mounted to his forearm had me confused at first. I think after watching this kind of fast paced action, I thought the Zero ones were better in comparison. I mean, I could actually follow the action from the beginning. Going back to Zero, I enjoyed the novel elements such as the SV-51 where Ivanov would extend his head sensor like a periscope to track the enemy and shoot while still under cover. I think they showed us some new stuff as far as moves going from fighter, gerwalk, and battroid modes in order to gain a tactical advantage. In my mind I kept thinking, if variable fighters were real they would probably try to do moves like that to get an upper hand. It's all good. And it is interesting to read other people's perspectives. That's why I started the thread. Feel free to express your opinion. I take no offense if you don't agree with me. There are no wrong answers when it comes to loving Macross.
  20. That's probably why Klan stayed behind as well. After Sheryl dies, Alto's going to be in a slump. Klan will be there to knock some sense into him with those, um , knockers of hers. She will slap some sense into him, and he'll go to Ranka FTW.
  21. Had these posted in another thread and thought I would share them here as well. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Queen of the Macross Quarter!! Nyan, nyan, Ninji-n Loves You Yeah!, and Watashi no Kare Wa Pilot like you never heard before! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnf6DCMBGSI...feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIUYtxlhSYM...feature=related And a funky remix of Watashi no Kare wa Pilot, that is my new personal favorite. Don't worry, this one is actually good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGLPqEV4Dz0...feature=related
  22. To make up for the horrible Bobby links, here is a fresh and funky version of Lynn Minmay singing a remix of My Boyfriend is a Pilot. Step aside Ranka and let the master show you how to put a new spin on My Boyfriend is a Pilot. Actually, I'm not sure if they sampled Mari Iijima's voice or if they had someone else sing it, but it's cool nonetheless. Prepare to get up and dance. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGLPqEV4Dz0...feature=related Edit: I think this is my favorite version so far.
  23. Yeah, I remember one guy putting out some of Ranka's songs in good stereo quality on YouTube. Before I got the entire albums, I ripped the audio from it to listen to it on my iPod. My usual source for the soundtracks has everything but these Bobby versions. I wasn't aware of the cell phone download only songs. So, I guess that these are not out on CD yet. I suppose no one with good computer audio skills have been compelled to put it out there yet. I imagine the YouTube ones I posted were probably recorded via microphone while the cell phone was playing the song. Very old school and rudimentary. It always irks me to see someone post something on YouTube where they took a video camera and shot the TV screen.
  24. OK, I also found this one as well. Bobby singing My Boyfriend is a Pilot, and it's the extended version with the second verse to boot. Be warned it is horrible in both the audio quality and content. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIUYtxlhSYM...feature=related By the way, the SDF:M song that I mentioned before that's heavy on the sax is titled Sayonara from disc 1 of The Complete Macross. Nice song and I like it, but it sounds like something my father would listen to.
  25. I just finished re-watching Macross Zero. It's part of a "pilgrimage" of sorts to go through all the series and movies. I plan to do it once a year starting from Zero and going up. Anyway, I am still blown away with the quality dogfight scenes. Specifically the opening scene and the first appearance of the VF-0s fighting Ivanov. The camera angles, the way it's choreographed, the music, the animation quality, etc. IMHO, they are the best dogfight sequences to date in the Macross franchise. They are just so well put together. Sure, there are plenty of awesome and compelling dogfight sequences: Max and Millia in DYRL, the Mac+ scenes to name a few. But if you knew nothing of the storyline and simply watched each dogfight from all the series and movies I have to rank the Zero ones the best. I'm just speaking from a purely visual perspective here. Just my two cents. I wish they would re-do various dogfights from throughout Macross and do them with the animation quality and style of Zero. Just a collection of scenes released on BluRay disc. What is your favorite and why?
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