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Everything posted by VF-2SS-BloodPhoenix

  1. Yeah, they better have more stock when I miss the YF-30's order time window... FFFFFFFFFFFFFF.... I was asleep, tired as hell from working and they pull this crap when I'm sleeping. Will be an act of GOD if I see it available just as I randomly stroll onto that page. I'll be hitting that page everyday until I see it in stock again. If not, then I'll just buy some Gundam MG kits. I know some of you hate Gundam, lol. I built 3 MG "OO" kits last week and am a bit addicted to them.
  2. How are some of you able to pre-order this last night when it's been on Order Stop for the past couple of days? Are they opening pre-orders at a certain time for a few minutes or something?
  3. Is Bandai re-releasing the VF-27? Anything else they're re-releasing? The only DX Chogokin VF I was able to grab was Alto's VF-25 and if Bandai is reissuing more DX VFs, then I might try to get them. I wouldn't bother if all Bandai is doing is just releasing a super pack for the VF-27, because I have no VF-27 to put those shiny super packs on.
  4. I've seen the original Total Recall, not when it originally released in theatres, but when my brother bought the DVD. Some of the tech in the original were crap looking, but that's par for that time, compared to today. The story felt more grandiose - it held a purpose and had a mission, the question of "is this real or not" was done rather well at the very end of the movie and closed it perfectly. This re-imagining of Total Recall, just didn't feel like much of anything. The beginning synopsis of the movie world, felt exactly like a video game intro video. If you don't want to insult your viewers, don't show that scene, just put us in the movie right away, and let us decipher it as it moves along. I felt nothing from Doug Quaid's character. Jessica Biel's character (don't remember if she even had a name) had almost no character development. She barely had any lines, she needed more lines like the one on the train ride. Chancellor Cohaagen felt rushed, literally, and if he was such a tyrant, why would he even bother going to Australia for the invasion? That's what his henchman (or woman) is there for. Kate Beckinsale's character probably had the better screen time, but her character was more of a berserker. It made almost no sense, to me anyway. I was expecting her to kill that punk who had Quaid's hand phone. I thought the meeting with the rebel leader was going to be something special, and it fell flat, meant nothing, did nothing.
  5. When the 3 breasted mutant flashed the screen, I immediately said "those are totally fake." The only thing I like about the remake are the visual designs. The movie had no reason to be remade. Like everyone here mentioned, the plot was just produced horribly. Characters were not fleshed out well enough. The entire movie just feels like your typical generic hollywood action movie. The ending was rather uninspiring even with that extra bit at the end. It was just so awkward. After a supposedly climiatic ending, we get a one last punch that didn't do anything. I don't know if anyone felt that the ending was well done even. I don't get it, I don't like it. I swear, almost all of the movies I walk out of, I could make a better movie than what I just saw.
  6. That photo really burns. lol Yeah, the Japan retail stores are chock full of them. The online stores, not so much. Probably just a Bandai thing, since Yamato isn't like that. Anyone in Japan can confirm stacks of Bandai Chogokin Valks warming shelves over there?
  7. Either this movie is all flash and zero substance, in which case, the trailer is all you need to see. Or there is more to it. I've seen too many disappointing movies lately. Must just be me.
  8. If anyone is still interested in buying the 1/48 Thunder Hammer kit, I'm selling mines. PM me for price.
  9. If it's not preachy, then that's fine, but if it's subliminally attempting to persuade people into thinking they are the cause of everything horrible on the planet then I'm not falling for it. No matter how cute and cuddily the wobot is. I'm not one of those very small amount of people who hear a message saying pick up litter and start cursing at the screen, as I don't care to listen to those messages. I don't watch much TV, if at all. The environment is already being politicized, but I'm not the one doing it. I won't degenerate this thread further, but that doesn't mean I can't respond to other people's thoughts on what they saw in the movie. If you want to clarify some parts of the movie, then I'm all eyes.
  10. I read some of the black bars, and I don't like where this movie is heading. So this movie is another Gorebal Warming anti human propaganda piece to brainwash the weak minded? Global warming is a scam to take away your individual rights. You may think that creating laws to regulate the use of cell phones while driving is a good thing, but that's just a guise to slowly take away your freedom. Everything is about taking away your freedom, whether you see it or not. The planet will, and has, outlived ANYTHING that's existed on its surface. I take offense to the term corporate brainwashing. It is a free market system. Emphasis on FREE. I don't get caught up in all that bulkinization because I see myself as an individual. I don't have a cell phone. I don't need it. I don't carry any type of portable communication device on me, or in the car. I just don't have a need for it. Those that want to use it, that's what it's there for. Stop hating yourself, and start using common sense. With the internet and instant live medium for information, it's not difficult to learn about your surroundings, and who the real culprits are in this world. There are people out there who know what's right, and there are those who want to bring down everything for their own selfish gain. As long as common sense survives, I still have my faith in humanity as it is our last hope, but there are those out there that work against it and they're getting the upper hand. I'm not sure I want to see this movie now. If its message is to sway more spineless gelatin grey matter into a hoax, then blood will probably shoot out of my eyes at every second of this film's existence.
  11. I just cancelled my pre-orders. After finding out how small they are, it's a major disappointment. For $68, I'd expect something bigger than six inches. Looks like BGC will never get the proper toy treatment this lifetime. I wouldn't mind creating my own customs, but I don't have the time to do it. If anyone has photo comparisons, or links to said compare, that would be great.
