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Everything posted by sharky

  1. Sounds like from reading this thread that if I don't really care about hacking, I could go with the PSP-3000 or the PSP-2000 to get the best connectivity as the 1000 has no video out. If I care about hacking PSP-2000 is easier to hack than the PSP-3000, and the PSP-1000 is the easiest to hack. But, at the same time the features (connectivity) are not as good as you downgrade to the 1000. Sounds like I should avoid the PSP Go at all costs. LOL! This thread has helped me a lot because I am also considering the PSP in order to play Macross games. Just to make sure, playing import games does NOT require any hacks?
  2. http://store.animebooks.com/vafimafivfva.html http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF35182 http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF35693
  3. I checked back with Nippon Export and they have modifed the listing so that vol. 004 is clearly listed as the item that is up for pre-order. http://www.nippon-export.com/catalog/produ...oducts_id=28878 So, I cancled my order from HMV. I'm glad I am saving myself the EMS shipping cost.
  4. I see, I should have realized that. Funny thing is I never looked at what is underneath the dust cover.
  5. I was wondering if this Macross/Orguss Design Works book is updated or simply a reprint? This one looks new to me because the cover is different http://www.nippon-export.com/catalog/produ...oducts_id=11104 Older cover http://www.hlj.com/product/MOV01629
  6. Well, it is express shipping, so you get it pretty quick. But damn it's expensive. That's why I liked Nippon Export. I could use SAL shipping with them. I just got an e-mail reply from Nippon Export explaining that they are sold out. Their exact words "I'm afraid it is sold out in Japan. No reprint is scheduled for it either." It doesn't really make sense to me because vol. 4 is not even out yet. I wonder if they mean vol. 3 is sold out, but they will allow orders when vol. 4 is released. The way they do their listing kind of sucks because they don't list individual volumes under seperate listings. It's more like ordering a subscription. I just can't figure out if they are simply not going to sell it anymore.
  7. FYI Nippon Export doesn't seem to be offering Macross Ace anymore. The listing is still there, but you are not able to place an order for it. I'm not sure what is going on. The good news is HMV is offering vol. 4, and it's up for pre-order. The shipping is killer though, so you might want to add a few extra items to make it worth your while.
  8. I believe it comes out about ever 4 months. So, I think another issue is due around mid-month of March.
  9. Are any of you MWers in Japan trying to go to this. From my e-mail bulletin from CDJapan: "Hello/ Salut/ Hola from CDJapan, This week end, first Macross's manga will be available and the drawer, Mikimoto Haruhiko, is attented in Akihabara shop to make a sign session for 100 people. In CDJapan, we are also trying to get such wonderful exclusivity but as you can imagine, it is a hard negociation with publishers. Have nice week end!" Sooo, anyone trying to be one of the 100?
  10. I think they do physically pull them out of stock and hold them. I ordered 3 binders from HMV about a week before they sold out. I also ordered a copy of Macross: The First, and my order was held up to wait for the manga to come in. I just got my shipping notice last evening that all 3 binders and the manga have shipped.
  11. There are several color pages about this at the end of Macross Ace Vol. 3. Does the general public normally buy these machines or is it really just arcade owners who buy them? Are they really expensive?
  12. Yes, and I believe that any new one on the shelf should have fixed legs. But, if you find yourself with an older one, I think Hasbro customer service will send you a repair kit to replace the defective parts. I bought one at a discount store, so it's possible that it's an older release. It's also a Christmas present, so I won't know until late December. I plan on calling Hasbro if I need to.
  13. I guess they had to throw in something at the end of the title. Otherwise the movie would just be called Ninja and that would never do. Maybe they are differentiating between types of assassins. One might ask, "what kind of assassin was he?" Then the reply would be "ninja assassin." A ninja assassin as opposed to a sniper or some other type perhaps. I don't know, I'm just guessing here.
  14. I ordered vol 2. here, and I have vol. 3 on the way via SAL. http://www.nippon-export.com/catalog/produ...oducts_id=28878
  15. Yeah, I went to HMV and ordered the 3 that I need. Normally, I would have waited and bought them as I needed them, but I don't want to get stuck with a bunch of issues and no binder to put them in.
  16. Please fill us in on the details.
  17. Hmmm, bigger pages on Macross Ace would be a reason to stick to collecting them. The HLJ description says that it has 4 color pages. I quickly counted the pages of M:1st in M:Ace vol 1. As you know M:Ace vol 1 contains parts 1 and 2 of M:1st. There were roughly 84 pages of M:1st content, and the first 4 pages are in color. M:Ace vol 2 has roughly 91 pages consisting of parts 3 and 4 of M:1st. And, again, the first 4 pages are in color. I would wager that the stand alone M:1st manga will be parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, and if the HLJ description is correct then only the first 4 pages will be in color. Also, the HLJ description has M-1st at 18.1 x 12.9cm, while M: Ace is approx. 25.6 x 18. I guess I'll stick to collecting M:Ace for the bigger size and more color pages. But, actually I'll probably be getting both. I have it on order and I'll know for sure when I get it.
  18. I see. I've been getting Macross Ace from day one from another online source. I should have been tipped off by the cover being different. I overlooked that it was Macross the First and not the entire contents of Macross Ace. The thing is, IMO Macross the First is the only reason to get Macross Ace. So, at least those people that missed out on Macross Ace can at least get Macross the First. I'm starting to think it's better to get these than each issue of Macross Ace since I am only interested in Macross the First.
  19. Hey guys, I haven't been around the forums in a while, so forgive me if this has already been posted. I know there are people still hoping to get the first issues of Macross the First. I noticed today that HLJ and HMV have them listed. Macross the First Vol 1. HMV http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/product/detail/3691273 HLJ http://www.hlj.com/product/KDK15319
  20. FYI, I just noticed that HLJ has the binder listed as discontinued. I guess as we are nearing 50 issues the binders will be more scarce.
  21. Awesome. I got mine on order. Can't wait for it to be released.
  22. This from the guy with the Gurren Lagann avatar. Oh well, different strokes for different folks I guess.
  23. All this talk about the look of the figure, but did we establish where this figure came from? Anybody that can read Japanese please enlighten. I see an '07WF at the bottom. Does that mean it was from Wonderfest 2007? I also see a 2006,9,12 date. Perhaps a release date? This is probably old, yes?
  24. I just keep thinking how you kept the pre-order confirmation for 10 years. Do you have stacks of old newspapers laying around as well?
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DLdm-16DbY
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