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Everything posted by usagiz

  1. My BP8 just broke off of my VF-1S Hikaru, anyone got a recast for sale? help:)
  2. usagiz

    1/60 VF-11

    I always wanted to get a larger VF-11 with fastpacks(not the one that yamato made either) or the full armor set from M7. So that being said, I recall that people used to comment that that VF-11 we currently have was actually about 1/55 scale, and not 1/72 scale, which scale is correct for the original VF-11 by yamato?
  3. Whoa, BBTS just sent out a newsletter saying that the YF-19 would be 'Arriving soon', No idea what that actually means though... Preordering with 2 companies and see which one gets it sooner...
  4. Just keep in mind that they are tiny(3-4" tall), but asside from that very nicely done. cant wait for beast wars primal and starscream, then victory saber!!!(with articulation?!?)
  5. Ok, here is an auction with pictures: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5911265969&rd=1 Dont worry, it looks worse than it sounds...
  6. I like the new generation mecha, and all of the IMEN have ONE thing going for them above all kubrknockoffs, MAGNETIC FEET, this when combined with steel walled cubes at work, perfect!
  7. Saw it on CNN... Pretty sad for us B5 and soaps fans... http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/TV/05/25/o...iggs/index.html
  8. The other difference is that the USA version has a black gun, the japan version has a grey gun....
  9. The new Gi-Joe Thunderwing Jet with pilot bears a strong resemblence to Armada Thrust, it is a VF-22 or near to...
  10. I just got an email from Joel at BBTS, and he said the following: "Hi - just a quick note to let you know Yamato has pushed the release date back on these items until likely May." Does anyone have any news on what is going on, and the release date? The one thing I am waiting for Yamato to make, and they are making me wait longer?!? Thanks!
  11. its all in the hopes that you will put down your digital camcorder during that announcement... But I do despise having to watch commercials before movies, reminds me why I dont watch tv
  12. Hasbore is definately feeding off of the G1 hunger with Energon, I was amused that they actually took the Old Gi-Joe Snow Cat vehicle and turned it into a transformer named "SNOW CAT" which is a decepticon;-) funny stuff. what next? But I find I do like the energon transformers for the most part, but I dont know how i feel about that! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...15&category=753
  13. I picked one up yesterday at Target, and I have to say its MUCH better than the Wing Zero Custom, much more plastic and less of the rubbery stuff. The best feature is the core fighter which you have to build, but with around a dozen parts, but most importantly, nothing has to come off for it to transform! The articulation is amazing, it can actually bend forward from the hips, the knees are very nice, backpack cover comes off to show details, same with legs. Neck has 2 points of so it can look upwards. Overall my favorite RX-78 figure, its very posable and holds a pose well, much better than the MSIA figure... comes with 2 shields, one with a place to hold the beamsaber. its got a great clip to hold the hyperbazooka. The drawbacks are: some pieces do fall off, beam sabers being the worst, ankle guards, rocket nozzels on backpack. It comes with about 4 pairs of first, which are difficult to get around handles, and none of them can firmly hold a beam saber. But all in all I like this better than my MG 1.5, and I am a fan of the oldschool style design. All in all worth $20! Cant wait to see the gelgoog!
  14. My APU is sitting 2 feet away from me in fine shape, Its a typical mctoy, good to try to pose, and then not touch... I have heard lots of breakages of parts, but I havent had any problems, of course I am GENTLE with my toys and if something isnt going to fit right, I leave it alone;)
  15. Kendo - 3 dan Iaido - 1 dan remember kids, black belt= sho dan, or 1st row, which basically means you have have a basic grasp on your school's basics. And Kendo and our Iaido are not allowed to teach professionally for money, so dues are for rental, etc... So kendo is cheap, even after you buy your own armor:-)
  16. OH yea, great fun at work, if you can find the room! I love mine, but not without complaints, you can see one of the claws came with a tip missing, and the paint got worn off in the box. All in all worth every penny! Now where is my APU for it to kill!
  17. Hmm, Now take a look at the pictures above and think these are the SAME toy... Now imagine that the stacks just telescope Long and short... We will see in a month or three... I'm preordered!
  18. Dark Star... find it, rent it, and just TRY not to fast forward.... starship troopers would be my runner up, the book was awesome, the movie however was AWEFUL!!?!?
  19. usagiz

    Hikaru 1S Review

    could someone post a picture of the front of both of the 1/48 VF-1S's heads, I didnt buy the first because of the gap, is it fixed in the new version???
  20. try http://www.mugentoys.com/90488008123.html , they had smokescreen for 59.99 and free shipping in US... even shipping from NY...
  21. Come on, how can you go wrong with Rob Zombie repaint of Unicron??? MORE UNICRON THAN UNICRON, MORE UNICRON THAN UNICRON,MORE UNICRON THAN UNICRON... Sorry, had to share that one...
  22. Ideally, we will see an alternator's megatron tank, abrams or something like that along with f15 starscream, and new jeep hound!(my fingers are crossed! I do like smokescreen so far, but sideswipe should have had his hood and not his roof for the chest...
  23. I have already pre-ordered my japanese version, I will hold off buying the american release unless they have a better color scheme. What I would love to see is an electrum plated repaint... Solid gold prime! Or the "alloy" from return of optimus prime... Silver and gold prime toys:-)
  24. I cant wait to mine arrives, I would hesitate to order one from HLJ until I saw the shipping price since its going to be heavy and large, depending on what form they package it in...
  25. better picture...
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