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lost password guy

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lost password guy's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. New! alternate "Fever" ending.
  2. 1. $800 shipped! 2. My bud frank has one for sale. Franks Site 3. Still trying to master it, But I believe it is a game of chance
  3. My friend ed got his the other day, and reached the "FINAL BOSS" already! Spoiler Link: ? ok!
  4. From what i can see it is stored in a chip. There might be a video output, but it would take a HARD CORE electrical engineer to tap into it. This guy seams to have got it: Yahoo japan auction link
  5. When I found out about this thing I had to have it. I got it running perfectly after shipping so I will be uploading some videos of gameplay once I get "Reaches" & Fevers" Here is a link to my you tube channel, Hope I haven't broken any forum rules : You tube channel
  6. As i said before.... "If you are unable to find d/l links for this movie, Sub's are the least of your worries." Come on guys's, Macross world is clean. .....PLEASE MODERATE
  7. Well,,,, I'm pleased with this release, Not sure where Mecha-Heads say it doesn't have enough action. After macross plus I consider good concert scenes "ACTION"
  8. Uggh! If you can't get subs to work you shouldn't be d/l stuff. Finally got around to watching my Hybrid Pack, Awesome! My friend and I are confused about what happened during that scene in the park with the long staircase. Could someone PM me a link to working TORRO-ent?
  9. My copy is going to be "Re-Delivered" (sic) On Saturday, Man it sucks working in the IT field, Never know when you have time off. I had a display all ready for Macross World Con but a bunch of users decided to save mp3's to the server and the metta data freaked out our anti-virus. Gotta thank "Kirik" for securing my CD Thanks KiriK!
  10. >Here is the preliminary schedule for the con this year. AWESOME!
  11. Hey KiriK! Man can't wait. You know me........ "Craigs/Megazone " Trying to get Mr. Ed to bring some of his minmay kits. Kits This is gonna R-O-C-K! Here is a link to the Macross Trial Frontier Trailer I put up: Macross Trial Frontier Trailer
  12. Not sure but is there going to be any registration confirmations sent out? I also volunteered my services to help clean up on the first day. I'll bring my custom TV Queadlun Rau to display:
  13. Is this old? got this from the japanese playstation store: Macross Trial Frontier vid FYI, I took the pleasure of u/l it in 720 p
  14. Does anyone know of any high quality videos of the Macross 25th Anniversary Special Eizou videos Best I can find is about 15 mb each
  15. I've never ordered from amiami. Do they pack well? Also, How is their shipping rates compared to say CDjapan?
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