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Everything posted by sharky

  1. You know, the mods really should change the "set your phasers to snore" thing on the title. I think it has been established that this movie was NOT boring in any way, shape, or form. It should be the complete opposite of "snore" whatever that would be.
  2. And yet, my 1:18 VF-1 non-transforming fighter toy eludes me. This is a close second though.
  3. Saw the new trailer when I went to see Star Trek. All I can say is that it looks pretty much like more of the same. I never liked the movie treatment they gave to the Transformers. I am specifically referring to the mecha designs in robot mode. They are way too busy, and remind me very little of the original designs. Someone told me that one reason why they would do this is that it's easier to make "busy" designs look more realistic from a special/digital effects perspective. From what I was told it's easier because you have less to worry about with regard to shading, reflections, etc. I admit I know very little about CGI stuff, but if that's true then I would say I am very disappointed.
  4. Saw the movie, and I thought it was pretty good. Very entertaining to say the least, and I enjoyed it very much. I hope it brings in a new and fresh wave of Star Trek movies. I think it's the boost the franchise needed. I did think there were specific elements of the movie that seemed oddly out of place and were not needed. The whole driving the car off the cliff scene was one of them. I'm surprised that the scene made it past the cutting room floor. I get that it showed his reckless nature due to his changed past, but I didn't think it added to the story much. There was the bar scene that establishes his reckless nature in any case. I would have expected to see it as a deleted scene in the DVD. Another was where Kirk's hands became bloated as a reaction to the meds Bones gave him. Again, I understand it was a bit of comic relief, but it seemed oddly out of place. I enjoyed all the characters overall and the casting was well done IMO. I am still a bit put off by Kirk's personality. I just get this Zack Morris from Saved by the Bell vibe. He is growing on me though. I thought the Bones portrayal was very well done. They really nailed his character. Checkov was a bit overdone. They laid the accent way to thick. Sulu was cool, but why bring a sword to a phaser fight? The Kobayahi Maru scene was interesting because we've heard so much about in the Wrath of Khan. The execution of the actual scene was kind of dumb IMO. How his cheating wasn't completely obvious to the crew and instructors from the exact instant that he changed the scenario I'll never know. Still, I would recommend that everyone who is remotely interested in Star Trek or sci-fi to see this movie. I would mark it as one of the better Star Trek movies to date. If I wasn't so behind on my movie watching(I still need to see Wolverine) I would probably go see it again in IMAX or a digital screen the next time. Also, watch Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan first if you can. That way you're refreshed on the lore of the Kobayashi Maru scenario. Plus it's a good movie to watch in any case.
  5. Hobby Fan has it listed with some more pics. http://www.hobbyfan.com/product_info.php?products_id=7915
  6. Good call on the seams being cleverly concealed by the angle of the shots. It totally went over my head, but then I'm not a big collector of this type of thing. I wonder about the seams myself now, but as blacklotus says Megahouse has good quality. Makes me wonder though.
  7. sharky

