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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Hmmm... Raramia wasn't in the opening but neither was Nene. Not sure if that will work.
  2. ZOMG MOD-PWNED Oh well, it's what I get for not looking. Anyways, KLAN WILL NOT DIE.
  4. Ok, granted Raramia was the first to buy it, , which of the major cast do you think will eat the salad first? I honestly hope none of them do but it's likely at least one will at some point. I'm going to say Brera myself as I think the next episode is talking about him, but I don't know for certain.
  5. She's not chunky, she's got Nanase syndrome. Incidentally, I'd like to find that doujin.
  6. You guys care more about the bonuses than what you're paying for?
  7. There's hardly any out there! I've looked!!!!
  8. Nah, unfortunately, Lina has a bigger chest than Ranka. But Ranka is cuter.
  9. ZOMG!!! Watch out for that main cannon!!! (or cannons)
  10. I have not heard from any OFFICIAL source how long it will be. Some people have said 26, others maybe more. I think it's all speculation at this time.
  11. Wow!!! Those are good!!!!! Mylene just needs a Gubaba and she'd be perfect!
  12. Klan eats Nanase for Breakfast.
  13. WOW!!!!! I can only hope to find a woman that sweet and cool!!! Congrats!
  14. I do!! I mean it was an awesome storyline and the movie looks perfect. I doubt you'll need to know the game to appreciate the movie but it does help.
  15. Yea, well I did ask awhile back to see if I could change my name. Maybe this is a way of showing that they do their best.
  16. They better be hallucinations. There's nothing regarding them in either game.
  17. Robot Jox must be remade in CGI. THIS I COMMAND!!!
  18. WTF!!!!!!! I didn't even notice that until now. Hmmm... me thinks there's a mod at work here....
  19. Well, I have one of her in the Q-Rau but she's in a bikini and I'm not sure it would be considered "safe" here.
  20. And you call yourself a Klan Klan member
  21. Hehe... you know I'm joking. I'd actually get Klan to beat you up.
  22. Remind me to beat you up if we meet IRL
  23. Ok, you guys are terrible. Yack is not how it's been spelled before so now that I know what you're talking about, it's all good. Also, it wasn't called the Yack Deculture edition, it was called the Deculture edition. And no, 1.22G does not mean Gigabytes, that's GB. I do know about computers. You guys really are obssessed.
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