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Valkyrie Nut

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Nut

  1. I need help, I was transforming my SOC Gunbuster and during the process of pushing in the fists my hand slipped breaking the attachment point on one of the forearm panels. I've tried glueing it back on but it won't stay fixed, what should I do?
  2. If someone could turn Bobby's 'Ninjins Loves You Yeah!" into a message tone I'd be very happy
  3. The Mk III isn't out till December It'll be worth the wait though
  4. I kind of know what you mean, it'd nice to see some more dyamic poses with the figure. For example I keep wondering if it can do this pose: As for ordering more than one HT Iron Man, I'm gonna stick with the Mk3 for now. A Mk1 would be nice as a future release
  5. Hello Mark II figure
  6. Personally, I'm waiting for this, preordered it today
  7. I'd say about £350. Thinking of getting the VF-0A as it's on sale at HLJ. Is it worth getting?
  8. Got though Act 3 last weekend. I heard about the "White Room" so I gave it a go. My pals who haven't got the game considered the photos I took as a good incentive to get it
  9. I am so buying this, loved watching this anime when I was a kid
  10. Why do I feel so far behind considering I bought this only a week after it's release here in Europe? Anyway, I've never really been a huge fan of the Metal Gear series but my god this game is awesome and I'm only part through act 1!
  11. I'm one of the few as well. Loving "What 'bout my star?@Formo" & "Infinity", "Innocent Green" is nice too
  12. My Gurren Lagann arrived today and the shades did break off when I tried changing the chest plate for the first time, the plastic seems to be very weak. I managed to fix it though
  13. VF-25 Tornado II VF-25 Griffon VF-25 Spitfire II
  14. Yup, definately want. However I'm more eager for the VF-11
  15. Hello more stuff for me to look for in Akihabara
  16. Hmm... *Listens to Gunbuster OST* You are correct, my bad. They do sound virtually identical though...
  17. I don't mind the music change either, the track they took from Diebuster works quite well in my opinion (for those who have the soundtrack it's 11 - "Vansetto") I still would have prefered the original track but be honest I'm glad to finally have a decent copy of Gunbuster instead of that rubbish vhs rip brought out here ages ago.
  18. Movie Preview Event review on TFW2005 Be warned, this link contains a lot of spoilers! Reading this article has made me more eager to see the movie and I can't wait until the summer!
  19. Definately gonna get Ultimate Bumbles, just for "Whip It" Plus he looks cool, would like to see a correctly transformed pic though...
  20. A cool-ish pose I tryed the day I got my 19. Was going for an "about to use a pinpoint barrier punch" look, may try to do it better another time.
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