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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Saw this theory posted on Reddit and thought maaaaaaaaybe it could be considered a possibility. Though it's early and I'm half asleep so it may sound silly.
  2. I'm calling it now. Green-haired cleavage pilot will be the new member of Chaos. Love-quadrangle confirmed!!
  3. So I was reading the new glossary on macross.jp and Google Translate said this for the Umineko: "Black-tailed gull. Amphibious, such as combined seal and cats organisms. In eat but omnivorous prefer fish, blow by fin is intense. The Laguna who has long coexistence, have been cherished as us to get rid of the vermin. In popularity is higher as pets earthlings. The Laguna there is a legend that "the sea cat delayed tease and marriageable age."
  4. Wow. That looks like the most depressing coaster ever. It must run at 2mph and in a straight line.
  5. Not a spoiler... Am I the only one who gets the feeling that Kawamori has started to get too deep with the plots of his Macross series'? It's like... here I am thinking I understand what's going on and then all of a sudden there are all these new, smaller mysteries and questions. Granted I'm loving the show but there is such a thing as "TOO MANY PLOTS"
  6. I must know more about this "Dani".
  7. Figured I'd start this since I hadn't seen a thread for it recently. To start off I found some very well done Sheryl Nome cosplay. (Semi-NSFW) http://imgur.com/gallery/9RY0O
  8. Ah I see. I hadn't heard anyone else make that comparison so that's interesting.
  9. Just a thought but... Is anyone else reminded of Ishtar's singing for the Marduke when Heinz-sama sings? I know, I know it's a STREEEETTTTTTCCCCHHHH but you never know.
  10. Well alright then. I'll allow it...... THIS TIME. >_> >_>
  11. Looks like he's robbin' the cradle to me!! HENTAAAAIII!!!
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