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Everything posted by VF-2SS-BloodPhoenix

  1. Dumb question, but are all Studio Halfeye products unassembled and require lots of touch up work (like sanding) and painting? There's some nice stuff there, preferrably these that I'd be interested in: http://halfeye.m78.com/products/shin1b/shin1b.html http://halfeye.m78.com/products/gldy/gldy.html http://halfeye.m78.com/products/gfg/gfg/gfg.html http://halfeye.m78.com/products/sw_dann/dann.html And of course, the Gunbuster looks pretty nice too. Can anyone give me some details on the ones in the links? I'm aware of the costs (from $100-$600).
  2. Yeah, a new paint scheme would breathe some life into the VF-1. The Mars camo, or maybe a pixelated camo scheme, or a Minmay scheme, something. The way things are going, I think they're just biding their time, and racking up enough dough, to pave for the next 1/48 scale VF-1 designs seen in their 1/60 scale line up: the 1D, the Elintseeker, and the Ostrich. It's only logical for them, and it will make them the ultimate versions, I think.
  3. Before the toys, I only had very little experience with the small 1/100 scale Imai model kits which were not enough and was limited to one mode. I also had previously visited my bro's friend's house and his uncle had a 1/72 scale transformable VF-1 model but he wouldn't give me any details on where I could get one. I came into the toys back around 2000. I think it was after I saw on eBay a Transformers G1 Jetfire that started the fuel for my fire. I then found out that Jetfire was a mold made from the original Takatoku/Bandai Valkyries and I was pretty damned shocked to see those on eBay fetching crazy amounts of money. I went nuts when one seller had a photo of their collection up. That was just beautiful . Unfortunately they didn't want my $1,200 offer for a Bandai VF-1S Strike. I was able to get one in the end though, for that amount from another seller, but at that time, Yamato pretty much came into the market and calmed down the craze, IMO. Then Bandai joined, but not to much sucess. Now, the 1/48s are my main interests along with a couple others here and there like the Toynami Alphas/MPs. Though I've never been in the dark days, I can understand .
  4. What about the Hikaru VF-1S box that's on fire? 349147[/snapback] I'll wait for the inevitable re-issue. BTW, did the 1/48 VF-1J just get re-issued or is that coming soon?
  5. I've got a VF-1A and a VF-1S. I'm not going to pay any where near $300 for a VF-1S Hikaru. I'd rather buy another VF-1S and do a little painting (or swap my two VF-1A and a VF-1S heads around for that). I guess Yamato isn't even going to bother with that themselves and rereleasing it ! So to me, a 1S Hikaru isn't worth it.
  6. Barbies are just stick figures that can't even stand. They're more 'doll-like' than an action figure that's meant to be posed and can stand without some doll stand. If Barbies are dolls, then your small 3 inch posable 'action figures' are miniature dolls with fake clothes and minimal accessories .
  7. Out of all 25 of them, the only ones that crack me up are #5 and #7. I'd say the majority of them aren't really that funny. Or maybe I just don't get it...
  8. Another versus thread? Great. And there's me thinking this thread was just put up to discuss the PC requirements needed to play DOOM 3 on a computer rig... Ah well... Hence my "Nevermind" deleted comment, though I never tried to start an argument, just give a reason why I like PC more even though I am old skool, can ya dig it? I KNEW this (argument) was going to happen so I held back. Both PC and consoles have +s and -s, nothing's perfect. No need to wage a war over it. Just relax and enjoy what you like.
  9. The latest video cards from Nvidia and ATI process much more data (they have more bandwidth) than the fastest CPU can handle, thus even a P4 3.4EE or A64FX can only try to keep pace. Of course lots of other variables come into play, like having an OS that isn't game only and not everything on a PC is 100% compatible. Most games (even today) rely too heavily on the CPU because developers don't expect everyone to have the latest hardware, which is why you need a better CPU than what is recommended. Retracting Head Ter Ter, my sibling uses a Radeon 9700Pro in their shuttle, so try that (or something similar and cheaper if finances are an issue). It's small enough, and powerful enough for today's games, though it is a tight fit.
  10. What types of monitors are those that you are referring to?
  11. Doom3 was designed to run on slightly older systems (via the 4 rendering paths), but to get the full effect you need the latest hardware and apparently there isn't a retail consumer desktop CPU fast enough for the latest video cards (X800/aka R420 series and GF6800 series/aka NV40) which will still limit the graphics bandwidth. You'll need something like a 500MB video card, a full GB of RAM and something along the lines of a 4.5Ghz CPU to enjoy all the little details of the game. In my next PC upgrade I'm getting an A64-FX53 (2.4Ghz/400Mhz FSB/1MB L2), 2GB DDR400/PC3200, and maybe a GF6800U. I haven't upgraded yet because the MB for the CPU I'm getting is not even available yet.
