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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. WTF is KISSDUM and why do I care?
  2. *sigh* Give it time folks, you're whining already.
  3. *has flashback to Temple of Doom* KALIMAAAAA!!!!
  4. You know I'm just messin' with you, right? We can agree to disagree.
  5. Ok, that's cute now that I can see it ^^
  6. Yea, those Ranka carrot pics aren't moving, guys. You might want to fix them
  7. It's ok, there's no pleasing some people. I could make a film about MacrossWorld and he'd hate it.
  8. Crap to one is another man's enjoyment YOUR CRAP IS NOT MY CRAP.
  9. So you didn't like Speed Racer either. Man, do you enjoy anything in life? Movies are meant to be enjoyable, not to be scientifically dissected and SERIOUS.
  10. Yea, but that was 12 years ago, a lot of things can change. HAVE HOPE MAN
  11. Wow, IE at works stinks. That animated Ranka gif isn't moving at all, it's just a pic
  12. LOOK AT ALL THE MECHAHEADS *looks at Ranka album art more*
  14. Does anyone have or know where I can find a dancing carrot Ranka gif? ^^
  15. As far as I'm concerned, any 'chan' is bad for your health. Well, except Ranka-chan.
  16. I have to say the preview for the series finale looks AWESOME. I never watched any of the old Doctor Who but have watched all of the new stuff since 2004 so I don't get all of the references and old stuff but it's still enjoyable.
  17. You act like people can't change their minds, DUKEY. It's happened before so be warned.
  18. Yes, they can if they really want to.
  19. You guys seem to think stuff CAN'T BE DONE. You DON'T KNOW AS YOU AREN'T MAKING THE MOVIE. They could be talking WITH the companies to get rights, YOU JUST DON'T KNOW SO STFU UNTIL WE KNOW SOMETHING.
  20. Let's not forget the time line now. How much older would Kamjin and Breetai (I know, those aren't the right names ) be at this point? How do Zentrans age compared to humans? Wouldn't they look older since it's much further into the future now?
  21. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... I've heard that before.
  22. Still, we can have a thread on it. You ruin everything
  23. Well true, I definitely agree. I'm more of a listener than a reader myself and tend to be more interested in the sound of music rather than lyrics, etc. so anime soundtracks work (especially since I can't understand the lyrics anyways) But no, that's fine. To each their own.
  24. I'm confused. I thought at the end of this episode, Sheryl and Alto WERE going to Gallia 4.
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