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Everything posted by sharky

  1. There are two scenes that stand out to me in the Clone Wars. The time Grievous killed the salvage alien when he discovered R2 did not have his memory wiped. It was much in the same way as Ventress killed the Senate Commando traitor. i.e. being stabbed from the back with a light saber showing the light saber piercing all the way through his chest. I agree that it is a bit graphic for the really young ones, and both times it was quite unexpected. IMO the live action movies were not this graphic. Even Darth Mauls death did not show Obi-wan actually penetrating/slicing Maul in half. IIRC most of the Jedi deaths were carefully edited and shot in a particular angle to be a bit more tasteful. My daughter also had questions about those two scenes in The Clone Wars series. She wondered why they were killed if they are on the same side. I explained that when you get involved with bad people sometimes one can get hurt in the end, and part of the reason why they are bad is that you cannot trust them to be honest or fair. She seemed to understand that concept and I left it at that. Part of me likes the fact that TCW is not watered down, and IMHO the series is more intense and less kiddiefied than Episodes I and II. I'll let these scenes slide as they seem to be isolated incidents and not the norm. BTW, I liked that they featured a Mon Calamari Jedi. When I was researching Admiral Ackbar one time I learned that Mon Calamari people are regarded as fierce fighters that even rival Wookiees. I hope that they make a figure of a Mon Calamari Jedi and not just the standard warrior. I may just create my own by using the robe and light saber from another figure.
  2. Being programmed to feel pain only means that they are able to identify the feeling as pain. It doesn't mean that the pain feeling actually feels bad to them. I'm not saying that it's alright to inflict pain on anything purposefully. I'm just saying that a person or animal feeling pain is a different thing compared to this particular robot.
  3. This guy is selling the General Products Complete Gunbuster book for $69.95 +$15shipping. I recommend to he who does not have it to get it. Shop around you can't beat that price! http://cgi.ebay.com/GUNBUSTER-COMPLETE-ART...93%3A1|294%3A50
  4. I'm just curious where you insert the bread to make toast.
  5. A lot of companies are looking to more interior parts of China, India, Vietnam, or the Philippines because apparently major factory centers like Guangzhou are becoming "expensive" if you can believe it. Really the problem is that almost all companies are on the forever quest to reduce cost. They keep having to improve from one year to the next. Most purchasing groups are tasked with reducing cost by a certain percentage each year. Perform goals, bonuses, and raises are usually based on this. It seems the migration went like this; the southern states in the US, then Mexico, then China, etc.
  6. These Force FX are pretty neat. They have sound effects as you use it. It's got a power up sound when you turn it on. Then it hums at various pitches when you swing it around. It has a clashing sound when you hit another object. Finally, it has a power down sound when you turn it off. The hilt is mostly metal IIRC. I'm trying to remember when I used my brother's a couple of years ago. I just remember being very impressed when I handled it. The blade is none removable, and it can withstand moderate play. They are durable, but I wouldn't go off and bang the crap out of it. These are officially licensed replicas. Another cool one is to get this one which has swappable parts to make different versions or your own custom one. There is a switch to change the blade color to red, green, or blue. IMO, the hilts look a little off because of the interchangeability of parts. Check out the video on this site to get an idea of how the Force FX sabers look and function. http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo...?number=MRSW616 A really cool non-licensed light saber can be found here. http://www.parksabers.com/ From what I know there are two different kinds. They are all hand made and have removable blades. So, you can swap blades to get different colors. Neither have sound effects. The EL Saber is a standard lightsaber, but I was told that they are very well made. The other kind, Phase Sabers, glow even brighter, and they have two modes. One is your standard mode, and then they have the Phase mode. The Phase mode is sort of like a strobe effect, so when you use it you see a motion blur with the naked eye. From the Parks Sabers website: "The Phaseâ„¢ saber program flashes the blade just above the highest rate that the human eye can separate images. When the blade is moved, your eye will see the "actual" blade position as well as the "previous" blade position."
  7. I have the 1/12 scale Aoshima, and it is very nice. Even though it is not huge like the 1/6, the 1/12 is a good size IMO. Very heavy with lots of metal. HLJ has the 1/12 scale for 6720yen. http://www.hlj.com/product/AOS09107 I would recommend the 1/12 as it is a very nice model at less than a 3rd the price of the 1/6 scale. The 1/6 does seem to have much more detail, and does look nicer than the 1/12. But that is not to say that the 1/12 looks bad by any means. I was happy with the 1/12 when I got it. However, I do feel the weathered one is nicer than the clean one for sure. An interesting thing happened to me with HLJ. I ordered the clean version with the pulse rifle and flame thrower, but instead I got the weathered one with the damaged Bishop(Bishop was not to scale BTW). Well I informed them of the mix-up and they simply sent me the pulse rifle and flame thrower. They said to not send anything back, so I got the best of both versions it seems as the weathered one looks much nicer IMO. I can post pics tonight when I get home. Maybe after viewing the pics you can make a better informed decision.
