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Everything posted by MisaForever

  1. WOOO!!!! Is very good!!!!
  2. I just don't understand how people can misspell it like that. There are a ton of pics I'd like to have but they have her name spelled wrong on them in BIG LETTERS so it's like *shakes angry fist* And yes, this does require a thread of it's own because it's KLAN and she is IMPORTANT.
  3. *will not watch the new BSG as he hears it's full of depressing drama with cylons who look human* They should look like the old show.
  4. Ok, let's settle this once and for all. I have been around the net looking at Klan fan art and EVERY SINGLE PIC of her that has her name on it is spelled WRONG. Some say "Klan Klein", others say "Klein Klan", now I see one that says "Klan Klang"!!!!! WTF!!!!!!! I thought it was settled that in Japanese, her name was spelled Klan Klan. Are we CERTAIN that that is correct? Japanese-speaking-reading people, I need your help here!!!!
  5. WTF Klan KLANG??!!!! SOMEONE FIX THIS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
  6. Wow, that's hot.
  7. Hmm.... Sheryl - Diamond Crevace, Minmay - DYRL
  8. You're messed up. I'd say Sheryl or Minmay.
  9. Wow, I could cut the tension in here with a knife. This is a fan board right?
  10. Wow nice!! Is it as clear as the pic was?
  11. Hmm... well some of those pics are reaching big time but some are curious.
  12. Of course, Sheryl grabbing her chest in the opening was pretty hot, not that I saw it until someone posted it.
  13. Are you sure it wasn't the pool scene? *pokes* ~_~
  14. I saw that but was like............ nooo... that just isn't right.
  15. Anything Macro-Klan (as said above) And Sheryl in some of her..... attire.
  16. Nyahahahaha those are cute, saw them
  17. GG, you do a great job but PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSEEEEE release an AVI with your MKV. We can't all play MKV's.
  18. Gah, still no AVI or MP4 version subbed. C'mon guys!!!!
  19. THANK YOUUUUUU!!!!! Very nice, I like.
  20. Eh, whatever floats your boat. I was bored and made it up one day.
  21. The AMERICAN singing by LYNN MINMEI in ROBOTECH was absolutely atrocious. I can't see how anyone would think she could sing. I mean c'mon! Just listen!! She's out of tune on EVERY SONG and can't hit cetain notes. Now instrumental-wise, I like both, but they are VERY different.
  22. Well, watching a missle bounce off of a Vajra was pretty funny. Oh, and most of Clash of the Bionoids.
  23. WOW!!! That is REALLY GOOD!!!! Very nice job!
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