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DJ Loe Kee

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Everything posted by DJ Loe Kee

  1. yea, i have ep. 14. i just didn't like waitin' weekly for each episode to come out so i decided to let the series finish off first. i'll probably break down and dl somebody else's fansubs before shinsen finishes their set. since i'm just on orguss ep. 3 and patlabor tv ep. 9, i might watch some old anime before i finish macross f. it's kinda hard to go from 2000's anime to 80's anime... it's so much easier to go from 80's to 90's to 2000's (i just finished full metal panic and then i watched mospeada... not a good idea to go from 90's to 80's... but i have had watched fmp a year ago and i finally got the second raid, fumoffu and my other anime off of my old hard drive... my pc crashed before i could save them)...
  2. its finished??? i'm still haven't watched anything past epsiode 9. i'm watchin' for shinsen subs to finish the series. well, i'm watchin' orguss and patlabor now... and i have alot of anime that i can watch until they finish the series.
  3. i just finished watchin' mospeada fansubbed by gray phantom. it was aight. it wasn't as tight as sdf macross. i guess that it seemed better when i was 8-10 years old. gray phantom did an aight job. it's a free fansub so this is not a complaint but an observation. they were about 3-5 lines in the series that they didn't bother to translate. i guess that they didn't know what they said in those scenes and they decided to leave it blank instead of gettin' the translation wrong. i've heard bad things about the ASS (anime skyscraper) fansub so i guess that gray phantom is a good alternative to ASS (if i had the money for the boxset than i would have bought it already so no flames about "buy it don't download it"). i think that megazone 23 (part 1) is alot better than mospeada (the trilogy is a dvd-rip by ASS and it's a good translation job accordin' to the little japanese that i know). i'm now on to super dimension century orguss, fansubbed by ila. this seems to be better than mospeada already. i'm just on episode 3 'cause i took a break to post on MW. i guess that i'll have to settle for super dimension calvary southern cross by ASS. i've only seen it in english and i want to see it japanese. yea, i heard that it sucks but i have to watch it at least once.
  4. i'm watchin' orguss now, fansubbed by ila. i just finished mospeada, fansubbed by gray phantom, and it was aight. i am on episode 3 of orguss (i took a break to come to MW). i just saw a link for one on another forum. i'll have to find it and post the link.
  5. do i know you, lol??? i'm currently on boxden.com arguin' over 9-11 and loose change (the documentary). anyways, back on topic. i know that it is bad taste to ask a fansubber when they will release the next episode of macross f fansubbed. i might check out another macross f. version just so that i will be up to date on macross f. until shinsen subs releases their next fansub edition.
  6. if you can't take the criticism then maybe you shouldn't leave comments in forums. there is no need to me go to warcraft, you ARE OFF TOPIC. i only play wow 'cause i mod on shoupz, the music forum and the admin created a wow server/forum... so i had to see what all the fuss with wow was about. obviously i like macross and not wow and that is why i am on www.macrossworld.com. oOo snap, don't tell me that i was really watchin' "warcraft frontier" this entire time. just admit defeat instead of tellin' me to go to another forum. i don't even like wow, i have left all kinds of anti-wow comments on shoupz wow forum. i'll speak my mind and you can speak your mind... if you can't back up your own opinions after bein' "called out", don't feel sad...you can't have a 100% win percentage. i am not the only person who thought you opinions were wrong. shinsen has a forum, you know. why don't you tell them your 'constructive criticism' instead of 'berating' them on a forum that they probably never visit. i have already seen a comment on shinsen's forum tellin' them they "listed the wrong basara song" playin' in the car in episode 2 or 3. i believe in tellin' a person anything i have positive/negative about them to their face, not talkin' behind their back to other people who are not involved in the matter. shinsen will not ban you for that. i wouldn't ban you for that on shoupz. i used to debate with the mods on shoupz and i didn't get banned... they made me a mod instead. i've read their (shinsen) macross threads for their releases and their general mf discussion thread and i haven't seen anybody repeat your comments/criticism on their forum. i gave you chance to back out a long time ago. remember when i said. this is what i do. if i am wrong, then i would rather change my mind than continue to support a wrong argument (unlike 99% of people will support an argument that they know is wrong because they refuse to admit that they made an error). and when i am right, i know infinite ways to win... and i will use "by any means necessary" to make people understand my point of view (no i won't don't call them names or cuss them out). なめんなよ ありがとうございます oops, wrong language... 감사합니다
  7. ok, so you may be right on the "you", i'm used to bad grammar on forums so i read that as "I" when i watched it yesterday. but what if they really said "you" and that is the show's script writer's fault/error. i'd rather have somebody that speaks japaneses confirm that he said "You" and not "I". we do have japanese speakers on this forum... somebody has already told us that he said i believe nothin' that i hear on the net without some facts to back it up. opinions are opinions, not facts, until proven otherwise. and i still do not see how "it's twice as hard with the ex-gear switched on" is a mistranslation.
