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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Maybe they noticed that no one else has released one yet COME ON GUYS!!!!!!!!!!
  2. You know, Nanase would NEVER date someone who spells like you do. (see above)
  3. I need an angry picture of Klan to post for posters like him.
  4. Thanks for these Renato! However, you do realize you're scanning some of these upside down right?
  5. Yes, however Shinsen HAS a RAW themselves so no need to be behind
  6. Yes, they are based on post count. I noticed mine changing every so often.
  7. Yes, I too am anxiously awaiting Shinsen subs of 6 and 7 but I'll take gattai if they come out first just to show my friends.
  8. HOLY CARP! (yes I said CARP) Those are awesome!!!
  9. I'm going to start calling you Gubaka
  10. Well, I can see why people like Sheryl. I mean she is quite hot and obviously some people think she can be even hotter.
  11. Figures. Fanboys who only THINK they're fanboys. When will people stop pretending that they know everything? It's like everyone these days wants to be THE BEST and prove that they are SO AWESOME. Sorry, it just bothers me.
  12. Well me too seeing as how I haven't heard anything in this show regarding Spiritia
  13. Actually we don't know, do you have proof of this "oh I know everything"?
  14. You people and your Geass
  15. I'm wondering if that guys at IGN have actually WATCHED all of it subbed so far.
  16. My God, you could cut the speculation/assumptions in here with a plastic knife Can't we just take what we know so far and go with that until we learn more?
  17. FINALLY!!!! I see it now. Nice shot.
  18. Well, maybe she's not interested in getting it on with someone. When she's not cute, she's sexy. When she's not sexy, she's cute! You can't lose!!!!
  19. Ok... 1) I've never seen that image photoshopped (I saw the ORIGINAL before the Macross box set came out because I PRE-ORDERED it) 2) There's nothing HORY about it 3) It's not really funny. Ok, I get it. Thank you
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