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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. Yes, Grace might use those bazongas to her advantage!
  2. Thank you. I mean seriously guys, stop zooming in and looking for flaws. If you have a big screen TV then you're going to notice stuff. Just enjoy and deal (105th time I've said this.)
  3. Hehe, no no it's out in Japan right now. Great Guardians is up through episode 7. I'm torrenting it.
  4. Whoever voted negative on this episode obviously has no idea what Macross is about.
  5. I THOUGHT YOU GUYS SAID THERE WAS A CATHY SHOWER SCENE!!!!!! Oh well, she was so cute!!!!! So much like Misa in this episode.
  6. Oh, ok. Well in uTorrent, it shows the little flags and most of the Japanese ones say BitComet
  7. Looks like most people in Japan use BitComet
  8. Yea, that seems to be the case. It's ok, it's moving.
  9. I jumped the gun.... >.>; I'm downloading the Zero-Raws REAL release. 402MB
  10. Right, 3 series. The original, Dragon Destiny, and the current one, Great Guardians.
  11. Ummm, only one episode was a clip show. geez. Can we complain more?
  12. So is anyone else watching Great Guardians??? I LOVE IT!!! I've watched the other two series and just love the characters and the stories (yes, there are stories if you look past the panties and boobs). Just wondered.
  13. Apparently Shinsen thinks there are better series out there than Macross F Yea, sure Shinsen. They just need to get their priorities straight.
  14. I meant that... erm nevermind, it's not worth it.
  15. Umm... I don't think most people noticed what you did and if so, it wasn't that big a deal. The story is progressing fine and is still awesome. Just go with it.
  16. Oh!! Ok, I got confused. I thought we had someone who WORKED on Frontier on the board! Still that's cool.
  17. Erm, what exactly do you mean by this? Is he an animator for Frontier or something?
  18. Wouldn't kids in Japan know about that before we would?
  19. Wow, that's awesome!! Isn't this a copyrighted pic though?
  20. Hey, I was trying to keep this PG-13 rated!!!!
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