  12. Not sure if I should post my first impressions of this after watching all of it, but Kevin Conroy is back as Batman. A relief to finally hear the best voice of Batman reprising his role in all of the animated shorts. Animation quality is good, stories are decent without giving away any movie plotlines, but certainly help build up Batman as a mortal character. The art direction works well in all the styles and Conroy's voice fits nicely with all the iterations of the Batman. The stories, sadly, are way too short. It's a great way of getting pumped up before the main feature on the 18th. If anyone wants some screen grabs, it'll take a day (24 hours).
  13. Exo, they're made by Kotobukiya, who also makes the Armored Core 1/72 scale kits. There's a silhouette of a Koto AC kit on the MCB box, so I'd say the MCBs are 1/72 scale. Ruski, you're quite welcome! Always happy to help people get into this addiction.
  14. Ruski, they are actually five inches, which comes to about 12.5cm-13cm. So roughly 1/12 scale? Maybe 1/14 scale.
  15. Yeah, what gives? I don't mind having Stan's cameos last a bit longer than a few seconds. I don't know actor names, nor do I know anything from Hulk's universe, but little homages, easter eggs, etc. are always welcomed when used properly. The only other thing I noticed that I know of was the cameo by the Hulk TV series actor (sorry, don't know his name) as the security guard. I thought that was cool. I was kind of hoping that Mr. Blue would be Tony Stark, but what ever. I hear that Mr. Blue becomes some guy named (the) Leader. I don't know who that is, but it sounds funny to me (in context to the scene in the movie where his head starts bulging).
  16. Looks good so far. I'm not too bothered with keeping things in scale. That is a lot of pieces to use for a big setup like that. Hey Arthur. Sorry for the late reply. That figure is a small 4 inch posable action figure. They come in a box set of ten figures. Five original, and five repaints/remolds. They're called Duel Maid. Made by Atelier-Sai. I wouldn't recommend buying them unless you don't mind having tiny action figures of gashapon quality. If you have big hands, they'll be too fiddly, but I'm sure people in this hobby have plenty of experience with small toys. I bought them from HLJ HERE. I wrote up a quick review HERE. Enjoy! Apologies to T0t0r0 for going off topic.
  17. The Mechanical Chain Base are awesome diorama pieces! I just can't find enough of them, and they're just not making enough either. I've been waiting on 01-03 and 07-10 forever. I've only got three (04, 05, and 06) at the moment. They're pretty cheap, easy to assemble, and look good without any painting. I had thought about painting them, but after putting one together, it looked just fine. Maybe add some paint details to it. I'm not into the rustic look, so I'll just leave mines unaltered. The Mechanical Chain Base work with almost anything and certainly help in making good looking photo shoots. I've only took a few photos of some stuff with them.
  18. Welps, first time I saw Klan Klan step out of that Q-Rau, I was hooked! Maybe I'll drop a piece of KK art here too. I've been itching to draw.
  19. Head turns, cool. I don't really like the head though, but at least they've managed to give it some articulation. Every time I look at the toy, the more interested I am in buying it, but if that nose doesn't lock firmly in place for battroid mode, it's all over for me. I liked the SV-51, but the chest didn't lock in securely either, unless I missed a step in the transformation process. I'll be paying attention to this thread (or a new one) in the next couple of days for everyone's reviews on this new Yamato release.
  20. Speaking of ribs... There's a big 'ol hole where his sternum used to be, I'm surprised he doesn't have breathing problems from his rib cage collapsing on his internal organs. While I'm aware that it's a movie, I find it more enjoyable if it's technically sound. I would compare that Arc Reactor to a AA battery, just way more advanced. Technology is always being miniaturized and in some cases being made better than the larger counterpart, same theory. At least the thrusters are in his feet and not on his back ala The Rocketeer. I'm surprised the Rocketeer's back pack flames simply don't turn the wearer into a ball of flame, not to mention the heat coming out.
  21. Well I just came up with this thought today. Wouldn't crashing in the Mark 1 and the Iron Monger suit kill the pilot? Even though the suits could probably withstand the crash, there's nothing like airbags to keep the pilot from getting splattered inside the suit. Just a thought.
  22. Just wanted to warn those who are looking for some of the six inch figures. If you're not interested in a good painted figure, then you probably won't care. Basically you'll want to check the paint on each figure for unpainted spots, messy splotches, missed painted spots, etc. Main areas to look for are the helmet and upper legs. Out of the six 6 inch Mark 3 suits I looked at, I only found one that was better than the others. Also look for damaged joints or anything visible through the bubble window.
  23. After seeing the movie and liking it, I went looking for the toys too. Unfortunately, the War Machine variant Walmart exclusive is probably gone by now. The toys were out one month before the movie was released and all that time I just ignored them because I didn't really care about it til after watching the movie. The only toys I was able to get were the Target exclusive version, Mark 2 suit, and the Mark 3 suit six inch figures. They should still be plentiful. The Walmart exclusive version is sold out, even on Walmart's online store. There's plenty on eBay though. I bought the 12 inch figure and was thoroghly disappointed. I would certainly like a better detailed armored version in 1:6 scale, definitely! I'm thinking about getting the life size bust too...
  24. Like what eriku said, BBTS has always used bubble wrap with my packages. You sure you're not confusing BBTS with HLJ? I know all my packages from HLJ either use those air pockets or nothing at all . HLJ has been skimping on packing material, but at least their boxes aren't paper thin. My Kotobukiya Chun Li statue box was slightly damaged due to no packing precautions by HLJ. Back on topic, I like the 1/48s just fine and probably won't bother with these new 1/60s until the two seaters come out. Like most, I'm only interested in the 1D, Elint, and Super-O as they are the only ones left to make with a better design (either in 1/48 or 1/60 ver. 2).
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