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Everything posted by sharky

  1. Kyle Reese is supposed to have been born after Judgement Day in 2008 even if you follow the inconsistencies of the T3 timeline where Judgement Day is postponed due to the events of T2. You can't follow any time lines from The Sarah Connor Chronicles as it's supposed to be an alternate time line that doesn't follow the movies. SCC is where the 2002 birth date of Kyle comes from. The probability that THE Kyle Reese would be born in any other time is dumb IMO. If Kyle's parents miss the exact moment of his conception then a different baby would be born other than THE Kyle Reese who saves Sarah Connor. Heck, they could end up with a girl instead. IMO there is no possibility of this Kyle vs the Kyle of another time line. Also, if we go by the T4 events and say that Kyle was born in 2002, there would still not be any records visually of the teen Kyle as to what he looks like in 2018. He would have been 2 years old at the time the nuclear war happens. But the biggest problem is why not kill Kyle as soon as it identifies him? Why this elaborate rouse to lure John into Skynet's base? The entire movie is one big plot hole because they keep changing the time line ever since T3. For example, in T2 John Connor is 10. This is clearly scene on the police computer. In T3 it's stated that the events of T2 happened when he was 13. The major weakness of the T3 and T4 is the fact that the hack writers keep changing things around to suit their fancy, and then they simply call everything an alternate reality. IMO you must stick to one frame of reference and show any changing realities from the perspective of the one time line. Otherwise, you have the mess that you have now with T3 and T4.
  2. There would have been no way Skynet would be able to facially recognize Kyle Reese from any information he may have left behind when he traveled back in time to defend Sarah Connor. It is possibly that some how Skynet knew the name Kyle Reese, but Kyle was born post Judgement Day(Aug, 29, 1997) if you discount any SCC time lines which is considered an alternate time line that doesn't follow the movies. There would be no record linking his face to the name.
  3. I saw the new toys being taken out of the boxes and stocked today at Target during my lunch break. I passed on the first movie toys, and I will pass again.
  4. I remember dragging my brother and cousin with me to see Toy Story. They were both getting ready to hate it. They walked out of the theater thinking it was pretty good. That's what I love about Pixar, they always try to write a movie that adults will appreciate and they end up with a good family movie that doesn't talk down to kids.
  5. Then why the heck haven't they listened to any of our "great" ideas?
  6. Ask and you shall receive. http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/news/16328 Ridley Scott is supposed to be involved as producer, so I'm crossing my fingers that it won't totally suck. But, the director is Carl Rinsch who directs commercials and music videos. We all know how that usually turns out. Cough...Terminator Salvation...cough. I'm just shaking my head because this is one reboot we really do not need. The original still holds water to this day IMO. The last part says it's still in rumor phase at this point. I have mixed feelings because I love the original yet I am thirsty for some good Alien/Aliens movies and the toys that go along with it.
  7. FYI I picked up the DVD at Wal-mart today. I will check it out tonight. I think it's so cool that I can get something like this at Wal-mart of all places. Shows how far the progress of anime distribution has come. I remember the days where I'd be lucky to find something like this as a bootleg fan dubbed VHS tape for rent at the local comic shop.
  8. Yup, pretty softball questions. What's funny is that the interview makes it seem like THOSE are the questions everyone is wondering about rather than all plot holes and plain stupid events in the movie. One of the comments on that page had much better questions. Sauron wasn't even officially back from the spirit world yet. He hadn't taken physical form in order to do any hocus pocus. He needed the ring first to come all the way back. Besides the ring was always a threat as it could be used to destroy him, so he needed it regardless. What you should be asking is why not do this:
  9. Sounds more like a prequel than a reboot IMO. I think reboot is just the new buzz word going around these days. And knowing that Dan Lin(Terminator Salvation) is producing doesn't give me any warm and fuzzies about it either. I think this new Tomb Raider movie is an answer to a question nobody asked or wants answered. Heck, is Tomb Raider even relevant anymore? Does anyone really care what the origin of Lara Croft was? I mean I've been out of the gaming thing for a while now. Are any of the new generation of gamers playing any new Tomb Raider games? I suppose it's meant to appeal to the aging 30 something's and up crowd.
  10. Very nice, but much to expensive for me. The only Ma.K items I ever got are on super discount from HLJ because they used the wrong clear coat. It's cool that they are not only scaling it up, but using the the larger scale to add more features and detail. It's interesting how Ma.K evolved from scratch-built kits into a whole franchise of sorts. The fact that it remains popular in spite of no anime to support it is interesting. I guess it's a testament to the awesome concepts and designs of the model makers. I always liked the sense of realism as if it was something that you might really see in the future military. Thanks for posting it, I've never seen these before.
