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Everything posted by sharky

  1. I think I will always be a fan of the parts of Macross I have always liked which is everything but M7. Macross7 made me loose interest although I still liked the mecha from 7. I wouldn't write off Macross entirely just because I don't like one particular series.
  2. I started to like Macross when I was a kid watching Robotech everyday after school, in the 80s. I think watching DRYL for the first time sealed the deal and made me a lifelong fan. DYRL made me realize that Macross was way better than the show Robotech portrayed. Macross FOREVER!
  3. Endo eye candy as well as exo eye candy. This season(series?) finale makes me wish this was a movie. A rated 'R' movie.
  4. It doesn't help things that FOX put this show on Friday. This was an excellent episode, and shows the potential of the kinds of stories we can expect from Dollhouse. The possibilities of what they can do with a premise such as a show like Dollhouse is awesome.
  5. If you wife gets on you for having them, you can try to make a case that you can pass them on to your son when he is old enough to take care of them and appreciate them. She wouldn't want to get in the way of a father-son bonding opportunity.
  6. Yeah, I can always find boxes at my work. Usually, it's just from stuff that people receive in the office area up front. I can understand that the standard boxes at UPS, FedEx, or the USPS are not big enough for a 1/48 valk. Since I tend to order online throughout the year I'm a bit of a pack rat, and I save the boxes my stuff comes in. If you must buy a box, you can always go to Home Depot, Lowes, or a self-storage place. Basically, anywhere that may have moving supplies like a U-haul or Penske location as well. Just make sure to get one with extra space to put packing material for protection since most of the moving boxes tend to be a little on the thin side. One thing to keep in mind is to not get one that is too big. The USPS charged me an oversize fee on top of the regular shipping fee simply because the box was big. IMO the box wasn't even all that big by UPS or FedEx standards. UPS or FedEx would not have considered my box oversized. Edit: I should point out that I shipped a 1/48 and a Strike/Super parts set together. But, my advice still holds true if you go overboard on the box size regardless
  7. There are some pretty cool comic packs out in stores right now. One in particular that I picked up is the Ki-Adi-Mundi/Sharad Hett comic pack. I had my choice of all of the new wave that's out, but when I first saw this one I knew that was the one to get. At first I didn't know why I liked it so much. Then I realized that with the hat and mask, Ki-Adi-Mundi looks like a character from Nausicaa which is one of my all time favorite anime. I think he has a Lord Yupa look going on. Plus his hat covers his oversized conehead. Very cool IMO. Check it out and tell me what you think. http://www.rebelscum.com/TLCcomicpacks16.asp On a similar thought, I like the Sepratist landing craft for the same reason in that it reminds me of the large aircraft from Nausicaa as well.
  8. Hey, the a$$-man is in town! About my other dilemma, I'll just keep it in the closet for a bit. Then one day I"ll swap out some toys in the display case and not say anything about it. I think she won't even notice it for many weeks. Then one day she may finally notice it and ask about it. At which point, I can casually say "Oh, that's been there for a while now."
  9. I wonder if the new movie was released sooner it might have generated more buzz for the show? Perhaps helping with the ratings. It was just starting to get good I felt. One theory I have about the plot is that John Henry is one of two Skynet type intelligences. The other being from the future. Maybe the future war really starts as a battle between the two skynets. One skynet, the evil one, defeats John Henry on judgement day. Humans are simply bystanders to the larger war between machines. Garbage chick's character is simply protecting John Henry for the greater good of humanity. She has to keep things secret for the obvious reason that humans, i.e. Sarah Connor and company, will not understand and will want to destroy it regardless.
  10. Let me put it to you this way. She used to have a huge problem with me even going to Hooters. She's mellowed out about some of that stuff over the years. But, I know how she is, she'll probably go off on me about how I only like women with big breasts which isn't really true. About the "only" part that is. In any case, I've learned to pick my battles wisely. Keep in mind, if I were to display it, it would be very prominently displayed in our home in our formal living room. I have several other Macross figures such as the CM's Minmay, Mylene Jenius, as well as a large figure of Noriko from Gunbuster in my display cases. She hasn't said anything about any of that stuff. I just think Klan's boobs are so over the top huge it would fall under a different level of scrutiny. She wouldn't ever say anything about me having it. It's the displaying it that might get her upset.
  11. sharky

