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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Yea, I heard that but I've searched for them and this single and all I find is the MP3 version.
  2. Ok, I'm having a hell of a time finding a FLAC version of the single. I know, I would buy it if I could, but is there a FLAC version?
  3. YES!!!!!!! That's right, bow down to the bitchslapper. (thanks Gubaba) Ok, back to the thread. AWESOME EPISODE!!! No Klan but still cool. One of the best episodes thus far.
  4. LOL THANKS UN!!!!!!! I love it I just wish it were small enough to make into an avatar
  5. Can someone get me an animated gif of Misa slapping Hikaru from DYRL? PLEEEASE!!!!!
  6. I agree. I think it was brought to this planet for some reason, either in war or for something else. We shall see. ZOMG!!!!! Look, I'm agreeing and speculating with/like Duke!!!
  7. If you guys refer to it as ASS one more time, I'm gonna blow up the board. It's an SDF
  8. Well we got carrot dance.... well not really dancing but I want one.
  9. Yes, I understand but it seems some people seem to think that there's sound MAGIC in Macross and there isn't. It's just an affect on a species that hasn't heard music before.
  10. Well, from personal experience, older systems have a hell of a time playing MKV files. I don't prefer them myself, standard AVI or MP4 for me
  11. Gah, can we stop with the "sound energy" stuff? There's no such thing, it's just music and sound that adversely affects aliens.
  12. That.... really doesn't make any sense. But oh well.
  13. Any references back to SDF:M are awesome. Can't wait to get home and watch.
  14. I tend to stick with the classics for the most part. I got into anime in the late 80's, early 90's when I was a pre-teen and have loved it ever since. However, anime in the last decade and a half seems to have gone downhill IMO. There just aren't anymore classics and you don't see things like this stuff anymore... Record of Lodoss War Project A-ko Bubblegum Crisis The Original Macross Dominion Tank Police Vampire Hunter D Ah! My Goddess Ranma 1/2 Urusei Yatsura You just don't see great titles like these anymore and it's sad. Anime has been spun into a teenager's emo dream, at least for the most part. If it's not dark and depressing and violent, it's not popular. Granted there are exceptions but for the most part this is true. Oh well, at least there are still SOME good shows still out there.
  15. Oi, who you callin' "forgotten"? I'd kick your arse but I agree with you agreeing with me.
  16. You're mentally dificient?? THAT EXPLAINS A LOT!!! J/K
  17. You're all nuts, you know that? There is no song energy, it's simply something that alien lifeforms aren't accustomed to so it affects them strangely.
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