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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Hmm.. but the Grace we saw at the end of the episode wasn't the same Grace that was on Gallia 4. DUH! At least those are my thoughts.
  2. I'm going to SPECULATE and say that Grace is on Galaxy. Don't you remember Sheryl talking about how people from Galaxy have implants and all that and showed a picture of a woman on a table just like Grace was? Yes, I'M SPECULATING!!!
  3. Wow, I need to stop reading these episode threads. They're all so full of speculation and skepticism.
  5. Are you serious???? They're both hot!!!! ALL THREE!!!!!
  6. What exactly are we voting for here? Who ends up with Alto or who is are favorite fem? I'm confused.
  7. Nicely done!!! Hatsune Miku does Interstellar Flight http://youtube.com/watch?v=_BZf2EzL4AU
  8. SANK YOU!!!!!!! I SANK YOU
  9. Umm... IT'S NOT AN ARROW. Anyways, even my mind isn't that bad. It's far from an arrow. I can see why you think that though.
  10. Ah, there he is. You have to actually LOOK for him to see him.
  11. WOW NICE!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!
  12. Wow, you love her for all the wrong reasons
  13. It's not really an arrow, just looks like it in that pic.
  14. You do understand that for those of us who don't watch BSG or care about it, this makes no sense.
  15. If that's the only thing you noticed interesting in this episode, we're all screwed.
  16. It's actually supposed to be a similarity to Hatsune Miku who has long hair like that.
  17. Bah, she's cute to cuddle with in chibi form but I'd prefer her macronized.
  18. *waves arms frantically up and down* BUT I CAN'T EVEN TOUCH MY CHICK CAUSE SHE'S A LOLI!!!! ;_;
  19. *has ecchi thoughts about Nanase's pillows but doesn't elaborate for fear of banning *
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