    HLJ Virtual Tour

    I agree with everyone that I wish they had got into the licensing issues more. From the little they did discuss it sounds like it does not affect them as a 3rd party seller. My take on it is that they didn't make the toys, they just export them. They are not selling them in the US. We are virtually buying them in Japan, and having them shipped over here after the actual sale. It's been my experience that HLJ is a 1st rate company. They have always done right by me. Even when there was a mix-up, they corrected their mistake greatly to my favor. Looks like a good place to work. What a fun job for the person(s) that open up the items to take pictures.
  12. Woohoo! I got mine today at my office. Somehow I could never track the item. Now that I have it, I can see that the tracking number they e-mailed was completely wrong. Oh well, alls well that ends well. Now I have to figure out what to tell the wife when I bring it home. I would like to put it next to my Q-Rau in my display case, but that is just asking for trouble. I suppose it will have to sit in the closet for now. Maybe someone can do a breast reduction surgery of sorts on it. I have no skills in that department. Frankly, I wonder how that area of medicine ever advanced in the first place.
  13. Either way, wasn't it established in SDF:M that Zentrans can survive in the vacuum of space at least for a short time? I recall the time Breetai was trapped outside his ship. It was also noted in Misa's report when she returned to earth.
  14. Yeah, that is pretty cool. The biggest SD I've ever seen.
  15. Yes, I understand it is a standard courtesy. Better than not using them is debatable. I will make it a point not to come to a thread if I am worried about spoilers on a particular subject. Especially if it's been several days since the episode aired. I had not even watched the newest episode until late Sunday evening. I wasn't dumb enough to go browsing through the Dollhouse thread before that. Even when Macross Frontier was being aired, there was only a 24 hour window where spoiler tags were used. And that was a show that some people could watch when it aired while others had to wait (sometimes more than 24 hours) to get a subbed version on the Internet. It's not like it's a movie where some people may not be able to see it right away. It aired on a standard public channel. It's on the Fox website in case anyone missed the airing or if they missed recording it. An entire weekend has passed. People are free to do what they want, but it's just a little annoying to use spoiler tags so many days after the episode aired.
  16. I dunno, without any of the boosters or "Super" parts, I think it's pretty close. Besides, since when has any of the standard Transformers toys looked like the anime. MP being the exception.
  17. Is this the toy you are looking for? http://www.amazon.com/Hasbro-81299-Jetfire...r/dp/B000IJPJJU
  18. Hey guys, are the spoiler tags really necessary? It is a thoughtful thing to do, but IMO they are not needed on this thread.
  19. When I saw the title of the thread I thought this was a discussion explaining how Alto could be one of those psycho teens that cut themselves to get attention.
  20. I can see your point. The way I see it there are no guarantees with regard to perfect packaging or that the item itself is not damaged inside. Buyer beware in everything you get online whether it's from Ebay or any online retailer. I've gotten screwed more times from "legit" online shops compared to Ebay, and I can honestly say I never had a bad experience from an Ebay transaction, yet. That said, I try to be very cautious and thorough so there are no surprises. I'm just saying that I don't necessarily write off Ebay all together if I am looking for something that is not normally available retail, and/or old, and/or rare. Good luck on your quest to get what you are looking for.
  21. A little April Fool's Day fun. http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/tauntaun.html
  22. That's messed up, man.
  23. What does being a collector have to do with buying stuff on ebay. I consider myself a collector and I get stuff on ebay all the time. As long as the price is right, I don't care where I get them. silversilver sounds like he was only trying to help just like Save does from time to time.
  24. You know I got my shipping notice yesterday, but I can't seem to find it in the EMS tracking website. I'm wondering if just the info has been transmitted, but the pick-up has not actually happened yet. In which case, I probably won't get it until next week at this rate. What bothers me is that I thought EMS was express, so shouldn't they have picked it up by now. It's been at least 24 hours since the ship notice. What the heck am I paying all this money for EMS(which is the only option for Overdrive it seems) if they are not going to be quick about it.
  25. Got my shipping notice as well. I can't wait. It may arrive Friday. I've received things that fast before with EMS as recently as last year. Of course it depends on what happens during customs. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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