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Everything posted by VF-2SS-BloodPhoenix

  1. I've been a steady customer of BBTS. Regardless of how many people whine about their pricing, they have a top notch reputation. I live about 45 minutes from their warehouse and actually visited their building and met Joel who recognized a nobody like me. Color me impressed with BBTS and their service.
  2. I've got a website showcasing all of my goodies here: Hobby AD Some sample photos:
  3. I've used the PSP Video software. The conversion time isn't too bad, just make sure you're busy doing ten other things while you wait for it to convert and it'll seem like it's fast . The end product though is one great looking video .
  4. Zx31, , whoops. Doh! I remember reading that now. These long work weeks are taking their toll on my sanity .
  5. Why are the buttons on the controller still black and don't match the main color scheme? That always bothered me with some of these colored units where the button colors were neglected/ignored/forgotten. The MGS4 PS3 Bundle would be nice if it came with a Snake figure like what's pictured on the box as well.
  6. Looks like the cat is out of the bag, ALL 4 being released this year, if they can do that. Not sure if this has been reported yet. I've got them all pre-ordered, but I have concerns about them. The figures are TINY, roughly 4 inches in height, Motoroids are likely 6 inches in height (robot mode). The newer photos really show how drab the color is on the bikes. If that's not improved upon release, then I may have to paint them too.
  7. Hey PetarB, I have the 1/72 scale VF-2SS kit if you're looking for it. It's unassembled and I only attempted a minor excess shave on one part, but didn't do much else with the kit. Let me know if you want photos.
  8. I'm not sure if this has been asked regarding Yamato's decision to make a new 1/60 mold as opposed to improving the 1/48 mold and making two seaters in 1/48, thus allowing for the three obvious next VF-1s. Is it more cost efficient for Yamato to make a completely new 1/60 mold than to improve the 1/48s with two seaters, seperate foot thrusters, and/or all the improvements seen on the new 1/60s? Is it that important to invest in a certain scale? I'm fine having the 1/48s next to the new 1/60 non VF-1s.
  9. The (boomer/sexroid) girl's name was Sylvie. I'm not sure why the DD would strap the pilot down like that. Maybe to keep the pilot from escaping? I do know that the DD goes into auto pilot when the operator's heart beat goes below a certain point and uses the fighting skills it (DD) learns from the pilot to continue operating until it goes "boom." Yeah, I'm well aware of all those references. I didn't want to mention every single one of them, but that's interesting to know at least. I think it was six boomer/sexroids trying to escape, four died, one was injured. Those Dobermans were mean looking SOBs though. That was in the past. Today, they're both priced about equally (AS=$65, YMT=$68). So the question is, which one would you choose? The flat finish is probably to keep costs down. The four figures released back then were the Atelier-Sai figures. Here's Sylia Stingray on HLJ.
  10. From what I remember, BGC was heavily influenced by Bladerunner, hence that is where Artmic came up with the name Priss from one of the replicants in BR. I thought that was a cool homage. BGC was supposed to be a dark filthy setting just like BR, but Crash didn't really bring that atmosphere anywhere near the originals, and 2040 is like you said, too clean. I like almost all of the music from the original BGC series. Even the slow mello-dramatic tunes. I bought both vocal CDs from AnimEigo back in the day along with the Scoop Chase CD. The instrumentals were also cool, IMO. The opening/song of episode one was synched perfectly, unfortunately the animation didn't get better 'til episode 5, but the atmosphere was right on from the start. What are these tentacle things you're referring to in BGC? My mind was never in the gutter when I watched this series, honestly. I like the opening song to Moonlight Rambler. It was a great song adding to the intensity that just occured. I only wish you're right in that Yamato will re-visit these designs with larger and more detailed sculpts. In this day and age, I expect toys to have some cool lighting components, moving electronic parts (minimal if possible), and genius engineering, especially coming from those who have spent years perfecting their art of designing these types of products which I have a difficult time calling them toys because they're way above being a toy you'd see in any U.S. toy store. I didn't buy the Atelier-Sai BGC figures as they were too expensive, but these Yamato figures come with a motoslave and the price is less than the AS versions, so I think the Yamato ones are at least worth their ticket price until they make better versions. How about 1/6 scale versions? That is my ideal scale for these figures.