  8. and that is opinion, not fact. if he didn't say "you better not forget this", then simply tell me what he really said. by the way, wa-ta-shi means "I". there is more than one way to say "I" in japanese. if he said "I" and not "You", then simply translate what he really said. until then, it is one person opinion, not facts. you have said the exact same thing in 10 different posts, have have not presented any new information. let me go translate some german movies for you until then. and i don't know a single word of german.
  9. i'm not sayin' that. i'm just sayin' translate for me what they said in that episodes. don't tell me what other fansubs used for their translation, i can dl their release and find that out myself. everybody could be wrong and another fansub release is not proof as they could have made a correct translation. the lines spoken in japanese (in hiragana or kanji, i only know hiragana) and then a translation would be proof. japanese translation can be tricky sometimes. i can say "look at that [Ha-Na / はな] right there." i can translate that as "look at that [flower] right there." or "look at that [nose] right there". sometimes, a phrase can have 10 different translations and they are all correct, not a mistranslation.
  10. if i think that somebody made a post that is wrong, then i will point it out and ask for a source/proof/facts/ect., not their opinions. so we can disagree to disagree.
  11. calm, i am calm. debatin' on forums is what i do. and i see no proof that of a mistranslation. let the people who can speak japanese tell us when they make translation errors, not people who speak only english makin' irrational comments. anybody on shoupz, shoupz wow forums, 3gn or any other forum where i go to will tell you, don't debate with loe kee...
  12. those are the homages that i like most. those little hidden "easter eggs" that you can still miss even when you have watched the original show 20 times.
  13. then you must know japanese. then tell me what they really said. don't tell me what other fansubs groups said. that doesn't make it right. you don't understand japanese or you would be watchin' the raws and not the fansubs groups. how the heck is somebody who can't speak japanese tell shinsen that they made a translation error. gubaba said that they said 12th and not 20th. apparently he speaks japanese and not you. gubaba did not mention anything about a mistranslation. when you learn fluent japanese, then start your own fansub group. until then, you have as much credibility as the native german who only speaks german tryin' to translate anime shows that are spoken in japanese for me. please, damn nerds and geeks who think that they know everything. get a life and quit complainin' about anime that you didn't pay for. once you pay for it and it has translation errors, then you can complain.
  14. i really don't see the problems with the homages in macross f. yea, i did make this thread... http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=25952 but that was just a rant, i never judge a series on just 1 or 2 episodes (unless they super, super bore me in the early episodes and i quit watchin' it to switch to another anime for awhile... but i'll come back and finish the series that i quit someday, i still have to know what happened next). the homages in ep. 4 were tite (just like the homages in ep. 1 were tight), especially the training/battle scenes, the queadluuns, the dead zentraedi and the zentraedi battle ship. even the miss macross contest was tite, ranka all flat chested compared to everybody else. now on to ep. 5 which i heard has no homages.
  15. the homages in ep. 4 were tite (just like the homages in ep. 1 were tight), especially the training/battle scenes, the queadluuns, the dead zentraedi and the zentraedi battle ship. even the miss macross contest was tite, ranka all flat chested compared to everybody else. now on to ep. 5 which i heard has no homages.
  16. then why is that shinsen fault??? shinsen did not write the script. isn't that the fault of the japanese company/writers that wrote that line. sometimes ppl cannot enjoy ENTERTAINMENT. i've seen plenty of plot holes in other anime but it doesn't distract from the overall anime (ok, so the plot holes do but it's not real life, it is FICTION). ok, i will not argue any more about this. let's agree to disagree, i'm goin' back to watchin' episode 4 & 5 of macross f and then i'll study my korean vowels and consonants, this is really a waste of time. edit: one more thing, do you understand japanese??? do you know that it was a mistranslation or are you just comparin' it to another fansub release??? i haven't heard one person you knows japanese come in here and say "this is what they really said". sorry but i switched from japanese to korean so i won't attempt to translate macross f or email my friend/tutor from japan just to ask her what they really said ('cause i may find a japanese website that i want to order from and i'll save my "let me bother her for a translation" later on when i really need it). the only thing i saw wrong was the "20th" miss macross contest on the stage backdrop vs. the translation of "12th" miss macross contest. and i really don't feel like lookin' up in my japanese book the words for "12th" and "20th". my listenin' comprehension suxs anyways so i probably would still say "wtf did they say" even after i learned the words (just like i said every time my japanese teacher said something in non-english).
