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DJ Loe Kee

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Everything posted by DJ Loe Kee

  1. yea, i'll quickly switch to another brand if one turns out to be bad. i can't switch to linux 'cause most of my music production software doesn't have a linux version. plus, i sux at programmin'. so, i'm afraid i could do something wrong, ruin my pc (os wise) and have to reinstall linux in order to get it to work. i would switch to a mac 'cause EVERYBODY tells me that mac owns windows when it comes to music production and video editin'. but i can build a new pc with the same specs as a top of the line mac pro for half of the cost of the mac pro. mac's seem interestin' to me so i may have to get one someday when i have money to burn... i should make that when i have alot of money to burn since then i would have to buy software instead of lookin' for "free lol" versions on torrents.
  2. i really don't know. i have no way of tellin' him that he was wrong so eventually we moved on to another macross subject.
  3. so true. i just had some bad luck. i had recently backed up all of my stuff (i had 55 dvd's just for anime) before my mb died. but then i bought a megaupload premium account to dl more anime and it died in the middle of my premium (so i didn't get to use all of my premium, i had no pc for 3 weeks). so i'm missin' about 10-15 dvd's of anime instead of 65-70. but the comments on newegg said that external hard drive kit let a guy get stuff off of a hard drive that belonged to an old pc that had died. so hopefully i can get the last of my anime off of it. ok, back on topic. i'm waitin' for gt5, gta4, ffxiii and fxiii versus to come out before i finally get a ps3. i really trust sony, i bought a boombox back in 95-96 that still works today , except for the cd player, it won't play cd's. so i really trust sony products. i even bought a sony cd/mp3 player for my car over a pioneer 'cause the sony had better graphics than the pioneer (it shows animated pics like a racin' rally car and a snowboader skiin' and flippin' downhill).
  4. i told him that it was robotech 2: the sentinels too but he says no, that's he has the official dvd set from big west, japanese release only with no english subtitles.
  5. i'll back him on the dvd-r vs. hard drive. hard drives break down after awhile, trust me. my friend had an external hard drive break on him and he lost ALL OF HIS MUSIC. no, not music that he downloaded, he's a dj/producer and he lost his own beats, songs, mixes and remixes. no, he didn't have a cheap ext. hard drive, it was either a seagate or a western digital. now, if i can hopefully turn my sata2 hard drive into an external hard drive with a kit and get my megazone 23, full metal panic!, full metal alchemist and about 100-200gb of other anime off of it and onto dvd-r (mb died and backup mb doesn't support sata2). and you can label me a ps3 fanboy. i build my own pc and ms can't get windows xp right yet (i find so many bugs). so i can't see myself buyin' hardware from them when the software breaks up on me and the only solution is to reinstall windows to get rid of the bug (style xp revertin' to a win. 98 theme when i didn't tell it too. not a style xp problem, i googled it and ppl w/o it still have this bug. the only solution is NOT to install style xp after a fresh reinstall but then i'm stuck with the ugly green button. don't get me started on vista). so ps3 ftw. all i need is gran turismo, grand theft auto and tomb raider. now if i could only get forza/forza2 to play on my ps2/ps3.
  6. my japanese isn't that good. i only took one semester 'cause my school changed the class availability and i would have had to waited a year just to take part 2 of the class. so i quit and i switched to korean. not yet, i bought some textbooks, some action import movies but i get lazy about practicin'. so, nope, i really can't tell when the subs are off. except when they translate baka as a55hole, b1tch or any other cuss word. this ticks me off 'cause we can't cuss where ever we go (like church, school, sometimes work) but you can say baka anywhere and ppl won't even notice or care.
  7. i believe that it's from the s15, not a conversion. here's the original pic. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/djl...image_large.jpg thx. i've known about the site for about 4-5 years. i finally registered after i saw macross f so that i could post in the forum. try batfa.com, but you have to find somebody who can legalize it for you. i want a s15 but i can only bring one over as a race/show car, not street legal. my friend on phunk-one.com (not sure if the forum is still up, the admin told me that he was takin' the site down) lives in japan and he bought the uncut limited edition dvd set of macross for like $600-700 (but he said that it came with two 1/45 yamato valkrie, other bonuses and that he's a HUGE macross fan). he said that it included deleted scenes like hikaru and misa's wedding at the end of ep. 36, the sdf-2/megaroad leavin' earth with hikaru, misa and minmei at the end of ep. 36, max and milia havin' discussions of fakin' their divorce for the safety of the zentraedi/human race (and the reason why we find out that they are divorced in macross 7) and other scenes that they weren't able to fit into the tv series time limit. i was hopin' that animeigo's uncut version contains these scenes 'cause i have anime friend's fansubs version of the tv show. i'm kinda lazy to check to see if phunk-one.com is still up 'cause then i'd have to read all of the new posts. but if it still is up, it's the only macross thread on there and me and my friend were the only ppl to post in that thread (it's like 30-40 posts tho').
