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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Thank you!!! I feel loved again
  2. *asks question again as Klan get ignored.*
  3. LOL Nice pics. MORE KLAN IS GOOD!!!!!
  4. YOU ARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD! J/K but it would be a cool idea
  5. Gee, I can't seem to ever make you laugh out loud. *runs away crying*
  6. I must have missed something in a previous thread. How is Ranka a fast pack again?
  7. I do not appreciate Loli-doujin, especially of Klan. You filthy, filthy people. Klan is an art form in herself. I appreciate her for her beauty....... especially when macronized >.>
  8. *throws chairs and stomps around the bridge* NO! She will NOT BE A LESBIAN ON THE BRIDGE!!!!! Anyways, here are some other awesome pics. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! More Kawaii! BEST SMS PIC EVAH!!!!! ZOMG TOO CUTE, HEAD ASPLODE!!!!!!!!! X_X
  9. To all of my friends here on MW, I need to extend my apologies for being such an A$$hat. I know I seem to be very picky and anal about certain things and I've come to realize recently that it's not on here that I'm like that. I've left another board simply because people were getting on my nerves and I believe it has to do with my sensitivity. I am a man, I promise but I do seem to be overly sensitive. So as long as I know that none of you actually have hard feelings for me (and if you do, too bad) then I'm ok. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm really not an anal retentive bastard. to you all.
  10. Wow, that's really cool!!!
  11. I figure there's going to be some epic climactic battle where the Battle 25 will be like the UBER-MECHA who destroys everything.
  12. LOL Ok, well your rolleyes icon made me think you weren't joking so I wasn't sure. Sorry about that. But yes, let's go back to the thread.
  13. So, because I find animated characters cute, like most guys on this board, I'm a pedophile? WTF
  14. But I'm not a lolicon! I just find them cute. Can't I do that without being marked as a child molester?
  15. NYAHAHAHA That's cool And Mina = pure kawaii
  16. Carry on then, we'll have 20 more pages about the Dimension Eater in the EPISODE DISCUSSION THREAD that is supposed to be about all aspects of the episodes, not just one thing that happened in the last episode. All I'm saying is that if we're going to spend 20 pages in each episode thread (which has been done many times) on one specific topic, then create your own thread about it so those people who are interested can discuss. Is that such a bad thing?
  17. Hatsune Miku dancing to Interstellar Flight
  18. Ok, this ends this conversation. Have you personally ever watched a Dimension Eater detonate? No? Then you have NO IDEA what it would do to a planet. EOS
  19. By the way, it's no doubt that the reaction missles are ZOMG powerful, but what makes you think they are nukes??? They don't mention anything about them being "nuclear".
  20. Crap, I must have missed it... WF-25 Messiah = Kei??? If so, GREAT JOB!!! Just a few misspellings but nothing big
  21. No, the techno-type music was not on the soundtrack. I have a good ear for things like that
  22. EXTREEEEEEME KAWAII!!!!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=YVqtKT0jj3o
  23. Ok, I'm gonna vote for Klan because.......................... Well, do I really need to explain? Since no one answered my question, I'm assuming we're voting for our favorite character so.... Klan Ranka comes in second though.
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