  17. it will be on dvd, i can guarantee you that. 7 and sdfm are all on dvd... the japanese will release a dvd for their (japanese) viewing pleasure. and somebody will buy the import the dvd, rip it their hard drive and create soft sub file... so that ppl who purchase the import dvd can rip their dvd to the hard drive, combine the rip and the sub file into the appropriate software, and burn a new dvd. and i really doubt that these ppl who capture the raw are usin' professional video capture equipment. http://www.avid.com/products/professional-film-video.asp if you want "true hd quality" buy the dvd. until then, we'll have to settle for whatever quality their tivo or pc's video capture cards gives them (and they shouldn't be tryin' to remaster the film unless they have professional experience, they just need to use a compression method that doesn't "take away" too much off the original video's quality. me, i'd rather have the uncompressed video format and then i could use my own software to compress it and make the file size smaller. but that will never happen). remember, support artists and buy retail, even if it is just one cd or dvd a year/every two years (you can avoid $20 once a year or two right). any other music/graphic artist on this forum will "feel" me on this one (yea, i dl music/anime but i still buy dvd's/cd's every couple of months).
  18. those are NOT translation errors. i've just now got around to watchin' ep. 4 & 5 (and i paused it to make this quick comment). "It's twice as tough with the EX-Gear switched on." well, he is runnin' laps, so "what's his name" (mihail i think but i'm lazy to look on wiki what his name is, ep. 4 is still on pause) what's the ex gear turned on to make his 25 laps harder on him. "I won't forget this!" he's just sayin' that he won't forget the abuse from from what's his name. those lines are not bad english. they are grammatically correct. and they make perfect sense to the action on the screen. i really don't see what the fuss is about. if i was to turn in this script (i haven't finished ep. 4, it's still on pause) as an assignment to my english professor, he/she wouldn't mark off on it (i know how to write, now math is another subject, what do you mean 2+2 doesn't equal 158,125,125,876?!?)
  19. ^it's free fansub, no need for it to be perfect. that's why they release dvd's later on (hopefully the import japanese dvd will have english subs since we won't get a dvd release here in the states). besides the dvd's better video quality, i've quit buyin' them and made the switch to fansubs only 'cause i prefer the "black border around the white text subtitles" that fansubs use... and i can read all of the subs even when the background is a light/white color (i can't read 100% of the subs for my retail dvd's of anime that i've bought in the past... you get one benefit but you lose another thing, make your choice).
  20. does anybody know their email address? we can't send them comments on their website askin' them to sub macross f or they will ip ban the person... who has a dynamic ip???
  21. lunar?!? then i won't be watchin' their version. they did a good job and "all that" with bleach, but i found they're use of "slang" and their invention of "new contractions for words that don't (a contraction of do not, lol) have contractions" as bein' very unprofessionally/annoyin'. i would have been cool if the ppl in bleach were speakin' in "japanese slang", then english slang would have been cool cool, ya heard me (nobody says "you heard me", the proper new orleans expression/slang is "ya", not y'all or you. anyways)... but when they dropped bleach and dattebayo picked it up, then all the sudden they were speakin' proper japanese and not slang...
  22. shinsen subs ep. 5 is out. and i haven't even watched ep. 4 yet... now i can watch 2 episodes back to back.
  23. ^thanks for the info. i haven't even watched episode 4 yet, i'll wait until i finish torrentin' ep. 5.
  24. dammit, why do i always read these threads. now i know that ranka doesn't win the miss macross thread and i haven't even watched episode 4 yet. oOo well, i'm always readin' manga spoilers by accident for naruto (i know who has died in the manga and i ONLY watch anime, i don't read manga).
  25. that's what i did with death note, i'd watch kuro-hana first and then i'd watch animanda later (animanda was releasin' episodes 2-3 weeks after it aired in japan vs. kuro-hana's 1-2 day wait time).
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