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DJ Loe Kee

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Everything posted by DJ Loe Kee

  1. ^i think something is wrong with the seeds, i've been seedin' for hours and i just turned off utorrent so that i can surf the net (utorrent slows down my web surfin'). edit: i'm seedin' if anybody needs it. i'll upload 2, 3 & 4 to megaupload/flyupload tomorrow.
  2. ^i rarely watch tv. yea, i have 55 dvds of anime and i haven't even watched half of the shows yet. i just haven't had time to sit down and really get into them yet (i keep comparin' them sdf macross and never finishin' the series, lol). yea, i'm always playin' catch up. i quit watchin' d.gray-man around ep. 30 something 'cause i thought it was only 52 episodes long and i was going to wait for the series to end. then i found out that it is an ongoin' manga series and it won't be endin' any time soon. and i'm more use to rentin' anime movies like akira, ghost in the shell, ninja scroll, vampire hunter d. these anime series are really new to me and i usually just watch the ones that have ended already (i once said that i would only watch anime movies and stay away from the series 'cause they go on forever). but i friend showed me naruto ep. 24-28 once and i have a habit of tryin' to finish a series once i start watchin' it. i got into bleach by accident 'cause i heard that it was better than naruto. sasae-san, lol. looks like i will need to take a couple months off for paid vacation from work so that i can see how many episodes i can watch in a week.
  3. ^yea, i don't think that they went overboard yet, but i wasn't expectin' a homage to sdf macross in the first 4 episodes. it makes me think that they will have more stuff like the video game fight between max and milia (pick any two frontier ppl for this scene) or the scene where misa doesn't want to leave the mars base. it's probably something that they added to bring in the original fans of sdf macross who didn't like some of the sequels. lol, i forgot about the butt scene. i just remember how slow the rest of the episode went and how said, i'm not watchin' this episode again. yea, the global report is FILLER. that's another episode that i'd skip too if it wasn't for the new scenes of global writin' his report. the last time that naruto and bleach were goin' to slow for me i quit watchin' them for 2-4 months and then all the sudden i had 20 episodes to watch back to back. but macross frontier and death note has one thing in common, no matter how slow they move i can never stop myself from watchin' the latest episode to find out what happened.
  4. part 1 is every episode goin' to be homage to sdf macross??? one or two things are cool, but i feel like it is gettin' out of hand. shinsen subs released ep. 2 on 4-28 and ep. 3 on 4-30. maybe i'll get lucky and they'll release ep. 4 on 5-2 (tomorrow). one last thing. has anybody seen any homages for macross zero or macross ii (maybe even dyrl, flashback 2012, dynamite 7 and the galaxy is calling me)??? i've recognized the homages for plus, sdf and 7 already (those are actually cool). so, the homages are not too much to ruin the series, but i don't want to see a homage from sdf macross in all 13 episodes of frontier (even tho' frontier stands on its own even with all these homages). my prediction, a human (or half human, half zentraedi) and vajra fall in love, get married and call a truce to the war. lol, jkjp. part 2 ARG, these weekly episodes are too short. they keep leavin' me disappointed at the end 'cause not alot happens and i have to wait for the next episode to find out what happens next. why can't they just release all 13 episodes so that i can watch them back to back. when i watched naruto i had 230-240 episodes to watch (too bad i didn't know that 100 of them were filler). when i watched bleach i had 120+ episodes to watch (too bad i didn't know that they had filler too). when i watched death note i had 24-26 episodes to watch when i watched heroes, my friend had the dvd set for the first season so i watched the entire first season in less than a day (thank goodness for weekends). then, when i watched season 2, dl'ed all 11 episodes and watched them over the course of two days so that i would be ready for season 3 (then i was disappointed when i found out that season 3 doesn't start until sept./oct. '08). when i re-watched sdf macross (the subtitled version this time) i had 36 episodes to watch... then i watched dyrl... then i had 4 episodes of plus to watch ... then i had 5 episodes of zero to watch... then i had 50+ episodes of 7 to watch despite the warnings not to watch 7 (i watched it all)... then i watched encore, the galaxy is calling me and dynamite 7 (i had seen macross ii dubbed years earlier)... so, i'm used to watchin' 10-40 episodes (yes, i love havin' anime marathons) back to back so i'm not used to this "20 minutes and wait for next week's episode" style of "watchin' anime". whenever i am current with naruto and bleach, they bore me 'cause the episodes are too short (the series has a totally different feel to it when it seems like one episode is 2-4 hours long. especially naruto 'cause they like to drag things out but you don't notice how slow things are movin' when you are watchin' 5 or more episodes). so i can't really say if i like macross frontier yet or not. i can only complain that i have to wait for the next episode 'cause this current episode really didn't give me that "wow factor" (except for the deculture and broadcast version of episode 1 and the cliffhanger in episode 2). i'll have to have a 13 episode marathon one weekend once the series is complete (then i'll be beggin' them to have a 2nd season and complainin' on why the series only went 13 episodes and not 26). /end of rant...
  5. o.O xiet, i just finished watchin' episode 2 and i went to shinsen's website... and they have episode 3 ready for dl.
  6. i would say arigato or merci beaucoup or gracias but i've switched to korean. 감사합니다 Kamsahamnida or gahm-sah-hahm-ni-da or Gam-Sah, Ham-Nee-Da (i hate romanization, that's why i provided the hangul/korean script) i'm still in chapter 3-4 (chapter 3 is really chapter 1) so i got that from google. shinsen subs ftw. i haven't even bothered to watch any other fansub version except for seiyan's sub of deculture.
