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Valkyrie Nut

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Nut

  1. Lets see. In the past 3 months I got the VF-11B FP and YF-21 FP. I'm now considering getting either a 1/60 VF-1D or a 1/48 VF-1A Low Vis
  2. as in VTOL?
  3. well my parents are at work during the day so if i ordered it now, it would arrive on wednesday morning. I may just get a 1/60 VF-1D instead even though i crave the detail of the 1/48 scale
  4. that works. i always classed it as the 'emergency braking/landing' mode or EBL for short
  5. i know this is kinda off topic but ive been wrestling with my inner conscience about buying the 1/48 low vis. the reason being my parents would most likely kill me for 'wasting' money on it. afterall it does cost more than £100 including delivery but ive got the yamato collectors bug now. what should i do??
  6. that model looks great! keep up the good work B)
  7. id like to see the angel birds scheme too
  8. I can't wait for the 19 to be released! I have the 11 and 21 figures and a model of the 19 fighter mode but I want the fully transforming version badly. I just hope it comes close to looking as good the model in those pics
  9. a series based on armored core would be pretty cool in my opinion
  10. my review is up. its in the toy reviews section
  11. one word for that model: cool
  12. i like! i like a lot!
  13. im impressed be those pics. i make my aim to at at least one VF-1 figure wheter it be 1/60 or 1/48
  14. those pics are excellent! i hope to be able to do pics like that one day B) which if i keep practicing shouldnt be too far away
  15. the closest i can think of to micro machine valks would be the F-14s if you repainted them
  16. update: ive just ordered one. it'll arrive tomorrow or thursday. ill post a mini review on friday/saturday with pics
  17. the address doesnt seem to work o.O
  18. OMG! WTF is that thing?! its hideous!!
  19. the new skyfire looks really impressive and if a toy were made it would give yamato a spook for sure
  20. the model was fan made. its rumoured that the guy who made it is helping yamato with the YF-19 remold.
  21. impressive design. makes me wonder why Kawamori didnt like it
  22. ive just been looking at the site where that lego jehuty was found. this person is damn good!
  23. whats the url for imacross? ive always wanted to play vfx/vfx2
  24. i only have the VF-11B fastpack but i got that from Epic Heroes finding macross toys in england is like looking for a needle in a haystack
  25. doesnt seem to be as its a pure fighter mode model
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