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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Yea it stinks.... every time I click on the torrent link, it says it can't find the address no matter which site I try to get it from.
  2. Yes, we know about that one but it's not working and that's from Shinsen themselves, not Zero.
  3. Yea, Zero has no Macross episodes from today or yesterday on there. And the Shinsen/AniRena link still isn't working! ARGH!
  4. Where are you seeing the Zero-RAWS link? On Nyaa?
  5. Hmmm it might be the same file, just in Japanese characters. It's the same file size.
  6. Holy crap, a Shinsen RAW???!!! Nope, it's not working. Says it doesn't exist.
  7. I'm curious as to why you all prefer the VF-171 over the VF-25??? I like the 25 better personally
  8. And it doesn't matter.
  9. AWESOME EPISODE!!!!!!! Even though this RAW is obviously not recording at the usual quality it was still cool! Can't wait to see a sub.
  10. I don't understand why you all call the M25 "SMALL". It's got two freakin' aircraft carriers on it!!!!!
  11. So is there anything else wrong with this current RAW other than it being washed out? I'm wondering if I should watch it or not.
  12. Dude, I'll disagree with you if I think you're wrong.
  13. I sure hope Kresphy is ok. He's our LIFE LINE!!!!!
  14. Thank God or I'd have to hurt someone.
  15. If Ranka is Sheryl's mother then Luca is Klan's father
  16. I see. Interesting. At least they're devoted
  17. You guys expect someone to release a RAW at the exact same time each week? Does the person recording it work like clockwork or something?
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