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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. I'm not a TRUE FAN of anything, I just have my hobbies and interests. I try not to obsess in things. So what the heck are they?
  2. Am I supposed to know what Yack and 1.22G mean?
  3. Here's my order of preference in regards to personality/looks/attitude: - Klan - Cathy - Sheryl - Grace Others are cute and such but these are the top 4. MY HAREM!!!!
  4. Hey, I can't help it. There are too many anime girls out there to have just one. Yes, I'm terrible
  5. I have finally accepted Sheryl as a very cute, sexy, and sweet character who has drastically changed from her stuck-up persona at the beginning of the series. I've added her to the Harem.
  6. ZOMG That's quite a difference.
  7. You guys are silly. That third pic is pure Macro-Klan in a school outfit = PURE WIN!!
  8. I'm not sure why you all say this is a "weak episode" Some of you seem to think that if there isn't mecha "pr0n" then it's weak. Understand that this is a drama series like the original. It's not all mecha or love story, it's both. You have to have balance. (I've said this how many times now?) *looks at Azrael*
  9. That Klan pic would be my new avatar if the text wasn't covering it.
  10. Well aren't you just the shiznat Meanwhile, I'll watch Macross F on my nice 19" CRT thank you.
  11. *sics Klan on you* YOU WERE COMPLAINING!!!
  12. Not all of us are complaining. And the art looks good too!
  13. These ratings still make no sense to me. I mean, shows that come on in the early morning can't possibly be compared to shows in the afternoon or evening. Of course they are going to be lower. If I'm missing something, please let me know.
  14. Wow. It's amazing how someone can misspell Ranka's name even when it's SIGNED by her. I don't understand some people. It is cute though.
  15. I just finished reading The Watchmen for the first time. IT'S FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!!!! The movie looks perfect, I hope it will be popular.
  16. Well, they are all about the same age remember, at least for the most part.
  17. *FLAILS ARMS* OMG!!! Sheryl in School Uniform = Instant SECHSIE!!!!!!
  18. GYAH!! I've been founded out!!
  19. Ranka cannot be a cat-girl and dog-girl at the same time.
  20. YOU TERRIBLE MAN, FORCING YOUR KIDS TO HAVE THOSE NAMES AND TO DRESS UP LIKE THAT!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! :lol Just kidding. As long as they had fun, that's what matters. Very cute and awesome idea!!!
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