  11. I found this message with an e-mail link for overseas buyers to inquire. http://www.megahouse.co.jp/mail/ The actual e-mail address oversea@megahouse.co.jp What's the price that's listed? Is the "16,000" the price as in 16000 yen? Ouch! Why o' why did they not make them a smaller scale like 6" perhaps. Then, they would probably be a bit cheaper.
  12. Agreed, one of the things I asked myself was why wasn't Macross 7 about the further adventures on the Megaroad. I think they could have had more stories to tell if we followed them on their travels looking for a planet to colonize.
  13. Ditto, I used to have problems following the action scenes such as the first dogfight. Mostly because the quality of the tape was so bad, and because it was pretty fast action compared to what I normally used to watch on TV. I recall not knowing how the heck Max ended up in the position where he could fire on that Zentradi's head with his cannon still mounted to his arm. I didn't even realize Roy had his Strike booster in that fight because the tape quality was that bad. All the Zentradi interior ship scenes were very dark and I couldn't tell where they were or what the rooms or bridge of the ship looked like. There's a lot of nice detail in some of the frames that just blurrs by at times. Once my brother got the laserdisc it was all very clear to me and I could follow the action much better.
  14. I suppose, but I'm not sure if TSCC is considered canon because then you have Skynet being created in a totally different way. That is, without the aid of the original Arnold chip and Cyberdyne. Perhaps just the creation of endos requires that Skynet send back the first terminator. But, the point about killing Kyle is interesting. Following the story of T1 and T2 exclusively, if John essentially erases his own existence by killing Kyle, then Skynet would have no reason to send back a terminator to kill Sarah. Skynet never gets created as well. So, you're right in that if John kills Kyle then he can save humanity by killing himself and taking Skynet with it. I got a headache now. I don't think the line about "this is not the future my mother told me about" justifies alternate realities. It just means that Sarah didn't have all the answers. She didn't now exactly how things would play out. What's interesting is that what if Kyle wasn't really needed to father John with Sarah. What if a child would have been born from Sarah regardless, and that child would have grown up to lead the resistance. What if Skynet would have been developed somehow without the help of the damaged terminator from T1. The insertion of Arnold and Kyle into the timeline might have just screwed things up a bit, but perhaps Kyle giving Sarah knowledge of the future was needed to counter the changing of the future by Skynet sending back a terminator in the first place. In other words, Sarah might have met the real father of John the day Arnold went back in time, but Arnold and Kyle's presence in her time made her change her normal routine that day. Maybe Sarah would have met John's father at the movie she was going to see that night, but she was spooked by Kyle and never made it to the theater. Now I need to lie down.
  15. I think it looks better without the orange on the leg. Actually, I don't think mine has it either. I need to check when I get home tonight. Edit: Never mind, I got the stripes. I keep the fast packs on and in fighter mode, so I didn't remember what the legs had.
  16. I think Kyle always has to go back in time regardless. Otherwise John Connor would never exist. The thing you have to think about is that if Skynet ever knows that Kyle Reese is the father, then it would be better to never develop time travel. Then Kyle would never have a way to travel back in time to have a baby with Sarah Connor. In Salvation I think it should be more like in Star Trek when someone alters history. You see an instantaneous effect of a new reality were some of history events never took place thus altering the future in many ways that is not even conceivable at the time. As long as John exists we know for certain that Kyle Reese lives to travel back in time to meet up with Sarah. The events that lead to that may be different, but the end result is a definite. So, if Skynet made the decision to never develop time travel than you would instantaneously have a reality without John Connor. I don't subscribe to the alternate universe as an explanation to events in movies. I think it's a total cop out to deal with plot holes. In theory there are infinite alternate realities created for every choice and action we take in life. But, in the movie we are dealing with one particular reality and one particular timeline. You could show alternate timelines for every singe decision and action in the movie, not just those that are different due to a time travel event. You have to just pick one and go with it, otherwise the story, any story, is pointless. From T1, Kyle Reease explains to the cops after he gets arrested that "Skynet's defense grid was smashed". The war was essentially won at that point as he explains. But, I wonder what capability Skynet still has if it's "defense grid is smashed"? What does that mean exactly? Just that it can't communicate to it's various terminators to organize attacks, etc? The time travel was supposed to be a one shot deal because Connor was supposed to have destroyed the time travel device once Kyle went through to chase after Arnold. The other movies never explain it, but perhaps Connor wasn't able to destroy it, or maybe Skynet had more than one, or maybe it was able to eventually build a new one. Another thing that bugs me is the whole Skynet evolved from the massive worldwide computer network of the worlds computer's being tied together. Wouldn't the nuclear destruction of every major city in the world essentially kill Skynet if that were the case? So, we must assume that Skynet still has a core consciousness from which it "lives" in the Skynet satellite as what was originally the case. Or, do I have it wrong? Skynet evolved from the fact that it was connected to the Internet, but it doesn't need the Internet to exist once it evolved?
