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Everything posted by sharky

  1. There are fictional movies based on science fact. I thought The Manhattan Project was pretty interesting. A good one is October Sky which is a true story. I would agree that The Right Stuff is probably the best.
  2. When I saw the trailer online I was thinking it might not be so bad. Then, I saw the trailer on the big screen before Star Trek. It seemed kinda lame. I have zero expectations for it now. I'll probably go see it, but I won't be expecting much.
  3. Yeah, the 1:50 deal is bogus, and all the toys are about the same physical size yet the Enterprise D is suppose to be way bigger. So, they are not even the same scale among themselves. BTW the "Kinglon" was a typo, give me a break.
  4. I was browsing Entertainment Earth and I notice that there are more Hot Wheels Star Trek ships coming.. They have some listings with for the New movie Enterprise http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo...?number=MTP8509 Romulan Narada (Nero's ship) http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo...?number=MTP8510 USS Saratoga (same as Reliant) http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo...?number=MTP8523 Klingon Bird of Prey HMS Bounty version (from The Voyage Home) http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo...?number=MTP8524
  5. Did you scratch build that plasma rifle for the 1:18 figure. I am curious how you did it. What I mean is what parts did you decide to use to make it? I was wondering if anyone actually made any Terminator plasma rifles for 3 3/4" figures. I notice that this weeks TRU ad shows some of the Terminator toys on sale. The 3 3/4" figures are 2 for $9.98, and the HK flying type is $15.99. I was thinking about army building some T-R.I.P. figures to use along with my GI-Joe figures. Link to TRU ad http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?kw...254197&sr=1
  6. I'm just saying that most of the responses were telling you to simply be patient and do nothing, but that wasn't the advice you were looking for. But, they were only trying to be helpful, and I thought they were being helpful. We've all been in your position at one time or another including myself, and I imagine most people that responded were speaking from experience. But, as Macross fans buying stuff from overseas, we can all relate to the fact that you were getting frustrated regardless of the advice to be patient. I've got to the point where I don't even pay attention anymore. I just note that it got shipped and I forget about it. Then I am pleasantly surprised when I get my stuff. Everything I've ever ordered from Japan or Hong Kong has always arrived eventually. Sometimes it's in 3 days, and sometimes it takes 6 weeks. My point in my last post is that patience is still the best advice any of us can give. That is unless one of you guys out there actually works for the Post Office.
  7. That scene would have fit right into this movie right along with Kirk's gigantic swollen hands.
  8. I'm always a fan of large spaceships. I'm glad to see that Yamato is doing it.
  9. So, I guess everyone's non-helpful advice of being patient was the right thing to do in the end.
  10. I am anticipating the Art Asylum Enterprise D for sure, but I also have in my sights the new HD classic Enterprise with more detail because of the remastered version of the show that was done.
  11. This guy does a good review of the Art Asylum Enterprise E and he compares it to the Playmates version. The Enterprise E is the most drastic example of what's bad about Playmates and what's good about Art Asylum. To be fair the reviews I've seen of the new movie Enterprise by Playmates doesn't look that bad, but I'm sure Art Asylum can do better. One thing he doesn't mention in the video is that the Art Asylum Enterprise comes with two batter covers. One has the socket for the stand while the other cover is smooth. The cover secures with a screw which is nice.
  12. You know I think the new Hot Wheels Reliant (and I suppose the Enterprise for that matter) is almost to scale as the Art Asylum Enterprise-E. I'm going to check when I get back home from work. That's a nice coincidence if that's the case.
  13. No kidding, what the heck is it that makes these companies think we need more WWII stuff.
  14. Perhaps old Spock had something to do with Kirk remaining captain of the Enterprise. He might have persuaded Starfleet that it would be a wise decision to give Kirk command of the Enterprise since he would have been if Nero had not changed history. As others have pointed out, Kirk actually became captain after getting Spock to relieve himself of command. I think there was compelling evidence and justification for Kirk to become captain in this unprecedented way.
  15. Got mine on pre-order. Now all I need is a good Ranka, and my Klan, Sheryl, Ranka trio will be complete.
  16. Anytime you place an order with HLJ you immediately get an automated order "acknowledgment" that they received the order. I assume a live person actually looks at it and does whatever processing needs to be done to enter the actual order. I believe the delay is the time difference or if you place an order on the weekend, or maybe just the time it takes for a person to review it. Then you will get an order confirmation, but the shipping charge will be "not yet determined." Later on when your item is being processed for shipping you will get a shipping notice with the final amount for shipping and you will get your credit card charged. It is during the final step that your shipping method will change to EMS of the shipment is over a certain dollar amount.
  17. Yeah, anytime we get to see future war it's a win for me. I'm hoping TSCC dwells more in the future now that John time traveled again.
  18. I brought that up once before, but everyone went on and on at the impossibility of it without it being this ultra expensive item. I just didn't want to open up that debate again. Frankly, I was thinking non-transforming just so that it wouldn't be outrageously expensive. All those BBi and 21st Century 1:18 aircraft always made me wish for a VF toy just like it with figures as well. Seeing this F-14 is one step closer to a VF-1, and it makes me wish for it even more.
  19. That would be awesome to say the least. Be sure to post pics if you ever do that.
  20. That is true.
  21. I got the e-mail from Overdrive saying it was on pre-order, so I jumped on it without shopping around. I don't know what the heck is happening with Overdrive, but I wasn't able to complete the payment through Paypal. It kept hanging whenever I tried to log in to Paypal. I wonder if it's actually sold out at Overdrive, and that's why I couldn't actually complete the payment process? Now that I realize HLJ has it cheaper I will order from them. I suppose it was a good thing that I had so much trouble with Overdrive. Thanks for the tip heads-up logos.
  22. One thing I didn't catch when I saw the movie.
  23. I am so getting the Clone Commander blaster and painting it black. I may even glue it together, so that it doesn't come apart. http://www.rebelscum.com/story/front/Whats...Wars_122846.asp
  24. Saw the trailer this weekend when I went to go see Star Trek. This movie looks pretty good. I was a bit skeptical up until this weekend. This is shaping up to be one cool Terminator movie. As stupid as this sounds, the lameness of the toyline had me all mixed up. For some reason my disappointment in the toyline was transferring over to the movie for some reason. Now that I've seen the latest trailer I am excited again about the movie.
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