  11. How many times have Bandai released the Aquarion? I bought the initial release and got the repaint on day one. Then I see that it was being imported domestically for a lot less than what I paid for it. Not sure what's happened to that release. Now it's getting a third release? Well I suppose that's good news for this item.
  12. That's the plan, don't be surprised when Hrist's game manifests on the PS3.
  13. What is it with these half assed colored NDS Lite systems being sold in the U.S.? It's like a splinter in my mind, knawing at my sanity. Make it all one color, then I'll buy it!!! BTW, having multiple NDS or PSP handheld systems is fun. I like playing more than one game at the same time.
  14. I'm an old fan of the original BGC series. I still have the AnimEigo VHS tapes for episodes 1-8, the two music video, the three Crash OAVs, and the three AD Police OAVs. I've watched the series more than enough and I've been dying to see someone make these toys though I wish they were bigger and more detailed. BGC is so overlooked when it comes to the toy potential. I don't know what's become of Artmic or Youmex, but I remember they held equal rights to the series. Seeing the few episodes of the 'new' BGC 2040 made me want to vomit. It's suppose to be BGC, not a perverted clone of Evangelion. Scoop Chase was a great closing episode to the series, I think my favorite is episode 7 followed by 5 and 6. It's a bit disappointing and not very good, IMO. Everyone is out of character completely, for the sake of being modern. Story, designs, animation, and even the music is well below what the originals brought to the table. I'd say watch Crash last, even after the music videos and AD Police. 1/1 LowViz Lurker, gee you seem to have a profound knowledge of things. I am impressed with your logical thinking on this and explaining Macross Plus breaking the mold, going against the grain. Do you have a book? Or suggestions?
  15. Looks like the VF-25 is wearing a cape with that backside photo.
  16. That's good to know. Those flashback scenes were confusing. It showed Isamu grabbing something (with a sleazy grin on his face), then Myung's shirt ripping, then Guld punching Isamu, so those scenes were pieced together to look like what my brother guessed. How they were acting in the series sort of fit with the guess. Well, what's seen can't be unseen, if it's going to be bad. I don't have the urge to watch Macross Plus. Been lagging on lot's of things. I still haven't watched the last two episodes of Macross ZERO. If the last episode of Macross Plus is a well done closing ep. then maybe I'll check it out. I liked the western aspect of Macross Plus. I took to the new VFs in Macross Plus and like 'em. I never got into that crazy anime stuff, I like to watch the detailed, as realistic as possible type animation like Patlabor and Ghost in the Shell. I got a Macross Movie vibe from Macross II. Thanks for the explanation. I suppose that makes sense and the pills Guld kept taking was some kind of suppressant? I'm surprised they never explained that past portion in the series. In the year 2008, there are people who aren't shy talking about their past, so I'd expect people living on another planet in an incredible future would be mature enough to do the same. CAIN MKII, Only Isamu should have been kicked out of the test pilot phase, or die in that fight. I didn't really care for him. 1/1 LowViz Lurker, Isamu was the only character I didn't like. I agree with danth's assessment of the main characters in Macross Plus. I liked all the characters in Macross ZERO. Apologies about derailing the thread. After a while, I'm kind of losing interest in the VF-2S or any Macross II VFs. I'm more of a robot fan after building the Kotobukiya Armored Core kits, I'm hooked on that stuff.
  17. HLJ has the Bandai VF-2S kits in stock. What was the back story? I only watched up to part 3 of the VHS tapes that I bought years ago. I never even bothered to DL anything after that because the end parts of all anime I watched at that time just became such a huge let down that I won't bother finish watching any series due to that. My brother guessed that Isamu raped Myung or something. I'm apalled and disgusted if true.
  18. So about $120 for a SIX INCH figure. Not worth it to me. They better pack $120 worth of value into it otherwise it's another expensive tiny toy for no apparent reason. If it was 12 inches, then I'd be okay with it.