  17. Yeah, now that I think about it some more, I agree. In my previous post I was only trying to illustrate that it's simply various action sequences tied together by some dull moments of dialogue. And, I suppose that makes a whole lot of sense given the directors experience is with music videos. As others have pointed out, I didn't get that sense of the humans desperate attempt to stay alive and avoid total annihilation. And as others have pointed out again, it's silly to think that Skynet would not have completely devastated the military during Judgment Day given the fact that it had control over the entire military network and probably knew the locations of every single military base and installation as well as the locations of all the ships and subs in real time. Well, I guess the sub could have been non-US. Heck, if they were going to have military vehicles they should have all been foreign. Then at least would have had a little sense realism. There, in 1 minute I came up with a better plot scenario than the freak'n writers of this movie. They should have set up a fan forum and started various threads. Then the writers could have lurked in the threads and probably would have had much better ideas on how to make a decent story. I honestly thought the movie at some point was going to flash forward some years to the time where John Connor sends back Kyle Reese to follow the Arnold terminator thus tying the movie back to the first movie and closing the loop. But, I guess that is a big no-no these days. Then you wouldn't be able to do any more sequels. One last thing.
  18. I like the pic where you can see all of them together. I think that's the first time I've seen all those together like that. I never realized the SHE was smaller than the SOC Gunbuster. I always assumed it was the same size for some reason. The SHE Gunbuster is the one thing I can't bring myself to spend the money on. But then again, I didn't know there was a cheaper version with less accessories. I know HLJ still has a new one for like $600USD IIRC . Perfect transformation is not a big deal for me in any case, so I'm happy with the SOC. I like all the Gunbuster figures, but I wish someone would have done a Revoltech or Kaiyodo verson of the RX trainers. I only know of the model and the trading figures. Ditto for the Sizzlers. I lucked out last year when an online shop still had 5 of the 1st series trading figures. Fortunately, I didn't get any repeats. I also wouldn't mind to see either Figma or Revoltech Fraulein figures of all the characters. I was disappointed that there wasn't any real merchandising push when the new DVD and Blu-rays came out. Or, at least I didn't notice anything significant. I hope that there will be some sort of anniversary thing some day where perhaps we can get some new toys and models.
  19. I liked it much better than T3. My expectations were low as I knew this was basically an action film. I was not expecting a James Cameron film, and a James Cameron film it was not. The effects and action scenes were pretty cool. There was some different things to see as far as Terminators and not necessarily more of the same scenario as with T3. The thing I like most about Cameron movies is that the plot follows along a well thought out and logical path for the most part. When I was watching Salvation I kept saying to myself now why did they go through all that trouble when they just could have killed him on the spot. In T2 you never saw the T-1000 get a clean blow at John Connor because it would have been game over for him with just 1 hit. He came very close, but they somehow managed to evade the T-1000. In T3 and Salvation you see the machines throw people around for some reason that does not make sense to me. You'd think that the first chance a machine has it would just crush a persons head or punch right though a person's heart and have an instant kill. The thing that struck fear in the audience with the first 2 movies was just how deadly, diabolical, and clever the machines were with tracking down it's prey and terminating it. Somehow the machines seemed less deadly and logical in Salvation. I would recommend this to Terminator fans and anyone who wants to see some cool sci-fi action and special effects. Don't go into it expecting to be completely blown away or anything.
  20. I have just one question. Are you wearing any pants and/or underwear when you wear your belt? That might be your problem right there.
  21. I know you have to be kidding as you say. He wouldn't "sleep". I'm sure he would be transforming that thing well into the night.
  22. I used to just call her Garbage Chick. That's Shirley Manson who plays Catherine Weaver aka singer for the group Garbage. She'll grow on you going into the finale.
  23. You are so right on that one. That guy is an idiot.
  24. There was a toyline that was bigger than the titatiums. http://www.toywiz.com/bagabcostbco.html Then there's the Diamond Select stuff which are pricey ($150 each) http://www.diamondselecttoys.com/store/ima...amp;ImageNo=001 http://www.diamondselecttoys.com/store/ima...amp;ImageNo=001 http://www.diamondselecttoys.com/store/ima...amp;ImageNo=001 http://www.diamondselecttoys.com/store/ima...amp;ImageNo=001 http://www.diamondselecttoys.com/store/ima...amp;ImageNo=001 http://www.diamondselecttoys.com/store/ima...amp;ImageNo=001
  25. I think Dollhouse is totally not what you think it is. The show is pretty good, and the tone is not sleezy IMHO. Sure, it's not for kids, but I don't think it's gratuitous in the least.. The writing is interesting and the stories are clever at times. I think you would be pleasantly surprised if you were to watch some of the most recent episodes.
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