  8. OMG! OMG! Tramampoline! Walmart has the Force FX lightsabers on clearance at their online store. They have Luke(ANH/ESB)/Anakin(ROTS), Obi-wan, Darth Vader, Yoda, and Darth Maul all for $50 each. If you do site-to-store the shipping is free, and the standard shipping was only $.97 for me. Go and get em! http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do...0&Find=Find Edit: Correction: I mistakenly wrote that they have a Luke light saber. I suppose you can use Anakin's as Luke's for ANH and ESB.
  9. Yeah, I suppose you are right. I see the same thing as you describe with the Star Wars figures, but not so much the Star Wars vehicles like the A-wing. I think the issue with the A-wing is that it is more expensive ($30) while other similar sized vehicles go for around $20.
  10. Picked up the Cobra F.A.N.G/C.L.A.W two pack at Wal-mart today. I'm so excited to get it as I used to have it when I was a kid. Is it me or do most retailers stock far less on the shelf of GI-Joe than Star Wars or Transformers? At my nearest Wal-mart they had around 15 to 20 A-wings for example, but they only had the 1 FANG/CLAW. I also saw 1 SHARC and 1 AWE striker. They had 2 VAMPs and that was it as far as vehicles. They only have about 5 vehicles out at any given time it seems, and always on the bottom shelf. What gives? Why no love for GI-Joe at Wal-mart? I am wondering when I will see the Ghost Hawk out on the shelves at Wal-mart or Toys R Us. I see it for sale online. I saw the Firebat once on the very top shelf at a Wal-mart once as if someone was trying to hide it. I passed it up, because I was already buying some Star Wars stuff during that visit. I have not seen it since that one time around 2 weeks ago. I am also expecting to see the Water Mocasion soon. I used to have that one as well as a kid. I am totally re-living my youth now with regard to GI-Joe.
  11. Are you talking about the ones in the Clone Wars episode "Rookies" with the smaller heads and darker color? I thought they were really cool as well. There will be a figure of this type of battle droid coming out for 2009 IIRC.
  12. I'm curious to see what happens to Ashoka one day. She's Anakin's padawan, but she is not in Episode III. The will have to deal with that issue perhaps on the last episode. Just like how they don't ever have Anakin confront Grevious, I think they will stay canon to the movies to some degree. I thought the last episode was really great. It really made up for the Bombad Jedi episode featuring Jar Jar. I'm starting to like the Ashoka character more and more. Since I have a little girl I like that they have a young female character that is brave and strong, and that she sometimes saves the day. It balances out all the helpless Disney princess movies that she likes. I really hate all the Disney princess stories with a passion. But, that's a whole other topic I don't want to get started on.
  13. Impressive, most impressive.
  14. I saw this cool multipack today at Toys r Us, but I had to pass it up because I need to keep my budget in check. I wish I had the funds to get it as I'm sure it will be sold out soon at the store. They only had 3 left. I like that it has the clone trooper with jet pack like we've seen in The Clone Wars movie and series. Notice the painted weapons. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3310990 The also had the battle droid pack as well. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3310989
  15. Wow, that's cool! But don't you mean 1/18 scale? I am so drooling right now. As Darth would say, "I want that ship" On another note, I am kicking myself for not realizing that there are different Capt. Ace figures. Ditto for Wild Bill. Since getting the regular Wild Bill and Wild Weasel/Ace comic pack I saw at Toys R Us a cool 3 pack set of Wild Bill/Ace/Sky Duster I bought these Wild Bill http://www.hasbro.com/gijoe/default.cfm?pa...roduct_id=21601 Wild Weasel/Capt. Ace http://www.hasbro.com/gijoe/default.cfm?pa...roduct_id=21450 I wished I bought these instead Ace/Wild Bill/Sky Duster http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001J78HT4/ref=no...mp;linkCode=asn I much prefer the Ace in this set as he has a more traditional flight suit instead of a space suit. I also like the Wild Bill darker colors, and he comes with both his cowboy hat and a helmet. I also saw another Wild Bill in a blue flight suit. Scrap Iron/Wild Bill http://www.toywiz.com/gijoecb6scirwibi.html
  16. Regarding the build-a-droids, it's sort of hit or miss. Some of the non-astromech driods have good articulation while other do not. The C-3PX that comes from all the Droid Factory 2-packs has good articulation C-3PX http://www.rebelscum.com/photo.asp?image=/...X/tlcDF-129.jpg While other ones have more limited articulation 5D6-RA7 http://www.rebelscum.com/photo.asp?image=/...ra7/TLC-019.jpg One would hope that a cool droid like HK-47 will be more like C-3PX. But, since the HK-47 would fall under the regular build-a-droid category as opposed to the Driod Factory sets I worry that he will be more like 5D6-RA7.
