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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Wow.... no offense, Mr. March but I rank it much higher than that. I think it is as good as, if not better than her Cowboy Bebop soundtracks. JMO of course.
  2. No, cause I'm not a pedo I only like nothing more.
  3. Yes, this series is a MIXTURE of things. Space Opera/Mecha/Love/School Drama/Music Idol... just like the original Macross. It's not JUST MECHA. And I must say, this episode was awesome.
  4. Well...... ok What is this piiiiiiiiiiiieeeee anyways?
  5. Yes, let's bash the people who decide to wait until something is explained in the show. Anyways, looks good. Hopefully a decent RAW will be out when I get home.
  6. CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME WANT!
  7. Ummm, it couldn't BE like the Transformers TV show, if that's what you were expecting becuase that would have been stupid. If you want a cartoony movie with a gun that transforms into a GIANT ROBOT, then watch the Transformers animated movie.
  8. Well, it's ok. I forgive you since you're incorrect but don't know any better.
  9. Aho! No, being against Transformers does.
  10. *pushes up the ceiling that is lowering, thanks to Gubaba's pessimism* You really love the dark side, don't you?
  11. I'm just trying to keep control of these threads as they seem to derail easily. I know it's not my job but someone has to do it before things get nasty (looks like they already did.)
  13. Should I want to meet this big Jaffa friend?
  14. Wow, such negativity spewing forth. I must be the last, best hope for mankind with the sheer amount of positive energy that I carry.
  15. Who's not calm? I simply stated the obvious as something I've noticed for quite awhile now. Mecha =/= everything in Macross
  16. What the heck is wrong with you people? You thought Transformers sucked? What were you expecting? Geez, you people are hard to please (epsecially you, Gubaba). You guys don't know a good movie when you see it. And for the time, Robot Jox was the SHITE!!
  17. Yes, I've noticed each episode thread spiral into mecha talk. WE HAVE A THREAD FOR THAT
  18. Yes, hence the "Transformers" analogy I used above.
  19. Yea I hear you. I hold out hope too like I did for TF and it was worth it. I just hope this is as well, PROTOCULTURE MUST SUCCEED!!!!! (Just please no Zor or Flower of Life)
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