  8. yea, the akira english dub was the same as the japanese subs. the ninja scroll english dubs have alot of rewrites compared to the japanese subs (like the scene with the rock guy, tessai, who has abducted kagero and is havin' his way with her). but ghost in the shell english dubs was the worse, the rewrote entire scenes (like the scene where they are explainin' to the guy that he has no wife and daughter and the endin' where she quotes the bible in the japanese version but she says something totally different on the english version). i just want to know what they said, don't rewrite the movie for me. if i wanted a weak american script, then i would watch shows and movies from hollywood.
  9. actually, i was referrin' to the fansub group called anime friend. yea, the animation is not the best, i noticed a scene where roy only has half of his head (i simply laughed at it). but, my bad animation comment was referrin' to ppl on anime forums who complain about bleach and naruto filler havin' bad animation. i was not referrin' to macross. anyways, i know that 70's and 80's anime was low budget and alot of anime style came from these restricted budgets (like movin' the camera from one side of a still picture to the other side of it) so i have no problem watchin' old animation that the younger ppl call "oOo xiet, that animation is terrible, i don't see how ppl used to watch that).
  10. i agree with this. i switched to subs only once i found out that that the dubbed version of my anime dvd's said different lines than the subbed version of the same dvd.
  11. go to the first page of this thread, i upped it onto flyupload. maybe i watch too much anime and the voices sound alike to me, but isn't that the same voice in that youtube clip that did the intro to sdf macross and other narrations.
  12. my bad, i just went back to that scene and sheryl did say that. i so used to readin' the subs that i didn't noticed whose lips were movin'. i thought that the only thing sheryl said was "foolish child" (shinsen subs) and that the other lady had said everything else in sheryl's defense. you're in luck, i saved it in my favorites.
  13. i grew up on robotech, speed racer and voltron (along with some other dubbed anime in the 80's). i even watched it again on cartoon network i the 90's (the didn't show mospeada 'cause of the fact that one guy dresses up as a girl). but my friend also showed my his dyrl vhs and tellin me what rick's real name was. i bought akira, ninja scroll and ghost in the shell later on and i would watch them dubbed. but after seein' crouching tiger hidden dragon in the theater, i found out that i can watch subs (i read all of the subs of the movie while my friends gave up). so i went back and watched ninja scroll and ghost in the shell subbed. damn, i was surprised, they rewrote entire scenes, the japanese version was alot better (kagero's attitude in ninja scroll is better potrayed in the original dub.) no comment on ghost in the shell 'cause they did ALOT OF UNNECESSARY REWRITIN'. akira was pretty much left intact in the dub (but i have the dub with the new voice actors and not the ninja turtles voices found in the original dub.) i finally found sdf macross on torrent and i watched the series over. robotech's endin' suxs, they killed off everybody at the end. i was shocked when i found out that the macross was not destroyed in the original version. i have no reason to go back and relive my childhood. now if i could only find hyakujuu-ou golion (voltron) and mach go go go (speed racer) on torrent or even import dvd (i didn't get a region free dvd player for nothin'). to each his own tho', it would be borin' if everybody was like me. i have a region free dvd player so it doesn't matter to me, i can always buy the import dvd. yea, sdf macross is great. watchin' it and seein' things in it that anime that is still used today just lets one knows how influential it was. bad animation??? it looks good to me. but then again, i did come up on speed racer, voltron, transformers, g.i. joe, thundercats and ninja turtles and i laugh when ppl complain about naruto and bleach havin' bad animation (b.s., watch the shows that i watched back in the 80's and then come back and complain about the so called bad animation). i like it so much that i plan on buyin' animeigo dvd set, even tho' i already have anime friend's fansub version. i can't say the same about other anime that i like like death note and full metal panic! i tried watchin' akira, ninja scroll and ghost in the shell over again and the subs are TERRIBLE. they could at least add borders to them so that i can read them whenever the background is a light color. plus, i took japanese in college and i pick up new words from import dvds and fansubs sometimes. so i know when my dvd's subs have stupid translations (hoi means hey but you ought to see what they translate it as sometimes. baka means stupid/idiot and they mess up this translation too, they like to translate it as a cuss word. it's not, my friend taught me some "bad words" in japanese).
