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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Silly Klan. I meant background as IN the background.
  2. Are you seriously zooming in on characters in the background? Is that what you do when you watch anime? FOR GOODNESS SAKES JUST WATCH THE SHOW!
  3. OMG!!!!!!!!! GREAT!!!! XD
  4. I think we should start a poll (NO NOT ANOTHER ONE!!!!) to see who's theories about what's going to happen in the show will end up correct. So many people are saying "Well I bet this.... or that... " Winner gets a date with Alto-hime.
  5. Yay!!! First Mac F Cosplay that I've seen!! Cute!!!!!!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=9GlKNNdwTDg
  6. HEY! I like them!! I was just wondering why I felt like I was being taught about Macross Frontier when I already knew what was going on.
  7. You're kidding right? All of AiA's episodes thus far for Mac F have been dark! I had to turn up the brightness on every TV I've watched it on (my own AND a friend's) because of how dark it was. I don't know what they're doing to the episodes but they're adjusting something and it looks horrible. Otherwise they're fine.
  8. Ack, sorry. I didn't mean to do that.
  9. Until I see the words "Protodevlin" "spiritia" or anything else related to Mac 7 or Mac Zero, I'm not going to relate Mac F to those shows. This is a series in itself with fan-wank references. Once I see these words and ideas in the show, then I'll believe them.
  10. I'm just an optimistic person by nature so I tend to see the good in things more than the bad. If a show excites me, I stick with it. I don't find the bad points and spew them out in a thread for pages on end. There's no point. People saying this art is bad or it looks terrible isn't going to change anything in the show. They've already decided how they're going to do it so complaining does absolutely no good and only makes some of the others of us a bit irate.
  11. I didn't say anything about not being interested, I just wondered why you were doing it. Makes sense now. Keep it up.
  12. Just out of curiosity, are you obligated to make a long, drawn-out summary of every episode or are you just having fun?
  13. You're crazy. Oh, and it's ShinSEN not ShinSEI
  14. I can agree that because of how much Macross is revelled, it tends to be scrutinized more but still.... it's perfect in so many ways, to see people who call themselves "fans" raking it over the coals as you say is simply uncalled for.
  15. You know, while I love looking at Klan Klan, I can't help but try to avoid this thread now since it seems half of you are doing nothing but complaining about the animation. Can we talk about aspects of the story? Characters? Plot? Anything except the quality of the animation? They're doing US a favor in making this show, can we stop crapping all over them?
  16. I'm going to stick with Shinsen. While the others have their good points, Shinsen seems to be the best overall.
  17. Bah, who watches Macross Zero. Honestly I don't remember it well enough to remember that.
  18. I'm assuming now that the transformed ship in the opening is the Macross Quarter? It sure looks like it but there was no way of knowing until we saw the ship. And don't say "OMG you didn't know that???!!" because there's no way anyone could have known until Episode 6!
  19. Nah, I'm pretty sure Mikhail is Klan Klan's pet.
  20. Chocolate. The brown on the end gives it away.
  21. Very nice subbed version by Gattai. Again, the series just gets better and better!
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