  12. Hey Anubis, if you are willing to sell this particular TF I'd like to have first dibs! Let me know, and also LMK if you have any of the other accessories with it (Spike is no loss for me). Buy or trade (though I probably won't have anything you'd want).
  13. I'm not offended by it. It just looks too damn funny coming from an image of Minmay . A long time ago (5+ years) I used to see that everywhere. I got sick of it. Was it some kind of fad or people trying to act all rebellious/rough/edgy/etc. or something? BTW, to stay on topic: I feel exactly like Nightbat. I can't spend $130-$200US on the latest ones yet. The last Valkyrie I got was the Low Vis when it came out and my current collection is unchanged since THIS was put up. I'll get the rest sooner or later, but it's not a priority.
  14. EXO, Get it right dude, as much as I've called you one, you should know by now, it's BEOTCH, not freaking biatch! I mean what the hell is that? Your point is moot! Is your AV of Minmay giving the finger? To everyone?
  15. That's exactly what I think. Regarding the video, did Tifa get slammed into the ground during that fight? The video froze 4-5 times on me, and it happened during that fight sequence. Someone, please, just get me that download!
  16. I just saw a pic of this at BBTS. I don't really know much about it. Looks like it has a 1A head with 2 more pronged rods on each side of the head and maybe a chin-like mouth plate of some sort. A slightly different color scheme. It looked interesting enough, so I made a pre-order. This will be my first of these Valkyries so I'm just checking it out to see what it looks like besides the color that grabbed my attention... What does everyone think or know of the YF-1R? I know I know very little of it...
  17. I really like the Low Visibility scheme. It looks much more realistic when you compare it to the other 3 1/48s and I'm starting to dislike the other 1/48s plain white color. Those white 1/48s just are not very pleasing suddenly... I will also get more Low Visibility VFs myself, but only 2 more for a total of 3.
  18. Oh, my bad. I misunderstood. Sorry...
  19. You are totally correct. Design and tooling costs are very, very expensive. We are talking hundreds of thousands of US dollars per toy. So there is no way Yamato would make an all new toy like a Thunder Hummer, VF-4 or VB-6, just to release it in a limited quantity. It just doesn't make sense as they would loose too much money. So be realistic guys, a limited edition toy would just be a repaint of an existing toy, perhaps with some minor resculpting, i.e. like the Low Vis pilot. Graham From statistics given by someone here, Yamato has grossed close to a million US dollars from their Valkyrie line alone. Don't tell me that they don't have the money to make a thousand dollar mold of the Hummer. It should be a piece of cake to the experienced designers, at Yamato... Or am I only looking at the little picture in the grand scheme of things?
  20. Is that Thunder Hummer (Hammer?) an official design? Now why can't Yamato do something like that? Is it also a custom or did Hasegawa at one point do a production run of these things? I would certainly kill for one of these... BTW, I like the new Hasegawa Minmay Guard. The 1S looks menacing even in if it was pink.
  21. I usually pay about $139.99US (~$140.00US) for a 1/48 scale. $150.00US is a bit much, heck even with shipping costs, my average S/H per 1/48 Valkyrie comes to about $1.50 per Valkyrie (regardless of scale). I have the "Slightly Above Average" Valkyrie collection with all versions from all three different scales except a few (1-3) missing additions. I'm not a hardcore Valkyrie collector as I have lot's of other collections and I don't make that much money either (a little less than $2K a month with about $300-$400 in expenses). I would also like to know how in the hell sithlord affords almost 100 Yamato Valkyries.
  22. Actually the older/first release 1/60 valkyries did have those holes in the leg. It's just that they weren't drilled open for the upgrade, so you can see that Yamato had planned them, but didn't keep them initially... weird. The only thing that the original/first release valkyries didn't have was the expansion slots in the little backpack on the plane that flips over. I am also one of those people who wants FPs for the 1/60 valkyries as well. It's easier on the wallet, and I don't really discriminate against the 1/60's at all. If Yamato really is ending their 1/60 line with the VE and VT, then at least I can go back and get the few that I missed (standard VF-1S, TRU exclv. VF-1A, and maybe my own Hikaru VF-1A), along with a couple VF-1S strikes and VF-1J supers for their FPs/SPs.
  23. This is my first Elintseeker toy and I am split on my overall satisfaction with it. For some reason, I just have a weird feeling of dislike with it, but I am just glad that I got them and I plan on buying a few more for the 'fleet.' I don't really have a problem with the nose. I don't see the bright school bus yellow you mention. The nose is more orange, like the orange on that of the 1D. I do have a few issues with it. The radar arm could have used an octagon joint system so that it locks in position without falling over.
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