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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I think it was this RX-160S Byalant Custom
  2. uhh did the cat eat a part of the model? less filling tastes great!
  3. L+R will lock on to a zone marker. Fly to it to switch zones. Little alert screens will come up and the zone will flash to indicate what zone the alert was associated with. I dont know japanese but for the most part if you need to defend something in another zone it will indicate how much percentage of life the defense target has left.
  4. I think it wants you to pick the quadlunn(err ... spelling) and the new pilot to go with it. I finally beat my frontier era and started zero. Wow the stats of the vf-0 pale in comparison to the 25's. It is like flying a slow barge.
  5. Whats the difference between fast pack type A or B?
  6. I noticed at the end of each mission there is a Special 1,2,3. Not to sure what triggers them for extra points. Ive gotten points for 1 and 2 but not all 3 yet. Is the specials different for each mission or do the same things trigger them for every mission?
  7. My game showed up in my mailbox. So here goes a newb question. What is the age all about on the char screen. I notice if you go to 1 or up to 70 your stats go down ofcourse since you are very old or way too young. Does your char age through the game? For the min maxers is their an optimal age if it never changes?
  8. I picked the 4 day delivery 1 step up. It was UPS.
  9. So I ordered my copy from playasia and it supposedly arrived today. In the tracking info it said "met cust wom" "Delivered". After a brief lookup of the phrase I learned it means met customer woman. Unfortunately no woman lives at my house, no one was home when they say they delivered it, and the package is no where to be found. I checked with a few of my neighbors too. BLAH!!!!!
  10. alt.fan.macross brought me here.
  11. alt fan macross is where I got most of my takas from.
  12. New Orleans had been very lucky since most of the storms before this one were either weak or turned into mississippi or florida. It's like the boy who cried wolf syndrome. Most people I know down here who did evacuate only brought a few days worth of cloths and items. We all thought we would be going home after a few days. I actually rode out the storm in jefferson parish and we had to be picked up by the national guard in order to get out of where we were. I am currrently in the overrun baton rouge area. Some one said it earlier too.... the levees were only meant to handle a cat 3 and they broke in 3 places. One may have been due to a barge. For the most part my house was spared but so many of my coworkers lost their entire homes. I went back into metairie yesterday and the amount of trees and powerlines that were just uprooted was amazing. While there i got my first experience with an MRE since they are giving them out to residents with water. The national guard presence with m-16's in hand is a little unnerving when your not used to seeing that in your neighborhood but its great that they are there. While in metaire they said its still not safe even there citing car jackings and beatings at night. I still have not been able to get to my collection at home but i did not get any water. They are just going through extreme heat
  13. Some of you may have seen my posts here. I do not post much anymore but i still visit and update my toy list on occasion. I must have about 70 or more yamatos probably more i lost count, one of each takatoku, whole dvd sets of macross, countless models. My room is basically a bed surrounded by macross items. I live in Jefferson parish but I am currently in Baton Rouge taking care of the business i work for. Just wanted to let you all know that there is a Macross Hurricane Katrina Refugee. All my items are still in the house. Luckily though i have been told we have gotten no water in the house, but all the models and toys are going through extreme heat since there is no power. There were trees that fell on our shed and our patio but thats no where near my room. So hopefully my toys and models wont be too badly heat damaged. I am currently using other methods to surf the net so I will check back in on occasion and update this thread with the results of my inspections of all my beloved items.
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