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Everything posted by sharky

  1. Cool! Instant preorder. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Thanks, I'll do my best and not read to much into comments in the future. I guess I was inferring negative tone where there was none. I used to be a regular here, but I seemed to have fallen away the past years. I may go away for a while, but I'll never leave my dark master that is Macross.
  3. I have always admired that Sentinel Ohmu, but I can't come to grips with the cost. I was fortunate to catch the Hebikera on a really good mark down on BBTS. It's quite the stunning piece, and I didn't really grasp how big it was until I got it in hand. Unfortunately, it seems to be sold out now. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/44534
  4. You made right choice. Personally, I try to collect any Nausicaa toy I can. I have that figure as well. The silver version that is. Sometimes items slip under my radar and I have to scramble to source it. Have to stay on top of things.
  5. Like he wasn't doing the same in a round about way by trying to correct me. I went to the websites and ordered the stuff. It's pretty obvious where each respective webshop is located to anyone that goes on the site. Assuming I didn't know even after going on there various times to shop would be calling me dumb, so correcting me is an insinuation in itself. Even more passive aggressive if you ask me. Generally speaking I think collectors of Macross tend to be pretty smart. I don't think anyone on here is a dummy. Nor, do I think I'm smarter than everyone. So, you don't have to posture up and explain how smart you are. Bragging is not a good option either by the way. I could go on about my education and profession, but there's really no point in doing so. What happened to this place? I make some comments trying to add to the discussion, not directed at anyone, and people jump on you trying to be know it alls. It used to be much more friendly around here. I guess I was being a bit cranky myself. A humble apology for snapping at you and Tekering.
  6. Who said anything about EMS shipping? I thought EMS was a method that was getting through based on what I read on prior posts in this thread? Maybe I'm mixed up on that. My bad. I originally selected SAL-Registered. At the time I ordered it back in late Feb. I didn't realize it would be a problem. It was ,and still is, an in stock item, so my only assumption is that they were not processing orders because people weren't able to go to work and/or not able to ship due to the suspension of Japan Post international shipping which I only learned about through this thread. I tried to contact them to get the shipping method changed to something else, but I never got a reply. Since so much time had passed I am assuming it's because they weren't able to send it out at all due to shipping restrictions. So, even though my order is being processed, I suppose it will still get held up because of the shipping restrictions on Japan Post?
  7. I know that. I mentioned it along with my N-Y order which is directly related to Japan Post. I mentioned it as an aside that international shipping seems to be moving better after months of inactivity. I didn't think I needed to spell it out, but oh well.
  8. I'm guessing shipping may be opening up or getting better at least. The other day my Nippon Yasan order started to be processed for shipping, and today I got an email indicating that my Misa Hayse figure from Kitzconcept will ship soon. Just seems like everything is moving all of a sudden.
  9. Is it that time of year again where Costco is getting the 1/18 diecast? Did you see any Ferrari's?
  10. Saw this pretty cool Macross deco custom on a Hot Wheels car.
  11. Be aware, that you know nothing about me and are being a presumptuous a$$. What are you talking about "tracking down stuff"? You only need to order 2 things online. Takes less than 5 minutes to do it. In any case., I'm just pointing out what I think it actually is and where one might get it regardless of any money saving aspect to it. You think the guy is some genius chemist with some secret formula that only he makes? And, he made a specially designed bottle that is super optimized for action figures? Give me a break. It's just off the shelf items that he re-branded. I even have some polyurethane and bottles just like that already in my workshop. So, I'm saving tons of time and money because I don't even have to order anything. What, do you have stock in his business or something? Why so defensive?
  12. I heard it's just water based polyurethane clear coat that you can get at Home Depot and Lowes common to wood working. The polyurethane is basically why Future/Pledge acrylic floor polish works. Just get the polyurethane without all the additives that is in Pledge. You can get little bottles with interchangeable needle tips on Amazon. I got some to use for various glues I was using for paper craft projects.
  13. It's the Matchbox Top Gun aircraft carrier playset. You can get them at Walmart for $20. Not bad custom fodder. It's nice to have something to put the little valkyries on. You can find similar aircraft carrier toys on Amazon and discount stores, but the working elevator sets this one apart from the rest, IMO. And, it seem to be the cheapest priced, although not as big as some of the others.
  14. Does anyone know roughly when this is supposed to be released? Should I expect it to be sold at Flying Mule or maybe BBTS?
  15. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Wait, you're saying that Bandai is planning to release a SHF Breetai or that you hope they will?
  16. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    He's in stock at BBTS if you want to get a Breetai figure. Not a bad way to spend $22 IMO. It's not SHF BTW. https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/90032
  17. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Are you being sarcastic?
  18. At 7" would this scale with Hi-Metal R Valkyries? I preordered it even though I'm still on the fence. I figured I can cancel before Oct if I change my mind. If it sells out, and I suspect it will, then I'll be glad I didn't wait.
  19. Pretty sweet. A while back I opted for an airsoft replica of the pulse rifle. A decent enough facsimile for me at a reasonable price and it can shoot BBs.
  20. sharky

    Macross figures

    Articulation aside the Megahouse Sheryl is bigger and better sculpted IMHO. But that's par for the course when comparing an articulated vs. fixed pose figure. Also, the Megahouse outer uniform costume can be removed, so you have a different display option.
  21. sharky

    Macross figures

    I noticed HLJ.com has the SH Figuarts Sheryl on sale for $37. I was in the fence at the higher price, but for $37 I decided to pull the trigger. I think the Freyja is also discounted a similar amount. https://www.hlj.com/s-h-figuarts-sheryl-nome-anniversary-special-color-ver-bann17771
  22. IIRC, this is called the "Perfect Edition" or something like that. Or, at least that was what the laser disc release was called back in the day. I think they orginally intended to have a concert scene as the end scene, but didn't due to budget/time constraints I guess. They ended up animated it for FB2012 and later put it into the laser disc release of DYRL. I thought the end concert was put in all future releases on DVD and Blu-ray? It's been a while since I watched any of the releases I have. I like this ending the best as it's a very uplifting and happy ending.
  23. I recently odered a Bandai Sozo Galleria Robot Soldier (from Laputa) from Mandarake and the DHL shipping was only 1360 yen. Granted the box weight was very light, but I was still pleasantly surprised. I was expecting it to be double that.
  24. I got the same thing happen to me. I've always had really great service with Mandarake. One time they sent the wrong item. They paid to have it sent back and they sent the correct item. They are also more critical of box condition than I am. They'll indicate an item has box damage, but when I recieve it the damage is almost unnoticeable to me. I'm usually very pleasantly surprised with the used items I receive.
  25. Got my Fext Sci-Fi #3 set yesterday. Really impressed with the quality of the image on the panels. It looks like the image is painted/printed directly on the plastic. Is that correct? It's not a decal right? Can't wait to set up a display this weekend. I regret not getting it sooner and maybe a 2nd set as well. I'll see what I can do with the one set for now. Looks like I got lots of options even with just the one set.
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