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Everything posted by sharky

  1. Was he a French-Japanese friend?
  2. Thanks for the tip. I don't have the Broccoli set, but I may see if he still has it available at a later time. His "for sale" thread indicated he has many of the Broccoli sets and only 2 of the Perfect Collection 2 sets. So, I went with the Perfect Collection 2 set at the moment. Normally, I would have simply purchased both at the same time, but I noticed he had the Special Preview book and both Studio Nue books for decent prices. I have been looking for those items (especially the Special Preview book ), so I didn't want to pass them up. The last time I tried to get the Special Preview book I got sniped out of it on ebay. I'll bet it was probably a fellow MWer.
  3. That is damn cool. But, why didn't you also mention this. http://www.sideshowtoy.com/?page_id=4489&sku=83091 1/1 BABY!
  4. I think many of you guys are missing the point of this thread which is WORST science fiction film OF ALL TIME.. The fact that we are trying to find the worst means there should be only one. Some of the nominations here are not all that bad, and can easily be outdone by an even worse movie. Therefore, if it can easily be out done in "worstness" then it should not even be mentioned in the first place. To me, a movie has to have the worst plot, the worst acting, the worst special effects, the worst editing, etc in order to even be nominated. While a movie like the Phantom Menace was arguably the worst Star Wars movie that has been made, it wasn't so bad as to be considered the worst movie out of all sci-fi movies ever. You can't even begin to tell me that the beginning and the end of Phantom Menace wasn't pretty cool to watch. I think we should try to be a little more objective here. 2001: A Space Odyssey? C'mon, it might have been a little slow paced, but it is an all time classic sci-fi film. You have to keep it in perspective of the time period in which it was made. That was ground breaking stuff for it's day, and the special effects still hold water IMHO. Star Trek: The Motion Picture? Man, I'm not even gonna start with how that is so NOT the worst sci-fi movie ever. I've noticed that some of the movies seem to be nominated because they are classified as "boring". But, it seems to me that a lot of these "boring" movies are the type of movies that make you think more than the typical action/sci-fi flick. And that makes me lose a lot of respect for some of you. Now if it's a boring movie on top of having a terrible plot, acting, special effects, etc, then you may have something worth nominating. BTW, if you think Starship Troopers 2 was bad I would have to call attention to a little movie called Starship Troopers 3. My nomination is Superman 4 - The Quest for Peace
  5. At least they gave the figure a rather serious expression. Honestly, if they just used a better voice he would have been a great character. Instead the fans have this either love him or hate him thing going.
  6. It's interesting on those pics of the VT-1 it shows which parts are new and which parts are being carried over from the VF-1.
  7. My guess is once you get the correct ones, you will have some extra figures on your hands. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I'm sure they will do right by you.
  8. They must have seen that episode of Seinfeld where Kramar and Mr. Costanza developed the Bro or Mansiere whichever you prefer.
  9. I don't think it's about trying to increase the value of the toy as much as not letting it depreciate and saving/preserving it for the future (i.e collecting). The collector takes pride in the fact that they have something that is more valuable today than it was years ago. But, it's not like they are trying to create a retirement nest egg. They also enjoy the fact that this very old item is in the same brand new condition as when it was first made years before Honestly, I think a "collector" in the classic sense is a MISB person. People that open boxes are also collectors, but they also find it fun to "play" even if "play" simply means displaying the item or posing it in different ways from time to time. More to your point; however, is that it's sort of like asking why does someone decide to open a comic shop as opposed to another business. Or, perhaps why someone collects antique furniture or high art. Sure there are other types of businesses or things to collect, but it's what that person enjoys in life. And, that's really the whole point. Doing something you enjoy.
  10. The cheapest I've seen an entire box is $60 before shipping. $20 for a complete set minus specials seems like a good deal to me. Of course it would be cool to get the specials, but it all comes down to money and how much I would be willing to spend to get the specials. Personally, I will be satisfied with just the regulars if I can get a complete set that cheap. I would rather spend the money I save on other Macross toys, etc. Thanks for the head up Valk009. I'll PM eecsman and see if he still has any for sale.
