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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. They've been that way. I've mentioned it before and unfortunately it hasn't changed.
  2. Too thin? Nah it's just the angle.
  3. I think he means that Leon's informant was hinting at the Hydra during their discussion.
  4. SMS Song with lyrics!!!
  5. Ermm... she wasn't the spitting image of Mao What crack are you smokin'?
  6. *won't comment about Beta fighters*
  7. Well seeing as how Nene is like a Belldandy clone and the other (can't remember name) is sorta cute (dunno why) and you know my stance on Klan, I CAN'T HELP IT!!!!! I tried to change my name but Az was like "not unless there's a problem" BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDAH!
  8. 3 Zentran babes at once... mmmmmm....
  9. COOL!!!! I will buy a CD DARNIT!!!
  10. *curses the American dollar*
  11. Well I want the CD but.... I just don't have that much money at the moment to spend on it.
  12. I'm guessing if I wanted to print the booklet to the soundtrack, I should do it secretly and not at a Kinko's? hrm..... I don't have a color printer.
  13. It's not Protoculture, it's ROBOTECHNOLOGY!!!!!
  14. Hush you heathen! Ms. Inoue is the bestest of the best!!!
  15. Not every episode can have Mecha pr0n
  16. All this speculation is making me dizzy
  17. Yes, because we all know cartoons are real DAGNABIT.
  18. Ummm your point? I don't know Japanese, is that a problem?
  19. Ummmm when in DYRL does Misa command Hikaru to kiss anyone? She doesn't
  20. Ok, I'll figure it out. Thanks
  21. I thought Ranka was going to play Mao. I don't know Japanese so I have no idea
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