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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Broccolihead!!!!
  2. Nice, same here! I actually have a copy of the old VHS tape. It's a terrible dub but so funny.
  3. Wow, good point on Sheryl's name, I hadn't thought of that. Also, nice avatar and sig line. Are you quoting that from the Clash of the Bionoids dub? LOL Funny stuff.
  4. Hey all. Well, I watched DYRL again last night (still as great as ever) and I can't tell you how many times the Zentraedi and Meltrandi said the phrase "de culture". It's interesting to note seeing as how it is brought up again in Macross Frontier and I'm wondering if this is strictly an alien term or if it means something more like "un culture". I just figured we could use this thread to analyze and question the phrase since it seems to be a recurring theme in the Macross Universe. By the way, I am new here so.... hello
  5. Ok, I guess I have to talk about mecha on this board to be noticed LOL Just kidding. Sorry, I'm more of a character/storyline/music guy myself although the mecha are cool.
  6. Ok, I have a question regarding Nanase Glass (I think that's how you say/spell her name???). She's the military lieutenant put in charge of Sheryl Norme's security during the concert. Being that I'm a huge Misa Hayase fan (DUH!) does she seem similar to her and do you think she'll play a big role in the series?
  7. I don't mean to sound lazy or like I haven't watched the first episode (since I have 3 times now) but can someone please explain the military abbreviations to me as far as what they stand for? I seem to be losing track of what each one means X_X For instance NUNS and SMS. I'd appreciate it greatly!!
  8. Yea, I'd have to say now having watched two of them, the first one I saw was just lazy.
  9. Honestly, with all the references and scenes similar to those of other Macross series, I wouldn't be surprised.
  10. Ahhhhhh ok, no problem. Now I know what sub to look for, thank you sir.
  11. Alright then, I shall hunt for the GOOD SUB Thanks guys. I'm always one for the best sub.
  12. Errr... are you sure about that? Sheryl was the one sitting in the car and she was the one speaking. Unless I've just gone completely bonkers. But yes, that scene is what I'm referring to.
  13. Ermm... good subs? You mean there's more than one out now????
  14. Something I noticed that I haven't heard anyone else mention is how rude and selfish the pop idol singer (Sheryl) is in this series. While it's different, I like that they're actually going a different direction with her than the other series. Maybe she'll end up being hated in the end and someone else will take over? Just a thought. Not to say that she isn't sexy or can't sing. LOL That one song that she does sounds AWESOME. Any thoughts on how her character will progress?
  15. Well honestly, I was looking for a Macross specific board and came across yours first.
  16. I couldn't agree more with you Kane GIVE ME MORE!!!!!
  17. Hello all!! I am a long time Macross fan and I just saw Macross Frontier. I must say I have not been this excited about a new Macross series in a VERY long time!!!!! This looks so awesome; the animation, the music, the constant adrenaline rush!!! It's all perfect and I can't wait to see more. I have nothing but hope and confidence in this series and will try my best to keep up and discuss it with you all! Thanks for the awesome board.
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