  11. I suppose this is the best place for this kind of thread since it should be about clothes other than cosplay items. I saw this jacket this morning. Don't know if it's been mentioned elsewhere. It looks like it is designed to be worn by a bike courier or something. I see a port for a camel-bak hose, and pockets on the sleeves with see-thu panels for a map or directions perhaps. A very sharp looking jacket any way you slice it. http://www.tanomi.com/macross/ over-drive-inc.com indicated they can get stuff like this if you see it. You will need to inquire with them. No guarantees, but they mentioned they would look into it.
  12. Thanks guys for the info. I was thinking about getting a box. While it would be nice to get a complete set with the special cards, it seems like it will get pricey. I'm not gonna obsess over not having all the specials. I'll just settle for a complete set without the specials. I'll most likely get 1 box and see if I can trade for the missing regulars that I need. Thanks again, Totoro24s and veffidas.
  13. I dunno, greatest in size for sure, but there are some really cool things out there as far as design is concerned. http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2008/04/ge...t=1207228920000 As far as technical skill and design I still have to go with this guy, Thomas Benedikt. He's done some really nice Star Wars cruisers. The Mon Calamari Cruiser is really impressive not only because of it's size(roughly twice as big as the large Lego Star Destroyer), but he had to create a system of hinged panels to try and mimic the smoothness of the Calamari style. It also lights up! http://new.mocpages.com/home.php/4101 There's also this guy who did an impressive Invisible Hand as well. http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/45623
  14. Actually the figure is of me. I licensed my likeness to Playmates for the John Connor figure. I challenge you to prove me wrong.
  15. Question regarding the Macross Perfect Collection Part 2 cards. Is it very likely that if I buy a complete box of 15 packs (10 per pack) that I will end up with a complete set? I would be getting essentially 150 random cards. A complete set is 72+9(special)=81 cards. The math makes it seem possible, but I'm just not sure. I've just got bit buy the trading card bug. It seems like you guys have been down this road before, so a little insight would be appreciated. Thanks.
  16. Perhaps you have hit the nail on the head. Maybe it's because his likeness is already licensed to the Batman toy line (i.e. Mattel) at the moment that Playmates is not able to use it on the Terminator toy line. Just a theory.
  17. I think the point of the MIB collector is to get the item, but save it in order to maintain it's full value and perhaps even apprecaite in value over time. Sort of like a work of art I suppose. So, the fact that it transforms is still important even if that person never opens it to try it out. The value is in the transformable design and not simply in the aesthetic of the toy in whichever mode the manufacture boxes it in. Personally, I am mainly the type that opens everything. My biggest problem is time. I will often buy stuff, and put it away in a closet simply because I don't really have the time to sit down and open stuff and fool around with it. I will get to a point where stuff is cluttering my closet, so I open up things(action figures mostly) to get rid of the packaging only to store them in a container of some sort. There are only a few action figures that I plan to keep MOC. I tend to categorize my toys by packaging type. For example, most action figures come on packaging that basically gets damaged in the process of opening them. I don't save packaging for action figures, and I store my opened figures in tackle boxes. Vehicles come in two different types of packaging, IMO. The type that can be used as a storage box which I save (such as Yamato), or the type that basically gets damaged and hard to put back once the toy is out of the box. What I am referring to is the type of packaging like a nice window box with a diorama type scene such as with some Star Wars and GI-Joe toys. Basically, once you get these toys out of the packaging you have torn so much tape, ripped so much cardboard, and untied so much banding and twist-ties, that it is not worth putting back in the box. So, for these I open and throw away the packaging. Even then, I may not open some of these nice window/diorama scene boxes simply because I know I am not going to display it anytime soon, and besides, the item looks cool in the nice scene the box is portraying anyway.