    Yamato Toy TV

    Suddenly your avatar makes perfect sense. I think that guys finger nail is long so that he can grab and flick the heatshield in place. That's the real trick to Yamato transformations. So, everyone start growing your pinky nail today.
  8. I have a Glock airsoft gun, does that count? For the love of God, DO NOT pull that decocking lever. You'll be sorry!
  9. Looks like the newest wave of NECA terminator figures WILL have the endo. Toys R Us has it on pre-order. I assume they will stock it in their stores as well. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3549569
  10. Now that just makes too much sense. Of course it will be a kit you have to build yourself, and it will be a con exclusive with a limited production of 50. Oh yeah, I think an electronic toy of Ranka's phone would be neat. I would squeeze that thing all day annoying everyone around me.
  11. My bad. I read your other post first and I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I had to go back a few pages to get that the issue was resolved. Man, a guy misses a whole lot over the weekend. I've been a little busy these days. I received mine yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to play with it yet.
  12. So, the answer is: foam is not a functional part of the toy = design defect because the lower heat shield won't stay up. My question is, do they even think there is a problem to deal with? From their perspective the heat shield should function fine, and we are simply not locking it in properly?
  13. I dunno about all this greedy talk. The way I see it, it would be greedy if they sold a necessity such as food, water, shelter, at a price much higher than what most people could reasonably afford. Also, it seems to me that greed is charging more money than what a person or company actually needs. So, how is it going to be decided what Yamato needs by way of a profit. They're not running a charity. They are in business to make a profit, and they would not exist if not for the ability to make a profit. If they do not make a profit the investors or bank will decide not to put any more money into the company and they will have to close the doors. I believe in capitalism, a free market, and the freedom for a person or group to build a business that is strong and healthy to an economy. If a company is truly greedy then the forces of the market will either force them to lower their prices or they will be forced out of business by competition or the simple lack of sales. So, my answer would be, no way is Yamato too greedy.
  14. Yeah, but that's not necessarily a bad thing though. I think the Klan one would be all boob and nothing else. I mean, otherwise, the Klan one would be frick'n HUGE. Heck, a mouse pad consisting of only 1 Klan boob out to do the trick.
  15. Agreed. The fact that the very last part of the title has "of your valks" doesn't really make this on topic for the Macross toy thread. Besides if you have pics of your valks than it would probably be best to post in the strike a pose thread be they professional or not.
  16. FYI Toys R Us is running a sale on the new Star Trek toys until 5/9. Ditto for Wolverine toys. http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?kw...KEBY93-G95OD-v1
  17. Aw crap! I completely forgot about free comic book day. Of all the weekends to be extremely busy. I'll have to go and check on Monday to see what's left.
  18. If he had that kind of power, he would be doing other things besides changing her mind about his toy collection.
  19. VFX1 is such a horrible game. Even if they improve the graphics, the game play sucks major a$$. Isn't that why they put out VFX2 in the first place. Besides if you want a good Macross PS2 game we already have one. http://cgi.ebay.com/Macross-PS2-Playstatio...93%3A1|294%3A50 The only issue is you need a way to play import games which is sort of the point of the thread. That's why the PSP is a good choice because you can play any import game on a US PSP.
  20. I saw the Enterprise-D and the Enterprise-A at Target yesterday. They don't look that bad; although, I did see that the Enterprise-A engine nacelles were not really straight. The "D" looked pretty good. Probably becuase it doesn't have any really long slender sections to it as the "A". Is it me, or does the saucer for the Enterprise-A seem too large? I passed as I am really just interested in the Reliant and Bird of Prey. The overall size is decent if you are not going for the larger scale such as the Art Asylum ones. They are something where you could fit the whole set nicely in a display case or perhaps sitting on your desk or bookshelf. I still think they should be in the $9.99 range, but the paint scheme and overall presentation looks good. Sometimes I wonder why they even put diecast in it at all? If it's going to have so little of it, why bother? I suspect they put a little diecast in just to make the claim. Or perhaps since it's Hot Wheels they are compelled to have some diecast in it even if it's cost prohibitive.
  21. Your comment makes me think about why the UN-Spacy would have all that seemingly open space in the SDF-1 in any case. Is the DYRL version of the story such that everything was already established and built inside before launch. Was the city intentional from the beginning in DYRL, as opposed to the SDF:M storyline of the city being retro'd after the fold.
  22. The part II thread is still there. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=713186
  23. I don't know either, but HLJ shipped mine yesterday via EMS. I should get it by Monday at the latest.
  24. The only micro machine ones I recall are very small and completely made of the crappy plastic as described above. Those hot wheels ones seem overpriced if they are as bad as is described. I am curious just how big roughly these new ones are? The scale doesn't help me much. Does anyone know the actual length of these. I'll be looking out for them in the stores. I wouldn't mind picking up the Reliant if they are not completely terrible. I'm really looking to collect the larger Art Asylum ships. Enterprise-D should be out next month. I'm also looking forward to the "HD" classic Enterprise due out in Sept.
  25. Well, I think it's considered a small ship by Zentradi standards. And, perhaps that's why it has such large spaces for humans, and yet still contain all the needed mechanics and armaments of a military ship. A normal military vessel designed for humans would not have large empty spaces such as on the SDF-1.
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