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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. I have to say this is one of the best if not THE best super hero movie I've ever seen, better than Spiderman or X-men.
  2. I believe it has to do with giantess women.
  3. But no fan ART for these two as of yet, let it commence!
  4. Are you kidding??? Sheryl is just the typical teenage drama queen Nothing special about her that I've seen yet except that she can sing.
  5. More Vocaloid Hatunse Miku Macross Frontier goodness!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=jEuDxx1czus
  6. Shame on the inferior loons who state that Gundam can be compared to something as wonderful as Macross.
  7. Is that what it was? Do we know that for sure? I was wondering.
  8. I hope they just release all of these songs on one CD, otherwise there will be too many to keep up with. X_X
  9. Can we stop comparing Macross and Gundam? They aren't at all the same!!!!!!! Gundam suxx0rz
  10. Wow cool! Well there is maybe one good comic store here that has anime figures and such in Lexington but that's about it.
  11. Yea really, with the mistakes that have been made in past subs, I would HOPE that they would take a little more time to get it right.
  12. I suck ok? I DIDN'T UNDERSTAND!!!
  13. Ok, I couldn't find the link for Don't Be Late so thanks.
  14. Don't make me kickbox you to hell
  15. Are you *IN* Japan Az? I never thought to ask.
  16. Nah, anime boobs don't sag, they defy gravity FO'EVAH!!!!
  17. Without having seen this episode, I can already see the parallel between the "star date" and the date Minmay and Hikaru had in the movie.
  18. The Prince of Tennis??? RERUN???!!!! How does that beat everything else??!!!
  19. LOL I think Konata says that in Lucky Star as well
  20. Err... well the episode has been out for awhile now, I think spoilers are ok?
  21. Hmm... well to each their own, her and Leon have INTERESTING hair. I prefer Ranka and Cathy's though.
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