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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. No. No, we definitely don't NEED anymore Duke Togo. You're quite enough.
  2. Wow... English is the most spoken language in the world and Nico doesn't offer it?? WTF!!!!!
  3. You know, I was a bit mad at Nanase for how she treated Luca. I mean, she's a complete airhead!! She has absolutely NO idea that he's interested in her even though it's been obvious for some time. Yet she consistently seems to have no clue.
  4. mike_s_6, you're avatar makes me giggle each time I see it. ^^ KAWAII SHERYL!!!!
  5. Yes, thank you. Let's remember, folks, we don't all know Japanese and have access to nico.
  6. Wow, I'm gone two days and this is only as far as this thread has gotten? I'M SHOCKED. I still voted positive. Even though it was mostly a clip show, the new information was cool and the whole Sheryl/Ranka dance tease was AWESOME!!!! I can't wait for more.
  7. You're a kid if you're under 25, at least to me. GROW UP!
  8. No I don't, please repeat. Yay! I'll have a sub to watch tonight!
  9. Those are some great scans and interviews but it's too bad for those who only speak and read in English. We have no idea what is said and will never get to see the magazines. Why don't American anime magazines have this stuff?
  10. Ah, thank you sir. Since I haven't seen it yet I was curious but that does make sense.
  11. Well gee, we're all not as special as you and are obssessed with hoary froating head and Yokko Kano. Although we like them and appreciate them. I know you look at pictures of them every night.
  12. Can someone explain why you're calling this a "clips" episode? Does that mean it's slow?
  13. Wow, we see how dedicated you guys are to the board.
  14. *Klanpokes you for not using spoiler tags* YOU DON'T WANT TO FEEL THE WRATH OF AZRAEL DO YOU??????
  15. Itching to see episode if you can't tell.
  16. Yea.... I don't get it either.... I'm sure there's some top secret strategy to it though.
  17. Ok thanks. Unfortunate but oh well. SOMEDAY!
  18. I don't see that, everything seems fine on my end.
  19. So, who would you see yourself being in Macross Frontier of the characters already there? I guess another way of asking this is who would you prefer to be if you had a choice of playing a role in this series? I for one would prefer to be Michel/Mikael as he seems to be a lot like me (not to mention he and Klan have a *thing*) Also, he's committed to his position, is more of a sharp-shooter compared to a hack-and-slash fighter (which I prefer), and he seems to have a great personality all-around. I'm not going to put a poll up for this but I'm curious to see who everyone could see themselves as.
  20. NO U!!!!!!!!! J/K, thanks.
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