  14. the only part that i thought was rude and selfish was when she was tryin' to escape towards the end of the show. then i realized that it was her manager/escort/friend that said those lines and not her.
  15. i'm loving it so far. i think the plus was more ghost in the shell (good movie, i actually bought the dvd) than macross and that zero went to much into the supernaturally side like ninja scroll (another good movie, i actually bought this dvd too) and "kinda" rewrote the macross universe. i liked plus and zero but they just didn't "feel" like macross to me. i'm still pissed that 7 made max and milia get divorced (one of the highlights of sdf macross was their dogfights and synchonized fightin') and then they had to go and ruin that memory for me (i haven't seen the uncut scenes from the dvd set but my friend told me that the divorce is a "trick" and it's not real, but they acted like it wasn't a trick in 7). i watched all of 7, encore, the galaxy is calling me and the dynamite 7 despite ppl tellin' me not to 'cause it wasn't good. dynamite 7 was actually good even tho' it didn't have the macross feel to me. no comment on II and the reporter/pilot 'cause i found at that the creator of macross didn't even write that ova/movie after i rented it (and hence it's alternate universe tag). anyways, frontier seems like it will get back to bein' macross for me. mechs, pilots (that fly them to destroy the enemy) and war. i've been waitin' for news about the next macross sequel since i read about it six months ago and it seems that the predications and rumors about it centerin' around a school (just like full metal panic? Fumoffu which i haven't watch yet along with the 2nd raid... i've just seen fmp!, i hope i can get it, megazone 1, 2 & 3 and other anime off of my "unusable with this motherboard but workin' hard drive" so that i don't have to re-dl it) were WRONG. i didn't expect to see ep 01 so soon, i just happened to go to the macross section of crunchyroll.com and i saw it (i have them dl'ed and dvd so i wan't even plannin' on watchin' it on there)now i can't wait for ep 02) on there. so i luckily found a seiyan subs mu dl on anime-eden.com/forum. then i torrented a shinsen subs dl so that i could know what sheryl was singin'. so i had to upload it to flyupload even before i found out how terrible the translation was by seiyan (that gave me an excuse to make a dupl. thread on anime-eden for an already upped episode). i have a feelin' that they made up a new villian instead of makin' it the supervision army. but it would be interestin' to see who the supervision army is. but with a name like the supervision army i would think that they are the "space police" and that they were at war with the zentraedi 'cause the zentraedi only knew war, war and more war...
  16. i guess this is the right section 'cause i see blu-ray vs. hd-dvd, ps3 and xbox360 threads in this section. so who else has a region free dvd player? i started out with a daewoo (it was cheap) but it quit playin' EVERY disc (dvd and cd) so now i have a jvc xv-n330. my player has been hacked, i mean modded so that it plays region 1-8 and both ntsc/pal dvd's. http://cnet.nytimes.com/video-players-and-...7-31880982.html http://reviews.cnet.com/video-players-and-...7-31880982.html i got my daewoo when the ring came out 'cause my friend from japan told me that the ring was a japanese movie. so i wanted to see the original too after i saw the ring in theaters ('cause the original ALWAYS owns remakes. no need to turn this into a "robotech suxs macross ftw" thread). the movie that i have is region lock for u.k/europe (i can't remember if u.k is a different region from europe or if that's the case with japan and the rest of asia). so now i own ringu (two versions, i got the u.s. dreamworks sub release 'cause the u.k. tartan's subs suxs) ringu 2 (not raesen, the originally sequel) ringu zero my wife is gangster shadowless sword never lose she's on duty (yesasia.com gave me this one for free 'cause i bought the above 3 movies at the same time) (and sex is zero on vcd with no subs =[) and this is on the to buy list sdf macross macross: dyrl the duelist my wife is gangster 2 and 3 city of violence sex is zero nowhere to hide soo sword in the moon running wild infernal affairs 1, 2 & 3 hard boiled audition shutter legend of speed house of flying daggers hero crouching tiger hidden dragon full contact my anime is fansubs and dvd-rips so i don't have to worry about the region lock... and the sdf macross dvd set that i want is region 1 anyways. the rest of the macross series that i want is region free (i have the fansubs and dvd-rips but i may get the real dvd's anyways). it looks like i will have to get a region free blu-ray player some day 'cause the ps3 is region free ONLY for its ps3 games (this is good for japanese games tho', no need to buy a modchip). no need to buy it yet until gran turismo 5 comes out (it better not sux or i'll wait for gt6). everybody here likes anime, so i know that has to be a couple of ppl who like foreign movies and tv shows (yes, i know about crunchyroll.com, youku.com and other sites like that).
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