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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Ok, after finally catching up I see some interesting things in this episode. I did a double take on the injured person in the UN Spacy uniform. It actually looked more like Misa's uniform in SDF:M but who knows, it may just be standard. And yea, wolfx and the like, I'M WATCHING YOU!!!! *poke poke...... poke*
  2. WOW!!! Great episode, I LOVE IT!!!!!
  3. Mr. x-sama, I have not SEEN the episode yet. I was merely talking about the series as a whole.
  4. Well, I say again. Every TV show that's ever made is about content and story, not how pretty it looks. That's more important to me than how well something is animated. But enough of that.
  5. Great, I can just imagine the nitpickers talking about nothing but the animation quality this week. *sigh* YAY!!! Chibi-Klan looks good in the next episode!!
  6. Oh crap, I just realized. It comes on at 10:00AM my time, not PM. EEP! Ok, well that's fine.
  7. Yea, reminds me of your expression each time someone does something stupid around here.
  8. Yea, I'd heard of her but never watched that show.
  9. Hey! Thanks for that, it's really cool. I signed up.
  10. Is there a link somewhere for *ALL* of these songs? I like them all!!
  11. I noticed Shinsen has released more RAWS of stuff and some subs but no Macross PRIORITIES SHINSEN!!!!
  12. Sooo... you don't like anime and you're on this board. Hmmm....
  13. I have a T-Mobile Nokia 6133. Anyone know if they'll work with it?
  14. There... hasn't been any loli stuff in this thread what-so-ever. And again, as I said, this isn't a sex thread. There will be no pics of nudity or sex of any kind. I'm not sure where you're coming from.
  15. Wow, this fan art gets better and better!
  16. Bah, SDF all the way. It's actually funny because the abbreviation for the Louisville airport (I live in Lexington, KY.) is SDF
  17. crash of the ASS-1?
  18. Who said that? Not I!! I call her Chibi because it's easier than micronized Klan
  19. Funny. Why is it that I picture Chibi-Klan saying "BOMBAAA!!"
  20. OMG those polls cannot be even close to accurate. Fullmetal Alchemist as #1? Ummm... no. I have my own list of favorites that aren't even in the top 20 and they SHOULD be. *sigh* Teens and tweens are ruining the anime scene.
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