Hehe, ok good point. I'll stop being lazy then
By the way, could any of you explain to me (via PM if you like) why Firefox doesn't show Japanese characters and shows generic characters instead? I've tried everything I can to fix this. Thanks.
I don't know how possible this is but can't the macross F website have an english page as well? Telling us it's updated in Japanese really doesn't help those of us who aren't fluent
Ok, I'm going to ask again because I have yet to understand. I have looked for it on Wikipedia and if it's not there then it CAN'T be important, but......
Well, it seems to me that the fact that the character has NO chest what-so-ever would be a glaring hint.
And before you say something about Ranka being the same way, HE looks a good bit older than her.
So now we know that The President is Cathy's father. Interesting..... I still hope she doesn't keep Leon as a BF
LOVED THE EPISODE!!!!! Ranka is so kawaii!
I found the .ass file for episode 2 but I can't seem to load it in WMP, Media Player Classic, or VLC. How do you do it? And why does VLC always seen to run choppy with everything I play?