  18. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I read that Christian Bale did not authorize his likeness to be used for the toys, so all the John Connor figures have the face obscured in some way. That's why he's looking like a bank robber in the 3 3/4" figure line.
  19. Saw the Terminator toys at my local K-mart today. My initial reaction is lukewarm. Not totally rejecting them, but not overly impressed with what Playmates has put out. I'm not digging the paint job on the ones I saw. I picked up the hunter killer flying type toy, but I wish they stayed with the design as seen in T1 and T2. It has more of a charcoal almost black finish to it as opposed to the shiny silver finish as I was expecting. They had: HK flying type (I think falls in the 3 3/4 category, yeah for us GI-Joe collectors ) an assortment of 6" figures: T-600, T-R.I.P., T-700, Marcus, John Connor (no T-100 tank type) the larger 10" figures: T-600, Marcus a T-600 "Powerfist" forearm guantlet I did not see any of what they are calling the 3 3/4" line other than the one packed with the HK flying type. I am curious to see what the A-10 looks like and how big it actually is. Here's a link to a site that shows the entire toy line for this movie. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/40754 They are better than the old T2 toys, but I suppose my taste has moved on. I just wish they were more on the level of what Diamond Select or DC Direct has been putting out. I guess I was just hoping to find an inexpensive but decent looking endoskeleton with the typical plasma rifle that you usually see in the movies. I'll try to post some pics tonight.
  20. sharky

    Passing the torch

    I have a little girl who just turned 6. As most girls she doesn't seem interested in action figures and mecha toys right off the back unless there is some interest in the story. She likes watching Sci-Fi like Star Wars, Star Trek, and Transformers Animated, so she likes playing with those toys as much as any of her dolls or art activities. She's not into Macross, yet. It's not becuase of a lack of interest. It's really due to the fact that I have not let her watch it. She wouldn't have the patience to follow my subtitled Animego DVDs very well. My English dubbed ADV versions have some cuss words IIRC. Sigh, I think the only way for her to get into it at an early age is to let her watch Robotech. Or perhaps I can find a Chinese dubbed version which I'm sure is probably kid friendly with the language. My only other dilemma is to perhaps fast forward through the shower scene, but she's a girl so perhaps it's no big deal. So, as soon as I start getting her into the show I'm sure she will have an interest in my toy collection. I will probably give her some chunky monkeys at first. I imagine one day I'll pass on more stuff to her as she gets older and is not going to break anything. I really would like to pass on all of my collection one day. I'm sure as she gets older she may be more interested in my various figures, dolls, and statue type of collectibles. It's hard to tell with girls though. She may lose interest as she becomes a teen, or she may really like it more and more. Or maybe she would be into cosplay more. Years from now, perhaps she will have kids of her own. Then the grand kids will have the coolest grandpa with the neat toy collection.
  21. What are you talking about? I think those buns are quite dainty, thank you very much.
  22. Hikaru cons his friend into taking his dad's Ferrari, springs his girlfriend out of school, goes into the city for a fine lunch, takes in a museum, a ball game, and caps the day off by singing in a parade.
  23. Man, seeing all the close up pics of Sheryl and Ranka together makes me regret not getting all 3 of them. They compliment each other well. But, I'm already spending my money on too many things at the moment. It would have been too expensive for me to get them all at once. I wish they had staggered the release, but that would have driven some of you guys nuts I'm sure.
  24. Toys R Us is having a free shipping on select items online. So, you might be able to pick up some things you couldn't find in the store without paying extra for shipping. http://view.ed4.net/v/XPRSCO/RTXQM/0GZJD54...LQHRBM-XOQUE-v1
  25. Good catch on the eel. At first I thought it was a piece of Weaver that got blown off during the explosion/collision. It would have been cool if there was a scene where she could have used that ploy to get the jump on a terminator trying to attack John Henry or something. Or, maybe if someone was in her office trying to steal information while she was away, then the eel T-1000 could jump into action.
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