  17. Here's a pic of my Holiday Yoda and Jawa bobble heads I got at Target. I have them on my desk at work. I just realized you can also make out part of my red Swingline stapler of Office Space fame.
  18. It seems CDjapan is also selling a set. I guess we are lucky Overdrive is breaking it up and selling individually. Otherwise we would probably have to set something up where we get a group together to buy a set. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/goods/goods_detai...EY=NEOGDS-3301#
  19. Sorry for the double post, but I had another thing to discuss. Would people be interested in doing a swap for Build-a-Droid parts? I usually never buy enough figures to make anything. For example I would be interested in making an R4-J1 since I have 2 of the parts already R4-J1 http://www.rebelscum.com/TLCBADr4j1.asp I have these parts to trade: R7-T1 left leg(came with Padme) http://www.rebelscum.com/TLCBADr7t1.asp R4-D6 right leg(came with sandstorm, deleted scene, Luke) http://www.rebelscum.com/tlcBADr4d6.asp MB-RA7 head (came with 2-piece helmet, Darth Vader) http://www.rebelscum.com/TLCBADMBRA7.asp MB-RA7 body (came with Commander Faie) C-3PX body (came with Kit Fisto/R4-H5 droid factory set) http://www.rebelscum.com/tlcDFc3px.asp C-3PX right arm (came with Luke/R2-D2 droid factory set) 5D6-RA7 right arm (came with Kashyyyk trooper) http://www.rebelscum.com/TLCBAD5D6RA7.asp 5D6-RA7 left leg (came with Darth Vader) I am interested in getting: R4-J1 body(came with Lancer driod) R4-J1 left leg (came with Obi-Wan) Edit: Never mind. I ended up getting the Lancer droid and Obi-wan to complete my R4-J1. I still wouldn't mind trading someone if I have a part that they need.
  20. Cool, that does make me feel better. I suppose they are doing this as a real give-away prize then.
  21. I saw a Youtube review of a guy who bought a Holiday Yoda bobble head at Target. He mentioned it was in the bargain bins in the seasonal holiday section. Edit: I picked up the Holiday Yoda for $5.99. Yoda is dressed as Santa carrying a sack of toys. They also had a holiday Jawa opening a Christmas gift of a Jedi training remote. Edit again: At my local Wal-mart they had the Lando/Stormtrooper comic pack for $5.44. All others were still $12.99. Also, I did see the Cade Skywalker with his lightsaber and hilt included at both Target and Wal-mart.
  22. You should just go ahead and order it if you want it. I think if you order it, they will then put in their order to bring it in to their warehouse. At that point you will probably know how soon. If you are certain that it is still actively being published it probably will not take a short time to get it.
  23. I'm just worried that I'm shelling out $64.99 plus EMS shipping for something that you can get for around $8.50US in Japan. So, I am curious as to the quality if the normal price is 800yen. I suppose you are not guaranteed your prefered prize, but I wonder if I wouldn't be able to a score a Klan in 7 tries. If macro Klan didn't have such large breasts I might reconsider.
  24. Huh, wha...snort... OK I'm awake now. Oh man, the new OST is out! I almost forgot about it. Need to download it at home tonight.
  25. In some circumstances you are right. It is not always wise to simply follow what the fans want. Elements of the story have to fit in with the overall theme and tone of what the original writer wants to communicate. If the story was written by a committee of fans we would probably have a Boba Fett love fest for a story with lots of scenes with Leia and Padme wearing skimpy outfits. But, in the case of Jar Jar it was a cruel mistake from the beginning. Not the fact that Jar Jar existed, but simply the way he was portrayed in the movie. A little comic relief is usually a good thing, but in the case of Jar Jar his voice, language, and constant bumbling around was downright irritating and took away from the movie rather than enhancing it IMHO. There was no chemistry between Jar Jar, Qui-gon and/or Obi-wan. Even the characters within the movie seemed to be annoyed by Jar Jar's antics. I think that if they had a Jar Jar character that was toned down, and had a different language and voice it would have worked nicely. He might have even been a beloved character instead of a cruel mistake. C'mon, anyone who is actually that stupid and accident prone would have been dead a long time ago.
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