  7. i'm dlin' episode 2 from shinsen subs now.
  8. ^aaaah, that save me the time of play, listen, rewind... play, listen, rewind...
  9. yea, i noticed that too. i would have to listen to the episode again and see if they said ni-a or nya (pronouned as one syllable nya, not two syllables ne-ya, i took japanese in college) in the show. it to-kyo, not tokeyo... it's ryu, not ri-yu (streetfighter). oops, i went off topic...
  10. yes, i finally saw episode one and it goes hard. now i'm waitin' for episode 2 and 3 to get subbed by shinsen subs and for the bleach filler to end (the filler starts next week, boooooooo).
  11. ^nevermind, i think i found the problem. i downgraded my utorrent from 1.7.7 to 1.7.4 (i upgraded by accident) and i had a file in D:Trrtz that was incomplete. i did a search and i see that utorrent is now dlin' to it to my C: drive instead (8 more minutes to complete my dl and see if it plays this time). a mod can delete this thread.
  12. has anybody else had any problems with [shinsen-Subs] Macross Frontier - 01b [4D5EC315].avi? i dled the torrent but zoomplayer, vlc player and wmp wouldn't play the file. i'm re-dlin' the torrent now and lookin' for a ddl/megaupload link...
  13. shinsen subs finally released ep. 1. yea, they are behind but i've been waitin' for their version. does anybody know of a ddl (i know, i already checked post number 1 for the link)? nvm, i had to downgrade my utorrent to 1.7.4 (i accidently updated to 1.7.7).
  14. ^looks like i can't read this thread anymore. i don't watch raws...
  15. yea, naruto and bleach has me spoiled too. i keep checkin' shinsen subs website for updates every few hours. but on the other side of the equation, i used to follow death note weekly and it took animanda about a week or two (or 3 weeks) to sub death note. kuro-hana were the speed subbers and i really didn't like their subs. but they have improved the translation accuracy when the subbed the death note special. anyways, back on topic. i was hopin' to watch naruto first (deep story, little action), then bleach (not so deep story but alot of action) followed by macross frontier (deep story and lots of action hopefully) this weekend. looks like it will be next weekend instead. it's cool tho'. i hate waitin' for weekly anime and i need to go back to not watchin' a show for 2-4 months and then havin' a marathon. but it seems that macross f is only 13 episodes so i guess i should follow it week by week like i did with death note and quit watchin' bleach and naruto for awhile... naruto and bleach get subbed the next day. death note took a couple of days (kuro-hana's speed subs) but you had to wait 2-3 weeks for animanda to sub death note. kuro-han's translation accuracy of the death note special was MUCH IMPROVED over the accuracy of the series. but they did take 4-6 months (or more???) to sub the special.
  16. that's like havin' superman, batman, spider-man and x-men based in tokyo or paris instead of their comic book homes... it just isn't the same.
  17. the only japanese movie that i've seen is ringu and it is 100 times better than the ring (even tho' most scenes are the same in both movies). i mainly watch chinese movies and i've started to watch korean movies too.
  18. so now i should buy the version that YOU like, not what EYE like (misspelled in purpose). i really don't give a fcuk if you want to watch dubs or subs but don't go around tryin' to convert ppl, that's like jehovah witnesses knockin' on your door day after day. and no that isn't a flame. anyways, i won't even bother to say what i like, i don't get on MW to argue with ppl. respect my opinion and i'll respect your opinion (besides, everybody has already said what i would have said in this matter, i would rep them but i guess this forum has no rep option).
  19. let me know if the japanese make a live action movie. i don't watch american remakes or adaptions of foreign xiet.
  20. they should bring back rick hunter... but then he is immediately killed off by hikaru ichigo. i just noticed that hikaru is an ichigo just like bleach's kurosaki ichigo.
  21. animeigo 'cause it is the closest thing to findin' an import dvd set of macross (my dvd player is region free, yesasia.com and their import dvds ftw). i was gonna buy some other macross dvd's but i was told that they were bootlegs (i don't buy bootlegs, i was lookin' for the japanese release of macross). adv (and others like manga, viz, insert american anime licensee) don't count as imports obviously.
  22. i grew up on macross 'cause i was a HUGE transformer fan so robotech and voltron appealed to me naturally. robotech was my older brother's show and transformers were still my favorite. i found out about macross 'cause i wanted to buy some robotech vhs tapes but they only had TWO episodes on each tape. actually they had FOUR episodes per vhs tape, it went like this: robotech ep. 1, macross ep. 1, robotech ep. 2, macross ep. 2. but i didn't buy them. i wonder if anybody else has them (watch somebody come on and say that that was the bootleg... i'm always findin' bootlegs on the net... i bought ring/ringu on vcd but my bank refunded my money once i complained about them bein' bootlegs... i still have the bootlegs, my uk versions of the dvd set and the u.s. release of ringu, all with subs of course)???
  23. macross 7 should be a part of a new new macross game. http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24809 usin' blu-ray/ps3 technology you are now able to play sdf macross, dyrl, mii, mf, m7, mplus and m0 all on the same game (a la sdfm and dyrl on the ps2 as sdfm). the m7 part of the game could have an option to play with a guitar gamepad.
  24. ^ok thanks, i think i have some spare jumpers, i just have to see if they fit. i'm just wonderin' if anybody is runnin' a hackintosh. http://youtube.com/watch?v=41Z0FJYBd5U everybody says mac's own for music... why can't i just install their osx on my pc (mac's hardware is overpriced anyway...)??? and this is legal if you actually buy osx (it seems not only windows get pirated).
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