  19. Yeah, well I saw one of those science shows on PBS (not the best place for your science info, but whatever), and they were talking about how to make Mars' atmosphere livable. They'd have to build a factory on Mars to produce some greenhouse gases that will mix with Mars' gases and create oxygen or some sort. Something to that extent, it was a while ago so I don't remember all the details . Look it up on pbs.org. I'm not worried about taking anything with me to 1,000 years from now. It's going to be a new world, or worlds if Mars becomes livable.
  20. I thought this Macross universe was well prepared from past experiences. They're still living like they've no clue what's out there and how dangerous new enemies could be. Anyway, I don't really follow the Macross universe so I don't know all the timelines and history, but I know the bare minimums . There's so much terminology and stuff being talked about at the beginning of this thread, it's way over my head . So we're up to the 25th generation VF now? Is that how it works ? I'm looking forward to a SAP VF-25 toy from Yamato. I like super heavily armored Valkyries . Usually a drill is planned ahead of time, unless I'm mistaken.
  21. Just saw the Shinsen subs last night and two things I find rather amusing. During the attack on the city, in a future this advanced, there was an old guy wearing rags from ancient Japan carrying a pole with fish in them? I thought the civilians would be more knowledgeable and act more appropriately when there is a real alert going on, not wondering around like they're all half asleep. Also during the attack in the city, they used tanks against an alien invader. Like someone mentioned, what happened to the usual Macross ground mechas like the Monster? As much as I like TnA, I cringed at the concert scenes showing it, somewhat forcefully filling my eyes with it when I wanted to see the space battle more than the other stuff . Otherwise the Macross story formula is working well here and I'll certainly DL every episode when they're subbed.
  22. I probably fit the candidate as I don't have any baggage, and the future look of this world intrigues me. I'm also of the mind that I don't fit into this world, or understand it like everyone else, so maybe I belong in a different time line? Even though there are things I like in this present time, I really could do without them. Someone mentioned that they like their toys 'n such, that's something I won't miss. I've put a lot of thought into this, and it only depresses me (in a way death does whenever I think about it) not knowing what life will be like 1,000 years from now and I won't be there, nor will anyone today, but I'd certainly give anything to be 1,000 years from now and see it with my own eyes. Just a fantasy of mines.
  23. The only thing the Hot Toys version has going for it is the anime style head and animesque body. The articulation looks limited and details like molded buckles, belts, etc. are cheap compared to the Takara version which has the removable armor, working belts, etc. You also get a full body suit underneath with the Takara version. The Hot Toys version has pieces that come off and not much of a real body or suit under all the armor. I also like rooted hair more than molded hair. Looks more realistic, which is what the Takara version is aiming for. So if you want anime accurate with some drawbacks, feel free to pick the Hot Toys versoin. As far as being a fan of Appleseed, I'm more a fan of the Takara CG line than anything else. BTW, my wallet's fine. All you need is self control.
  24. Saw the movie Bumblebee two pack in Target yesterday, but passed due to the stupid battle damage on '08 Bumblebee. They have enough '08 Bumblebees for the two pack but nothing for the single deluxe? I'm sure I'll see more of the stand alone '08 Bumblebee next month, but just in case I've decided to pre-order one online. As far as I've seen, the Takara Classics Megatron will have the same color scheme as Hasbro's. I've already got the only Megatron I'll ever want, MP-5. Unless someone with a brain makes that tank G1 colored Megatron seen some time ago. Concerning the TF shows, Beast Wars was more enjoyable than any TF show that came after it.
  25. I DLed the first three episodes and myk sums up my thoughts rather well. I absolutely don't connect with any of the characters, but that's just me . Shade, the bionic sound effect was apparently a ringing in Summer's ears, but it's not played when there's a bionic feat being performed. There's not enough bionic action (aka not enough money for SFX), lack of technical information, poor direction, and lots of nonsense I wouldn't put up with (annoying rude, disrespectful dolts).
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