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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. (This is in response to a post a few pages back, sorry for the delay, I just got home ) *sigh* For those of you complaining about stuff in this series (like boobs) my point is that it's ANIME and anything goes in any anime series. Making a big deal about something that minor is not looking at the WHOLE PICTURE. The series itself is very much one of the most perfect shows I've seen in a long time and makes me want more with each episode I watch. Watch the series for the series and don't ruin the show just because something as small as a woman's chest being too big annoys you. ENJOY IT!
  2. I have updated my avatar. Worship me now, PH33R T3H CUT3N3ZZ!!!!!
  3. I don't know what a Daicon IV is and I don't care so meh!!! Mecha talk should go in the mech thread
  4. *evil laughter is heard throughout the board* MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  5. Still waiting for macrossf.com to update with KK's actual name and info.
  6. Sorry but when I hear KK's voice, I think of Konata from Lucky Star. If you haven't seen it, YOU NEED TO!!!!!! Oh, and you guys getting all bent out of shape about big breasts, GET OVER IT!. It's anime and it's to be expected. This anime is near perfection, any gripes will not be tolerated.
  7. WTF do you need that res for? Isn't your computer monitor good enough?
  8. Do they have the budget for that? I thought they shortened the first episode because of budget reasons.
  9. Ok, I'll wait to see what the official name is before using it all over the place.
  10. So do we know the name of the cute/sexy Zentran? (If it was posted, gomen nasai. I probably missed it).
  11. Thank goodness that's ALL you think Ok, back on topic. This episode looks full of AWESOME and WIN.
  12. And everytime I see YOUR avatar, I think "why does he hide?"
  13. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA so cull of cuteness!!!! *HEAD ASPLODES*
  14. ZOMG YES!!!!! Man we need more emoticons..... I CAN'T EXPRESS MY FEELINGS FREELY!!!!!!
  15. See YouTube thread
  16. I'm guessing the thread for episode 4 is imminent?
  17. I have no idea wtf Touhou is but that is really cool!
  18. Hmm... well I pre-ordered it and don't remember paying $300 or more...
  19. Yea, true enough.
  20. In the 200's like I mentioned above It was worth it though at the time.
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