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Everything posted by sharky

  1. Guys, correct me if I am wrong please. I can't read Japanese. Last page. Bottom right corner. Looks to me like release dates for the next volumes of Macross Ace. Release dates: Vol. 006 9/25/2010 Vol. 007 12/2010 Vol. 008 03/2011
  2. An English subtitled version is out now in Hong Kong. http://www.imdb.com/news/ni2540716/ When should we expect the official US release? I assume they will do an English dubbed release in the US, so I wonder how long that normally takes from the time the Japanese DVD release occurred on May 26th.
  3. I think you are right. They seem to be putting them out a little more quickly than last year.
  4. Nice!
  5. I think you can now die a happy man. Nothing else to live for really. J/K
  6. I've decided to try to trade in hopes of building a 2nd set of regular cards and possibly trade for 2 foil cards that I am missing. Check out my thread in the For Sale & Trade forum http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33334
  7. Saw last Saturday. Definitely reccomend it to anyone going to the theater these days. I felt it was even better than 2. Maybe even the best one of the three.
  8. There's an English dubbed release by ADV that you could probably find online. I found mine at a Fry's Electronics store last year, or it could have been Best Buy. I forget. Anyway, I believe it's the only English dubbed version of the Macross TV series, but don't quote me on that. Looks like it's backordered at Best Buy. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Macross%3A+Complete+Collection+%288pc%29+-+DVD/9008272.p?id=1907787&skuId=9008272&st=macross&lp=2&cp=1
  9. I sent an e-mail to Nippon-Export asking if they will carry Vol.005. At the time I asked they only had the old listing for Vol.004 that was sold out. This morning I got a reply with a link to the updated listing for Vol.005. I placed an order, but when I went back to copy the link to post on here the listing shows it as unavailable now. I'm not sure, but I think I ordered the last one. Sorry, http://www.nippon-export.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=28878 If you can't find it anyplace else, then you might still inquire through their website. They might be able to get more if you ask.
  10. I think I'll open the 2nd box tonight. If I get any more duplicates I will post which card numbers I have extra. You are welcome to have any extras that you might need.
  11. I recently purchased 2 boxes of the Gunbuster trading cards. Was it just luck that I was able to complete the standard 135 card set with just 1 box, or is that pretty typical. I was also able to get 2 of the 4 foil cards. I was left with about 13 duplicates from the 1 box. I am debating if I should even open the 2nd box. If it is pretty reasonable to think I can complete a 2nd set of the standard 135 cards with the 2nd box I might do it and give to my brother as a gift. What do you guys think? Open the 2nd box or keep it sealed? Part of me wants to open it just to see if I can find any more foil cards.
  12. I haven't seen the movie yet. I'll probably go this weekend. It's my understanding that they try to tie in The Karate Kid title by having Jaden Smith's character know some karate before he goes to China. He tries to use it to fight, but the other kids beat him up anyway. They call him Karate Kid in the movie to make fun of him. It's a bit of a stretch IMO, but I guess they really wanted to use The Karate Kid title.
  13. I wonder if Mari Iijima herself has any arrangements of the song. Maybe you could e-mail her through her website, fanclub, or maybe her facebook or myspace page. You never know, she may have a nice piano arrangement she would share with you if it's for your wedding.
  14. Thanks for the reminder, I hadn't realized it's about that time again. I'll need to pre-order it.
  15. I saw it last weekend and thought it was worth the price of admission. I may try to go see it on IMAX later. One thing that I didn't quite understand. During the first fight scene where Vanko fights suitcase armoer IM
  16. has not set their status

  17. It's cool, dude. I was just goofing around. I also think the show is a little retarded, but it's fun to watch.
  18. For dissing a manly show. LOL!
  19. After seeing those Alien pics I can't wait for mine to come. I got a shipping notice today from HLJ. I'm getting the Revoltech Alien and the Fraulein Revoltech Mari Illustrious from Evangelion 2.0. Yeah!
  20. Why is that retarded? $150 is really not that much money. As others have stated, a lot of us have spent way more than that on other things equally as useless maybe even more useless. Besides what's the difference in justification between playing 1 game vs many games.
  21. I formally request that you turn in your man card.
  22. Is it possible to take the Macross game disc and rip it to your computer. At which point you can upload it to your PSP Go? I am purely speculating, I really have no idea if this is possible.
  23. It looks like it is sold out at my usual source. http://www.nippon-export.com/catalog/produ...oducts_id=28878 But, if you inquire directly they may be able to find you a copy. They were able to find a used copy of an out of print magazine that I was looking for in the past.
  24. That's what I wasn't 100% sure about. The screens between the 2000 and 3000. I was looking at a website that listed the specs. for all 3 (1000, 2000, and 3000) side by side, and the screen specs. look the same to me. Unless the note about "full transparent type" screen on the 3000 means an improvement. What does that mean in layman terms. Better color, sharper picture, more brightness? http://closingablaze.com/2008/09/psp-full-...l-three-models/ Thanks for the info guys, BTW. I'm sure a lot of us PSP newbs appreciate it.
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