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Valkyrie Nut

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Nut

  1. I quite like it, just watched the ep where the power core needs fixing
  2. Optimus Prozac. I don't know any drug names but I know loads of TF names
  3. I got to get me one those!
  4. Valkyrie Nut


    So well hidden they've lost it...
  5. My Retarded anime fan name: Magical Pretty Girl Bishie Kitty -San
  6. 秋本 Akimoto (autumn book) 直樹 Naoki (straight tree) Interesting...
  7. I got Osaka on quiz 1 and Yomi on Quiz 2 which is fair as I consider myself to be a cross between those 2 characters
  8. I'll kill my enemies with my bare hands!
  9. Well if you hate Tingle, you'll like this
  10. That looks sweet You will still be doing in it's original beige colour in addition to the white look you've done won't ya?
  11. You sure are working hard Chronocidal. Hope to see the pics soon
  12. Getting better all the time Gorgon! The finished product will be most impressive
  13. Those are cool yet at the same time most freaky
  14. I just got my first MG today of the Zeta Plus. I'm not a skilled model painter (more crappy than anything else) so its going together paint-free. Should still look cool though... ^^;;;
  15. If I ever get the chance to go to Tokyo I'll check those places out
  16. Are they worth ordering from HLJ? I'm actually hoping my local anime shop will get them in but I doubt they will
  17. Hmm... Skull One
  18. Highly anticipating the finished product Chrono
  19. Those pics look great. I wish I had that kind of skill
  20. It is in Prologue isn't it? One of the Purple level tests is a fuel efficiency lesson where you have to drive a hybrid car around the course within 2 min while using as little fuel as possible. If I remember correctly the hybrid is a Prius, unless the euro version has different cars. Is the Maclaren F1 LM in the jp version?
  21. After dinner present? You read my mind Anubis
  22. Yup Yamato do a lot more than just Macross figures. However, that's not important like what???? J.J. ..and Here! Here! Here! Yep, that stuff
  23. Breakdancing Soundwave and Rumble? That's just sweet
  24. Oooh, more perty Asuka and Rei statuettes. I have the china dress Rei, need to get Asuka now. Fortunately the anime shop I go to still has them in stock
  25. Yup Yamato do a lot more than just Macross figures. However, that's not important
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