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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. It stinks that the only Macross convention in the US is on the complete opposite side of the country from me. Oh well. You guys have fun.
  2. Watch your tongue! Mirage was a secondary character at worst.
  3. I guess I'm in the minority then as I'd love a follow-up on the Megaroad story. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ah well. I can dream of how awesome it COULD be but will probably NEVER be.
  4. If you were female, I'd love you for this post. LOL <3 You're right on everything. I REFUSE to allow them to take the Megaroad-01 arc and butcher it like they have Delta. I REFUSE!!!!!!
  5. So now that the (ugh) worst is over, I'm curious to see how the Megaroad comes in to play. We know for a fact that Lady M was/is aboard the Megaroad-1 and is most likely Minmay, however what she's been doing and where the Megaroad actually is are mysteries. What are your thoughts and theories on this??
  6. KLANG KLANG FREAKIN' KLANG Klang = a sound, NOT A PIXIE. Sorry, rant over.
  7. I have a feeling that one of two things happened to cause the series' failure: 1) Kawamori's hands were tied by the Big West execs and had no room to come up with something decent. 2) He's gotten old and senile
  8. So many great characters that never amounted to anything. So sad. They better show up in something else, preferably a movie. Kanji: 失望 Now get those photoshop skills working!!
  9. Best part of the whole episode!! Well okay, the battles and CG animation was finally on par with a Frontier episode but there wasn't much else. NO LADY M IS FAIL KAWAMORI!!! She better be in a movie.
  10. I don't quite understand why people believe those on the Megaroad 01 to be dead. They would be in their 60's or 70's, sure, but there has never been any official word that they were deceased. Only that Kawamori "DIDN'T WANT TO GO THERE" for some silly reason. It's Minmay folks. I don't see any other possibility.
  12. Okay, so. Here is what I WANT to happen but will probably not happen, though one can hope. - Lady M shows up FINALLY - AT LEAST Bogue is killed and hopefully Roid if not most of those brats. - Hayate and Mirage get together. IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN AT SOME POINT. - Freyja sings and saves everyone. - LOTS OF MECHA ACTION. - The green-haired pilot chick shows up again. WTF happened to her??? - Walkure sings DYRL. Just some ideas. Let me know what your hopes are.
  13. Yes yes, I wanted to see. Thank you!
  14. Wow. The Delta Depression seems to have simply killed the Character Art thread sadly.
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