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Everything posted by sharky

  1. I think that refers to the popularity of her Minmei character overshadowing her music career. Sort of like an actor being typecast to a popular TV character. She must feel like "hey I have other musical talents besides singing Macross songs."
  2. I have a hard time trying to read your posts.
  3. FYI, TRU is having a sale on the True Heroes toys. It's a buy 2 get 1 free sale. It's not a bad deal if you want to buy a F-22 jet and maybe the helicopter. Then you can have a free one. http://trus.imageg.net/graphics/corp/07220...9798RE-35SX0-v1 The sale is only for today Wed. July 22nd. BTW, they are currently running a sale this week on the Rise of Cobra figures. 2 for $9.99 I believe. The Alpha class vehicles(the smaller ones) are on sale for $13.99 IIRC.
  4. Can anyone shed some light on why this would be discontinued on HLJ? Are the contents of this particular issue something of a hot item that they are sold out? Note that it is not listed as "backordered" or "out of stock". http://www.hlj.com/product/SHPMC23 It's the only issue on HLJ that is listed as "discontinued". I'm just hoping that my order went through in time to have a copy reserved for my order shipment. I'd like to point out that it is listed as "In Stock" at HMV.
  5. No problem. I did pic up vol 1 way back when it was released. I ended up getting it on ebay for a decent price. Around $9 USD plus shipping IIRC. Higher than cover, but not outrageous like the current ebay listings. My comment before where I was asking if vol 1 was sold out is that I thought Gubaba was waiting for the publisher to stop making vol 1 before he would release his translated version. I was just pointing that out to get him thinking about it.
  6. Yup, you're right. I got vol. 2, and it was mint. Nippon Export's price is a little more than cover price, but the shipping was lower compared to Amazon. It was a good overall experience. I think I will continue to order from them in the future, but I will probably just place an order one at a time a few weeks before each issue is released. Oh yeah, I'd like to point out that there's an ad for the Macross Crusade card game and it comes with a free card. I though that was kinda cool. My card had "Command" and the numbers "2", "3", "0" across the top and it had Minmay on the picture. I'm curious if everyone gets the same card in the ad. I'll take a pic when I get home tonight.
  7. I just keep thinking there were some scenes in the TV series where Roy's valk looks like this new Yamato low-viz version. Perhaps it was a night scene or maybe even a comic or something. I'd have to look into it, but I just don't have the time to sit through a bunch of episodes to check. Maybe someone with a fresher perspective or better memory can find a pic or screen shot.
  8. Yeah, I only meant that the suit is the DYRL design, but the colors of the Valk and the suit colors seem to be TV style.
  9. That looks like a DYRL Roy to me.
  10. Is volume 1 officially sold out now that volume 2 is released? Or, is volume 1 still something that can be backordered? Also, I am curious as to what I ordered on the Nippon Export online store. I noticed the "Irregular Issues". Does that mean that the issues do not come out regularly like once a week or once a month, or does it mean that the item itself has a defect. I'm hoping it's just a poorly translated notice. The qty is a bit confusing as well. If I put down 2, does that mean that I will get vol 2 and then vol 3 eventually. Does putting 2 mean I will get vol 1 and vol 2 provided they still have copies of vol 1. Does it mean that I ordered 2 copies of the latest vol 2? If I put down 1, does that mean that I will get vol 1 or vol 2 since vol 2 is the newest one? I'm hoping someone who has already ordered from them will offer some insight as I am thinking there is a language barrier if I inquire myself. http://www.nippon-export.com/catalog/produ...oducts_id=28878
  11. sharky

    SCOOP thread!

    Hope this hasn't been posted before. I wish I new the scale of this. Robot Damashi Quedluun-Rea http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN959023
  12. They do make other things besides Macross products, so I don't think it matters to them. The thing would cause them to run out of Macross stuff to make are licensing issues IMO. I think it is way to early to have a discussion about being in danger of running out of Macross things to make. There are still plenty of ideas out there.
  13. You didn't state what country you are from. From your mention of "$20US" I assume you are in the US, so I don't think you need to worry about customs.
  14. Sigh, still no new pics?
  15. Don't you mean "hey, hey, hey!"
  16. I see the novelty value in it, and it's a neat concept. But, I totally see this going on clearance as I can't imagine the play value is going to last more than an hour before it gets shelved in someone's home.
  17. Toys R Us has free shipping on various Star Wars items. They have older figures and a few con exclusives. http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?fb...rs&view=all
  18. Whoa, hold on there. You need to get it at Target since it's only $16.99 this week. I'm having to go back to Best Buy with the Target ad to get the price match. And, yes I am a cheap bastard!
  19. Damn, I'm not sure why I missed that in the Target ad. I'm gonna take the ad to Best Buy to get a price match. I decided to get this one becuase I will most likely not get all the seasons. I will pick and choose which ones I like best. Same for the the GI-Joe seasons coming out.
  20. Not sure if anyone posted about this already. The season 1 DVD of Transformers is out in the stores since Tuesday. I picked it up at Best Buy for $19.99. Edit: But, get it at Target if you can becuase it's $16.99 there.
  21. I would consider the Toynami 1/100 line. They are smaller, but they are not expensive. They are reasonably nice for the money, and they have super parts.
  22. Shouldn't it have been BTBOP?
  23. Ugh, I'm just tired of getting jerked around with things being in the works then canned. I'm starting to feel like I would prefer I not know about anything until they are ready to market it and set a release date.
  24. I just came back from visiting the Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH. That was the best air museum I have ever seen in my life I highly recommend it. http://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/
  25. Ditto. Seeing the one theplasticwerks got I thought it was pretty cool. It does have a steampunk vibe to it. It's a good design with lots of possible configurations. You can have it in airplane mode and then you can have only the head peak out and the arms can extend out.
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