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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Can some explain how the name MACROSS doesn't automatically give it a huge budget to work with? I mean even I, someone who mostly prefers focusing on the characters in a Macross show, am quite annoyed with the slow story and character progression as well as lack of mecha action. Did they just pull a writer off the street or are they funded by some different group?? Why is a Macross series suffering???
  2. Is Kawamori writing and directing these episodes? Doesn't feel like it. One of the best parts of this episode! <3
  3. KAWAII DESU. :3 Created by Yanna Polidario on Facebook
  4. Thanks!! Appreciate it. I was hoping there would be more out there but it could still be too early.
  5. Quick question as I'm not sure where to ask this so apologies in advance! Where can I find any videos of the Walkure actresses singing the Delta songs? Or are there any? I thought I was one awhile back but when searching YouTube I can't find anything. Thanks!
  6. So. Say what you will about the music in Delta but I for one find myself singing along (what I understand anyway) and sometimes dancing to the music. I haven't found myself doing that in a long time. So kudos to the composers, musicians, and singers in this show. Keep up the good work!!
  7. This has probably been posted before but I still find Exedol's expression hilarious. Thought I'd share.
  8. If it means anything, Herman is my favorite of the Knights. Probably because he's the most mature. >_>
  9. So.... I came across this page whlie in the Macross Reddit sub and while I understand that the writer's only Macross knowledge comes from Plus and Frontier, this article still irks me. Do a lot of Macross fans have issues with Michel & Klan's relationship?? To me it's always made sense as Klan is, regardless of her form, a full adult Zentradi. https://wavemotioncannon.com/2016/07/07/the-undiscovered-country-macross-frontier/
  10. MISAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *echo echo echo echo*
  11. Psssssh. No, you can blame ME for some of that. At least put the blame on the right person.
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